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Other Languages..?


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Naturally, I speak Danish fluently, and I'd say I'm very fluent in English as well. Embarrasingly enough, though Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are a lot alike, I sometimes have trouble understanding the other Scandinavian languages. :p


I'm currently doing Latin and Ancient Greek at gymnasium A-level and plan to study those subjects at university level when I'm done here.


I'm also doing German at B-level, and though it doesn't interest me that much, I've been told it will be good to have as there are many works on Latin and Ancient Greek written in German.

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^ Your English, from what I've seen in flawless.




Only took French up to GCSE, so I know a bit. Bear in mind I got a C, after a fair amount of revision, so yeah. I can translate/I know words, and can get the gist of sentences, but I don't know things like tenses anymore. (Really)

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I know Dutch (mother language) and I think I'm pretty fluent at English (at least in typing it =P ).

I had French for yearssssss in school, but after about 5 years of not using it, my knowledge of the language isn't as good as it used to be. I can still understand most of it if it's written, but I can't speak it (unless I were to practice again) or understand it when it's spoken (unless it's really basic). So yeah, I should brush up on that.


Also learned Latin for 6 years, which I really enjoyed. I still know some of the basic things I think, but I forgot most of the more complicated grammar stuff.

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