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I hope there is something explaining the story so far because I'm a KillZone noob.


same here....


I've been wondering with its release in a relatively quiet patch could this tempt people into buying a PS3, is it that good?

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The first one wasn't very good, the controls were shocking, and the level I played seemed repetitive and boring. However the guns were still pretty cool.


That gif looks awesome! How can I use that in a post?


I disagree. The controls were fine for the first game but you are right about the weapons. They were awesome, if a little run of the mill and lacking in numbers. The scopes on them were awesome though, especially the helghast ones. The only thing that really annoyed me really was the fact that towards the later parts of the game, the enemies became bullet sponges. But I actually really loved the game, as back then, I was tired of shooting aliens. I wanted clever human opponents set in a futuristic setting, not boring WWII.


Yeah I was going to say, the last few missions are ridiculous with the enemies that welcome lead to the face.


I wonder what the ranking pace is like, it won't be the same for the beta I don't think. In Resistance I've been playing for quite an age in competitive ranked, I've won lots of straight deathmatches and loads of team/skirmishes yet i'm only at level 19, when there are 50 ranks, and it takes more XP to level up each time. It's crazy the amount of time some people have already put in to get to the top rank.


This game looks so amazing that you just know it's going to be crap. There'll be something about it that ruins it completely. For example, perhaps the levels being repetitive or something.

This game looks so amazing that you just know it's going to be crap. There'll be something about it that ruins it completely. For example, perhaps the levels being repetitive or something.


Wow. Ye of little faith? I for one will be optimistic this time and believe in the hype.


But it looks TOO good. I watched an IGN video earlier today and I just can't believe a game could actually be so insanely awesome. It looks like COD times ten!

But it looks TOO good. I watched an IGN video earlier today and I just can't believe a game could actually be so insanely awesome. It looks like COD times ten!


Kaioken? Kaio-Ken.GIF


I'm afraid I don't watch Dragon Ball... I bet that is funny though.


What can I reference in relation to my statement... urm... Oh! It looks double plus good :D

I'm afraid I don't watch Dragon Ball... I bet that is funny though.


What can I reference in relation to my statement... urm... Oh! It looks double plus good :D


Wow...you killed my joke stone dead. Ahem. Anyways, one of the reasons i chose PS3 over the 360 was cos of this game so I have a lot riding on it. I don't think I will be disappointed. TBH, the thought of disappointment never ocurred to me...till now. Happy thoughts! Must think Happy Thoughts!

Even if the single player falls flat (unlikely from what i played, it was fun and immersive). The multiplayer will be the best fps of this gen.


That is what i like to be hearing :)


URg I'm gonna be suckered into buying this cause of the hype and graphix.


Actually, I'm at uni, so hopefully by the time I think about parting with my cash I'll know if it's worth it.


I really can't wait.


I love how the particles effects actually have a physical presence and that the wind affects them.


I think the game will be cooler and more rewarding than resistance 2, but it's going to have to go some distance to better the fun factor of it. I've really got stuck into the competitive mode and it is so good.

The weapons are well balanced and very enjoyable to use and change around.


It's the little things in it as well. I was just in a team deathmatch and there were loads of campers on this balcony, well I whipped out the LAARK and launched a megaton rocket at them, It spirals wickedly in the air for a few seconds and then blows the whole area out. 5 kills. WIN!


I know it's not Resistance that's why I say it'll probably not quite reach the levels of fun. It'll be better for different reasons.


In the end I still couldn't avoid getting the floating gun feel from Resistance 2. I hear KZ2 has a lot of weight to it which I love.

Timesplitters was awesome yet that was the floatiest an FPS could get. This is trying to be slightly more realistic though.


lol, and that's why I wasn't that big a fan of Timeplitters. :smile:


I'm not saying one way is better, I just prefer the weight. Part of the reason I like Assassin's Creed so much was because Altair had a weight to him. I like feeling grounded in a game.

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