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Help me find a Graphics card.


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Pretty much what the title says. I want to play Dawn of War it's running like a bitch and wont get past the first 5 seconds without freezing up completely. It's also artifacting like crazy which is why I assume its my graphics card crapping out.


Although it used to be able to handle DOW last time I played it a couple of years ago :wtf: pretty sure my PC has not changed at all, other than running newer Nvidia drivers.


Basically I want a new graphics card that will run DOW sexily, it needs to be AGP and better than my current old school GeForce 4 Ti 4600. Which shouldn't be hard, I don't have much money so £30 or less please chaps preferably less, as ill likely be ditching this PC next year.


Edit: If anybody can get DOW running without me buying a new graphics card I will love them forever.

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I'm pretty sure its the graphics card because its basically the only "original" part of this PC left from when I first built it in 2002. Everything else is well within the recommended specs for Dawn of War. I think the problem is because the GeForce 4 isn't properly Direct X 9 compatible in that it doesn't do everything in Direct X 9.


Specs anyway:


Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz

1 Gig DDR Ram

Soundblaster something or other Live possibly its 5.1 anyway

Windows XP Pro

In fact looking at the box it says it needs an AGP or PCI-Express card and my current card is just normal PCI.

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I'm not quite sure if it's true for the GeForce 4, but I read that the latest nVidia drivers caused major bugs and artifacting in older GeForce chips. You might want to downgrade. The other major problem could be that the GeForce 4 is DirectX 8 and the game needs 9.


How much money do you want to spend on a new card? The best you can get is an AGP Radeon 3850 by Sapphire for roughly 70 pounds. Then there is the Radeon 2600XT for about 40, and the Radeon 2400Pro for about 25. Each should be able to play that game.


Seems like ATI is the only of the two to release recent chipset graphics cards for AGP boards.

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So I got the 6200 today from work. When I went to fit it earlier I found the source of the problem. It appears the fan had fallen off my old graphics card :blank: I guess the thermal paste has disintegrated or something. Anyway I put the new card in and Dawn of War works fine at full settings \o/. Thanks for the advice guys.

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