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ipod/itunes woes!


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Last night I downloaded an update for my ipod and installed it onto my ipod. I was then told I would not be able to sync my ipod as it was not incompatible with my version of itunes. So I set about downloading version 7.6 but it wouldn't work...as it said I need Service Pack 2...now for whatever reason if I ever download Service Pack 2 I cannot get onto the internet through my wireless it says I'm connected but it doesn't work. I've even taken it into the shop and they tried to get it working and couldn't saying that it was probably caused by some system anomaly or stability issues. Even after my hard drive blew and I got the computer back with a new one I tried to get SP2 and it didn't work again!


So if there any easy way to get my ipod back to the version it was previously on?

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First back up all of your music.


Then go on to Apple's site and look for instructions on how to reset your iPod (it's different for each model/generation).


If it still doesn't work after restoring then you'll have to reinstall Windows

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Get Service Pack 3, which is out today, and see if it works?


Yeah I'm gonna try that I think as nothing else seems to be working.


I've restored my Ipod on another computer but it automatically downloads the newest software whilst doing it...


I can't believe after all this time they would suddenly release an update for itunes that only installs on Service Pack 2 and doesn't inform you when updating the ipod that such things would happen...I guess they don't reckon on people not having SP2

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Actually, iTunes supports XP SP2 or higher, and it's been doing that for about a year now - honestly, the fault is not iTunes, it's yhe manufacturer of your computer or parts and their drivers. No internet on SP2?


It's not your iPod, it's your computer. And there's no way to reset you iPod to previous updates - however, you might want to put iPod Linux on it to make it happen through that, but that would void your warranty, if you still have it off course.

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