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Did it at 9am this monring after it was cancelled yesterday due to bad weather!


Bah. It sounds like it would be much more fun to do it in bad weather.


It still sounds awesome, though.


Well, according to the instructors if you can't see the ground from 12,000ft then they can't do the jump. Safety precautions. We had an unbelievably clear morning ffor though, some wispy low-lying cloud, snow on the mountains, sunshine beating down - but when they opened the door at 12,000ft snow bilowed into the plane!!!


You don't really get any time to think about jumping when it's time as your instructor just pulls you onto the edge of the plane - you pose for a picture then assume the freefall position and bang! you're on your way!


The first 4-5 seconds are heart-stopping! You see the ground rushing towards you and then you spin upside down and see the plane falling away from you, but after those initial few moments you feel like you're floating on the air even though you rapidly approach 200kph!


The parachute deploys and you spend 4-5 mins gracefully coming down. Then it took me about 2 hours to come down off the adrenalin rush!

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