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Very strange PC crashes...


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Hi all


My brother just got a new PC (HP Compaq DX2300) yesterday. I just upgraded it with a new graphics card (Asus 512mb EN8600GT Magic) and installed the appropriate drivers. Afterwards, I installed Oblivion with all of the expansion packs and patches. He began to play but we had to go out for a bit. On returning, the PC had completely frozen and the image on screen was normal except for a number of boxy sections (can't really desribe it that well). I thought it was strange and assumed I had a driver issue. I restarted it for him and left the room. He called me back sounding worried and I saw the normal "Windows did not start successfully. Open in safe mode, last previous working config. etc..." Except the entire screen was littered with $ signs. I waited for the count down to finish; wanting to see what happened. The windows loading screen came on for 2-3 seconds, then a sudden flash of the BSOD and then a restart back to the screen with the $ signs.


What on earth could be the problem? As I typed this I suddenly thought about the power supply. I've checked the spec online and it says it is only 250W. Might this be the problem? Is it too low for the graphics card? Wierd thing is, the computer was working fine earlier, he was enjoying a game of BF2 perfectly well.


Anyway, I hope you guys can help.





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I have no idea what the problem is myself, but the same problem was happening at my school and a friend of mine said he managed to get one of the "infected" (for lack of better word) machines to work again. I'll ask him tomorrow what he did.

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Yeah sounds like the PSU. As the game gets going and the card becomes underload it locks up as it can't get enough power.


Edit: Just checked and the 8600GT needs a 375W PSU so it looks like that is the problem.

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So have you removed the new card yet to see if windows will boot?


It's almost certainly the PSU, but if Windows continues to shit the bed, get a Windows CD and do a repair (note: Not your goddamn disc that came with the PC, an actual Windows CD, and choose repair, this will reinstall any system files, not format your system)


Then go get a better PSU like http://www.ebuyer.com/product/129948

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I've been a bit busy with exams at the moment, so i've put everything on hold. I did however remove the card so my brother could hopefully use his new computer... Taking it out worked. The PC now works fine.


Tommorow when i'm free I will replace the PSU with a spare I have lying around and put the card back in. Its not the best in the world - 500W but by a company called Magna... If that doesn't work, I'll try your suggestion of reinstalling XP.


Thanks for all the help guys - I really appreciate it. : peace:

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