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TV/Movie/Shoe problem


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This is an overwhelmingly anti-shoe response when it comes to indoors. Maybe it's just different in your places, but here it's pretty much the norm for people to wear shoes in their homes. I go to plenty of my friends' houses and the majority of them wear shoes inside, and that doesn't mean their houses are dirty.

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Seriously what the 'fuck' does it matter and why are you being so aggresive about it?


If I realise I'm getting the floor dirty then I will take them off and hoover the floor to get it clean, but it's not like I'm killing anyone by wearing them! Also as I explained earlier I'll usually just keep my shoes on bewcause I would have been wearing them for the last 9 hours or so and so they feel comfortable and if I take them off it feels weird.


Although saying that I took them off today, but that was only because Iwas soaking yet and so had a shower and got changed the second I got in the house!

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I'm not aggressive about it at all, I don't actually care what you do in your house. You're the silly one to take the internet so seriously.


I only thought you were being aggresive by the manner in which you replied, and that manner also made it seem like you were the one taking the internet too seriously and so that is why I replied in the way I did!

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Know what you mean about inaccuracies in movies and T.V. when it comes to real life. Frankly I'm usually barefoot (like now) or in slippers when indoors. A thing which annoys me sometimes in movies is how no-one ever goes off to the toilet unless it has something to do with the plot. The only film I can think of, off hand, where this doesn't happen is in Pulp Fiction, John Travolta is aways wandering off to the toilet.

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