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im just practising some random stuff on ps to prepare for my coursework. the idea is that i have to make a live action comic book, so i thought it would be me, my mate and his bro in it. i will use the camera mode from max payne as the back drop, and i will be alucard with a katana, my mate will be dan smith and his bro will be the enemy (heavily photoshopped)


firsty tell me what u think of this hair i made




looks cool; never seen an anime character with that colour hair before, but nevertheless, nice.


Are you gonna put some definition in it instead of leaving it fully white?


Hmm. It looks more Samurai Jack than anime. if you want an anime look, copy the way Tales of Symphonia does hair. If you're going for the plain Samurai Jack look, then it's fine.


you should make it really oot. use backdrops an shit to make it look like you're either habving

A. flying ninja battles

B. psychic teenage apocolypse battles

c. both.

this is what im on about




Well your version is better than that one. Trouble is it doesn't blend in with reality.



oh and dont insult the shirt...the shirt is most excellent


Yeah! sure it is.

Guest DS MaNiAc
It's nice apart from that shitty shirt, you must have photoshopped in...

*Nodds* Nice work though

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