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Since you have changed the first post I will correspond to that.
Yeah i realised my original post wasn't quite putting across what i really was really asking!
'Knightmare' is clearly the greatest show ever made. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Wrong, and ugly.
I'd agree, it's one of the best shows ever. It's a little like a fully interactive Zelda!

Remember when the Orks/badguys were getting close and the advancing army horn would sound and you'd have to get the hell out of that area! Tense stuff!!


There was that room (the final room?) near the end that VERY FEW teams ever made it past; the room with the falling floor tiles. You had to carefully make it through there and nearly ever team fell; what with the badguys closing in on you all the time!

I think i only ever saw 1 or 2 teams win Nightmare, and they'd make it out and fly off on the back of a dragon!! AMAZING!!

Guest Ray Falling

I think we used to have a show called "The Dream show" (but it was in Dutch naturally n_n.)


It was like a theme show and every show had a different theme like..jungle or halloween or space or whatever. 0_0 And there were so freaking many prices to be won ARGH. I was like n_n *freaking jealous* when I saw that 0_0.


mmmmmm posessions *drool* Even if you lost you'd get great prices ;_;


But yeah, it'll never happen n_n

Good God, 50/50 is TERRIBLE.


I know it sucked it just annoyed me that they got to go on tv.

That was thr only time i watched it because it is so incredibly **** @#**

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