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Guest Stefkov

I have a Level 11 Hunter on Bronzebeard, a Level 9 Warrior on Stormrage and a level 6 Warrior on Hellscream.

Anyone else on any of these servers? I remember the Stormrage character was made because of a friend in college. I think the bronzbeard was because of Takeo, I'm not sure.

So anyone one these or which is a good one to start off in where other people are on here?

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I have a Level 11 Hunter on Bronzebeard, a Level 9 Warrior on Stormrage and a level 6 Warrior on Hellscream.

Anyone else on any of these servers? I remember the Stormrage character was made because of a friend in college. I think the bronzbeard was because of Takeo, I'm not sure.

So anyone one these or which is a good one to start off in where other people are on here?


Yeah i have a few chars on Bronzebeard. My priest is on Genjuros - PvP server for fun :D


If you're soloing a hunter will be easiest to level out of the above.

Me and my mates are starting again on Wednesday/Thursday night. Can't wait personally.


Woop Woop! Decided what race/class yet duuuude?


Haha no it's a topic of debate at the moment though! I reckon I'll go Mage, I always have and always really enjoy myself. I know a friend of mine is going Priest and another will probably be Warrior.


Have yet to decide on races yet though, but I think this time around we're going Horde, as we've been Alliance before.

Guest Stefkov

Just been playing a load now. Decided to carry on with my Hunter. Mainly because on the character screen he had an owl with him which was cool.

Got him up to level 13, did a load of old quests I've had in the log since the last time i played I think in July last year...=P

Put my owl in the stable and got some saber from Darkshore.

Can someone tell me, if my pet is on level 3 loyalty, do I still have to keep feeding him? Will he turn on me if I stop feeding him?


Cool Cool. I'm horde again on genjuros. BElfs are fun. But i'm bored of the 1-30 grind :( done it too often already so i wont be rolling any new horde characters anytime soon.

I have a Level 11 Hunter on Bronzebeard, a Level 9 Warrior on Stormrage and a level 6 Warrior on Hellscream.

Anyone else on any of these servers? I remember the Stormrage character was made because of a friend in college. I think the bronzbeard was because of Takeo, I'm not sure.

So anyone one these or which is a good one to start off in where other people are on here?



I'm Hellscream, characters called Clifford if you ever need some help.


Can someone tell me, if my pet is on level 3 loyalty, do I still have to keep feeding him? Will he turn on me if I stop feeding him?


Keep feeding him, keep him happy :)


My lvl 14 hunter's pet is at lvl 6 loyalty atm. If he's unhappy for ages he'll run away.


Who plays on PvP servers? What are people's thoughts on PvP servers?


Trying to lvl proper on my first one atm, just wondering what people think.

Who plays on PvP servers? What are people's thoughts on PvP servers?


Trying to lvl proper on my first one atm, just wondering what people think.


I don't think i'd ever start on a PvP server, it can be a pain for leveling apparently. TBH there's any need for PVP servers as the battlegrounds are the main source of honour.


I'm on a PVP, server type I started on aswell. Not been that bad to level, you see the occasional member on the opposite side, not too often though,


And plus I like hunting down alliance folk on my rogue :heh:

I'm on a PVP, server type I started on aswell. Not been that bad to level, you see the occasional member on the opposite side, not too often though,


And plus I like hunting down alliance folk on my rogue :heh:


I agree with this fella :D


I've only had 2 run in's with Alliance in my 28 levels of exp. Only one was a ??, beat down the lvl 25 NElf Warrior when i was lvl 22, was fun :D

How comes? :(


I'm undergeared.


I'm not annoyed about it, I appreciate that you need a certain level of gear, but I am sad that one of the guys that gets to go has similar gear to me (we are both similarly undergeared) but has only been with us a few weeks compared to my 3 months :(


Problem is the jury is really still out on what to stack. I have 10 per cent hit but I don't think the raid leader really cares about hit.

I'm undergeared.


I'm not annoyed about it, I appreciate that you need a certain level of gear, but I am sad that one of the guys that gets to go has similar gear to me (we are both similarly undergeared) but has only been with us a few weeks compared to my 3 months :(


Problem is the jury is really still out on what to stack. I have 10 per cent hit but I don't think the raid leader really cares about hit.


Never fear I'm only a social member in my guild. And I believe they've stopped doing Kara runs.


I'm level 68 now, need to get 70, then decide whether to stay retri or go prot (I'm a paladin). Then I've actually got to gear up and hopefully they'll let me play with the big boys.

Never fear I'm only a social member in my guild. And I believe they've stopped doing Kara runs.


I'm level 68 now, need to get 70, then decide whether to stay retri or go prot (I'm a paladin). Then I've actually got to gear up and hopefully they'll let me play with the big boys.


I'm amazed you'ved had the patience to lvl a paladin by yourself!


I find them soo boring i cant play them at all :(


Well, the guy who was playing in my place left the guild during the day to go to another one he'd been secretly applying to (while we helped him gear). So I stepped in and I am second on the damage chart so far. We got to Midnight then our MT and a hunter had to leave because of family issues, so we are outside Kara trying to get a MT right now (we brought in a warlock).


Gearing is going well, have some serious farming to do.

Guest Stefkov

Awesome. Mounts at lvl30. One thing I've wanted for ages in the game, lvl 40 seems months away.


Oh ffs that's fucking stupid, trial characters can't invite people to groups. Now I'm resubbing just so we can play together, fucking ridiculous.

I'm amazed you'ved had the patience to lvl a paladin by yourself!


I find them soo boring i cant play them at all :(



I found it quite easy, a lot more interesting than warriors. I'm better at simple melee, and with the healing made an easier task easier.


OMG @ Patch 2.4.3!!!


Mounts now at 30! Only 35G for the training!




Highlights of this patch include:


* Mounts at level 30

* Changes to non-combat pets

* Curse of Shadow and Curse of Elements have been combined

* Hunter pet changes

* Magisters' Terrace nerf

* Changes to Rogue's Cheat Death ability


Thats just lame, mounts at 30.. Rubbish.


BTW - I'm 69 now. To 70 gogogogo!

I found it quite easy, a lot more interesting than warriors. I'm better at simple melee, and with the healing made an easier task easier.




Thats just lame, mounts at 30.. Rubbish.


BTW - I'm 69 now. To 70 gogogogo!


How is mounts at 30 rubbish?!


Great incentive for people to play to 30 cos it won't take too long. AND it's brilliant if you're lvling an alt and are used to 100% + speed.


I think it's part of Blizzard trying to spead up the levelling to 60. And i love it :D

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