Zero Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Wow you are all really low down. You should be well past that. Razorfen is not needed. Just level up as fast you can. I know i'm really low. We all started new characters. If I really wanted to level I wouldn't even bother with instances but, it's a lot more enjoyable playing with other people. I would either be on my level 80 hunter or 75 druid if I wanted some end game content.
Dyson Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Exactly. The game isn't about solid levelling, you could play nearly any MMO if that's all you wanted. Get some exploration, gameplay and group fun in and you've got the reason you're playing the game.
nightwolf Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 Yeah just have fun. Doing to instances does help you move quickly. However they can be time consuming. They can, but the group again isn't about getting to level 80 and raiding. Its having fun, levelling at our own paces. It doesn't help others such as Zero and Shadowv7 have other characters they wish to keep levelling and playing, so it's not hugely fast levelling. But it works nonetheless. I hit 29 yesterday? Or the day before..with only 8g in my bag, god knows how I'll reach 40g for a mount.
Zero Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 They can, but the group again isn't about getting to level 80 and raiding. Its having fun, levelling at our own paces. It doesn't help others such as Zero and Shadowv7 have other characters they wish to keep levelling and playing, so it's not hugely fast levelling. But it works nonetheless. I hit 29 yesterday? Or the day before..with only 8g in my bag, god knows how I'll reach 40g for a mount. Doing instances is getting kinda hard now as well since it's usually only me, you and Shadow. I don't think we have ever had a full group when doing an instance. I doubt us three would be able to do it ourselves either but, it would be entertaining to see how far we could get
ShadowV7 Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 Yeah, would be interesting to see how far we could get in one. But since it's just us 3 that are on really, i'm just going on Rogue for a little while. He needs some attention.
Dyson Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 Like I said I'll be on when you're more around my level, I don't wanna keep advancing only to have you guys lose sight of where I'm at Look forward to running SM with you though..!
Zero Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 What spec are you Dyson? Feral? And what part do you want to play in the instances since a druid can do just about all of it.
Dyson Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 I'm spec'd as feral, yeah. Would much rather be a damage dealer as opposed to a tank (not specced for restoration anyway) as in my cat form I can do some hefty dps.
Zero Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 That's fine with me as I am an awesome healer and Shadow went a Warrior specifically to tank. We just need to find another dps and we'll have a full party
nightwolf Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 Let me know when you want to tackel an instance, I'm around here most of the week, it's the weekend I'm not.
Zero Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 I'm just about to hit 29 so i'm up for an instance whenever possible. We just need more people to do it.
ShadowV7 Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Who wants to try and do an instance today then? Nightwolf and I are up for one, and I assume Zero will be aswell. So, any other takers?
Zero Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Who wants to try and do an instance today then? Nightwolf and I are up for one, and I assume Zero will be aswell. So, any other takers? I sure am. I take it will be Razorfen Kraul we do? So long as you can get into there then you are more than welcome to join. Maybe with the exception if you are a lot higher of a level than we are. Wouldn't be much point in doing it then.
Zero Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Generally 25-30. This is probably something just abit too low for you. Although I don't mind you joining if the others are fine with it. It won't be long before we can go through the Scarlet Monestry with you
Dyson Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 My sub has been inactive for a few days now, gonna resub when you guys have caught up. I'm still here, don't worry :P
nightwolf Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Awesome, lucky for you lot I'm actually around tonight (except maybe the mishhhon I need to go on to buy cake..hmmm yummeh!)
Dyson Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Account Status: Active Damn you nightwolf. :P
nightwolf Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 hehe..oh come on it was funsies, I'm not sure what happened to your friend though! *begs people for gold*
Dyson Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 It was good fun actually! Think she disconnected. Randomer I met in Stormwind anyway so I'm not fussed!
nightwolf Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Haha, she was bloody pushy! ''Spawn, spawn'' people losing connection is grrsome
Zero Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Are we still up for RFK tomorrow? I don't want to level past 30 before we do this instance so, i've been on my druid. I got 76 and it is a joke how easy it is to get gold. I sold vendor crap and managed to get 13g >.>
nightwolf Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Yes, but I'm levelling to 31 in about two minutes..
ShadowV7 Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 I'm on just now with my warrior tryign to catch up. Only halfway through 28 though.
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