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You seem to be obsessed with ripping on a little girl Chris, but cry like a little girl when anybody references to your dyslexia...


well, for a start im not ripping into her, i find it very sad, and lest we forget, i havent actualy posted anything negitive about her herself, well unless you consider the phonix wright stuff. if you read the thread on the subject you'l actualy find that i do show sympathy for her. the jokes that ivew made/ approved of have been more to do with the whole case in general and how the media have portrayed it.


you do make a point though, i have been insensitive i suppose, though its really just how i deal with things like that, i make jokes, take away the reality of it. its not hard to forget the actual plight of the little girl in the center of this with all the media circus going on.




the dyslexia link was stupid though mate, totaly unrelated. and i dont "cry like a little girl" when people reference my dyslexia, im usualy fine with mates having a bit of craic with me about it, just not when people use it against me in an argument when its unrelated/unimportant. i probebly get so wound up about it because of all the shit some teachers put me through over it, it was honestly like they thought i was doing it because i was lazy.


still, point taken i will try and be more sensitive about it. and feel free to have a pop about my dyslexia if you can do it in a jokey non too serious kind of way

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