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Planning a holiday in Japan/Tokyo


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By the way, rough and ready conversion from yen to pounds is quick and easy- simply divide by 200.


I assume (and hope) that ramen is cheap... am I correct?


Yeah ramen is very cheap... You CAN get it for 100 yen... :-/


The divide by 200 thing used to work but now it's more like 240 last I checked...... Maybe more....

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I tried ramen at Wakamento(sp??) and I have to say it was god awful, I like lots of food but that yuk!

I love it, it's great... however, I'm not too keen on sushi. (It's alright, but not delicious or anything...)

Yeah ramen is very cheap... You CAN get it for 100 yen... :-/


The divide by 200 thing used to work but now it's more like 240 last I checked...... Maybe more....

Yeah, you're right, 238.132 according to my sources. Ah well, I did say rough and ready...


By the way, natto is something I really want to try. I hear from many sources that it's very much an acquired taste, and most foreigners find it vile, so I'll probably hate it... :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

Recently I've been getting (2 issues) an anime/manga magazine, Neo.

It says here part 5, so there must have been more before.

The most recent one has a small guide to Ueno, in Tokyo.


Then a couple pages after there is 'Our Japan Journey: Part One'.

It says it was a 'Japan Journeys Manga Tour 2007'.

I'm just saying maybe you could pick up this magazine and check out what they say.

(This month came with a free WoW trading card and a Manga book, with different mangas in, so it's pretty good)

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Recently I've been getting (2 issues) an anime/manga magazine, Neo.

It says here part 5, so there must have been more before.

The most recent one has a small guide to Ueno, in Tokyo.


Then a couple pages after there is 'Our Japan Journey: Part One'.

It says it was a 'Japan Journeys Manga Tour 2007'.

I'm just saying maybe you could pick up this magazine and check out what they say.

(This month came with a free WoW trading card and a Manga book, with different mangas in, so it's pretty good)



I've been getting Neo for like over a year now and it's pretty good. My brother's "envlope art" was in it aswelll which was pretty good. However you read the Star Trek manga? I've never going to get those precious minutes back. :hmm:

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Guest Stefkov
I've been getting Neo for like over a year now and it's pretty good. My brother's "envlope art" was in it aswelll which was pretty good. However you read the Star Trek manga? I've never going to get those precious minutes back. :hmm:

No I havn't read any of the manga in the free book yet. I flipped the pages and saw a Star Trek one and though ..:(:wtf:

I want to subscribe now. It's really good, I'm sad I didnt get it sooner.

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I should of posted this here on friday but my pdp (personal development planning) supervisor at uni, asked everyone in our group about if we wanted to go out abroad to study and/or work in between year 2 and 3 of my course.


The countries he named were France/Germany/Canada/America/Austrailia/Japan that he has contacts working at universities in those countries.


We of course have had one week to hand in the form if we want to go or not go. What do you guys think I should do?

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God I wish my uni gave this option. >.>;;


I think you should go no matter where. lol


I know its a cool idea but you gain benefits from not going as well such as your guaranteed accomadation if you don't go in uni hall of residences. So its like do I don't I

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Honestly, would it be worth missing out on such a potentially awesome experience in order to guarentee uni hall of residence? :-/ Seriously, going away on your own to another country is guarenteed to be one of the biggest experiences of your young life no matter if it's amazing or shit...... I would personally not choose France or Germany.... Even excluding Japan after that you are left with 3 awesome places to go. o.o;;


I would say the experiences you will gain smash to pieces the thought of getting guarenteed hall or residence. =P

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