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A horror game? NEW IP?! Killer-app?!


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Sorry if it sounded like I had any news, but there was a rumor submitted sometime ago that talked about Miyamoto working on a horror type game.


But enough of that...that isn't really what I wanted to say.


It's this....could you fathom a horror game in the style fo RE4?


Imagine mowing zombies down with your pistol or shotgun, or slicing them to bits with your sword or dagger. We seen all that before, but witht this controller it would be so precise and intuitive that it would be absolutely addictive.


That's great and everything but there are even more possibilities. What if your gun had a flash light, and everything was pitch black? You'd slowly wander around intuitively pointing your flash light at places of interest and maybe even looking for clues. A flash light mechanic was never that great to use because it was also somewhat ackward. It never felt real.


Anyway, this game would not only have the potential to become a killer app (with co-op!), but it has the potential to scare the living s**t out of you.

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