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I have questions regarding HDTVs...


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Long story short; something wrong with current TV, is being sent back, exchanging it (ill be using more money to get more expensive TV, also TV can only be from Argos) and needed questions answering.


1) RGB scart on HDTV. How does this look compared to regular TVs? Better, same or worse? I ask because that's the connection I'll be using most.


2) Component conectors. This is only available on HDTVs, right? As I can only see myself with Wii component cables for the foreseable future.


3) Does anyone have experience with TVs from Argos? Basically I need: Flatscreen widescreen, 28-32ins size, component connector for progressive scan (is that poss> Or HD only...?), multiple RGB scart sockets, headphone sockets, decent NICAM sound. I can't see my family spending more than £699.99.


Any help you guys give would be great! Thank you.

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1. Depends on the TV, my Saturn/PS2 look much better on my Panasonic LCD through RGB than they did on my old CRT.


2. Component is available on any sort of TV, well worth investing in if your TV can use them.


3. No experience with Argos but you should be able to get something that fits what you want with that budget. Probably one of the latest Samsungs.

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Okay, that clears alot of answers up. But I have another question...


The system I want is a Phillips 32ins HDTV Wide LCD(got good reviews, it's Argo current special offer) has 2 hdmi ports, component connector, 2 scart connectors(only 1 RGB, will need to get rgb scart hub), s-video connector and composite. HOWEVER, it dosn't have a DVI, I have no idea what it is, but I heard somehwhere it was important, so...


What is DVI...?

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