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Everything posted by MichaelXD

  1. I have said to give him his god damned account. This pertains to this forum. What do you mean? He did check his email. As I said once and I'll say it again. He joined without hesitation and it was his home computer.
  2. Tell me who Kirby is. I don't know who he/she is by the way and I'm no hacker. I was a video game player the whole time.

  3. Excuse me. I just wanted a friend's account activated. He said he couldn't post and he wants to.

  4. Give me my brother's friend's account. We're not related.
  5. Where is my brother's friend's fucking account? Why did you send me a warning? Maybe he wanted to come too. It was his home computer.
  6. The person you were looking for made an account on this forum so the admins need to activate him.

  7. Please just help him get his account activated. He can make posts in here and take it from here.
  8. I did none of that stuff. And who is Kirby?
  9. Hey. My brother's friend Max recently joined this forum and he can't post. Anyway he wanted to post to prove that I'm not him and my brother was really his high school friend, nothing more.

  10. Genuine Max. And because I always tell the truth, everything he says must be a lie. Or maybe it is true and he thinks that I'm him. I'm not Max. Anyway, if you can remove my infraction, I'm sorry. My intent was to teach this idiot a lesson.

  11. Ashley, my brother's friend just joined but he's unable to post. Can you help with that? Also don't listen to Serebii. He's lying about everything.

  12. In case you didn't know, I didn't post on anyone's Livejournal yet. I am trying to activate my account. I am not Max and he may come on to prove it. My Blissey was stolen because some stupid idiot gave me a hacked Shaymin from Diamond caught in a Cherish Ball. Does Max trade Pokemon on your site too? I'd like to hear it and on AIM, I'm getting other people to believe I'm not him.

  13. Oh yeah. We're keeping any other information confidential. I'm a high school student and how can I find the person who stole my Blissey? I did not post on Live Journal. I'm not the one who knew about a friend's ban. Someone else got to it but I wasn't here. I tried to make an account so I can post stories and comments on my high school friend's journal. Gosh, I assume that Max is the one that said he was my brother's friend. I haven't taken a look at his profiles in a while but I was told he has a bad record. Max is the one that took a picture of my brother and his friend with his cell phone. He lives around our neighborhood and used to go to my school. I hope to find more positive information about him. My brother's already dealt with the negative.
  14. Cycling Road is my brother. For the second question, your mom.
  15. Where did you hear the name Sam?
  16. He is but the Max from the anime is not an annoying cunt. He's cute and that's what my brother's friend told me he named himself after. It's not any other Max like from Goofy or that 1997 movie.
  17. ^ Um, what is that guy doing?
  18. Here's a picture of Cycling Road, my brother and Ruckus Jorgee, his good friend. http://oi43.tinypic.com/23rtwf4.jpg

  19. Serebii is a bad admin. I hate him.

  20. I'm not deceiving anyone. I probably am 15. Max doesn't know my age. He was just speculating.
  21. Just a warning. If Max finds out this forum exists, he may show up here to confess to his guilt. Then I'll say I wasn't the one that did what he did.
  22. Then they claimed that he was sockpuppeting. Those assholes banned him. They're bad mods. Serebii is a bad admin. Kirby is a bad Op. bobandbill is a bad mod. Mintaka, Ghost, Magnedeth, and Musashi are bad mods and admins as well and so is that one guy who spammed my thread.
  23. No. I only have one and he's Cycling Road. Cycling Road is Max's and Ruckus Jorgee's friend who was paralyzed and almost left dead for a while after he was hit by a car. On some forums like bulbagarden you must have a certain amount of posts before you can vm. My mom didn't have any so it wasn't right to consider her a spambot because she wasn't. She wasn't selling or buying anything. She was a human user at about 50 years old.
  24. You should really talk with my mother too. On BMGF, she was falsely accused as a spambot but I'm trying to prove that's my mom and she's human. She was afraid of saying my brother's name because I got banned for saying my brother's name. How stupid is that?
  25. I have no clue why they banned me. I don't know who banned me so I don't know who's responsible. All I did was post in the Staff Contact forum after my brother asked Serebii if I could join because he was a banned member's friend on the forum, I said I didn't know who Max was and I wanted to post about Pokemon on the forum. I woke up on July 9, 2011 and found myself banned shortly after. I don't know who responded to my thread. I don't know any of the SPPF mods except for Serebii. Then months later I tried to rejoin, I told May Cycling Road was my brother and bobandbill banned me. Then later Serebii banned me. I did nothing wrong so I have no reason to be banned.
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