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Posts posted by liger05

  1. 33 minutes ago, Serebii said:

    Xbox One X isn't a successor though.


    I honestly don't see Microsoft continuing with dedicated consoles. They've always been fighting an uphill battle with heads of Microsoft to prove Xbox's worth. It has been a huge money drain and I don't think they've even made back what they lost in the first 5 or so years of Xbox. Having Microsoft's name out there was probably able to convince the heads that it's good publicity for the Microsoft name, but now the Xbox One isn't doing well at all then that's not the case either.


    I can see Microsoft dropping out, pushing their games to Windows 10 (as they're already doing) and using the Xbox name for prebuilt PCs akin to Steam boxes in the future.

    MS are not leaving the console business.  How many years now have people said it's been a huge money drain and they will exit the business.

  2. Surely Nintendo are going to have to do something with the save file storage. Locking it to the internal memory isn't feasible when AAA titles require so much memory for a save file. 


    Below are the storage space requirements for NBA2K18:

    Initial software download after purchase – 6.8 GB
    Additional software update – 16.1 GB
    Save file – 5 GB system memory per save file

    5GB per save file!!! 

    Without cloud saves or SD card save files there is a problem!!! 

    • Like 1
  3. The lack of cloud saves is ridiculous. The lack of any info on when data backup will be an option again is ridiculous. 

    I genuinely believe Nintendo launched the switch not even concerned about the lack of of ability to back up data. It screams of Nintendo seeing it as not a major issue so the gamer can go without. 

    I just wish the media called them out of more on this. When Reggie gave that BS quote the media should of came back up at him telling him what a pathetic answer that was. 

    • Like 1
  4. I had some real close matches when starting but since leveling up too many landslides. 

    I long for that Halo matchmaking on this. That game was amazing at matchmaking players on similar level. 

  5. Taken from Take 2's Interactive's latest earnings call 



    We were excited six months ago and supportive. We’re excited now. We have NBA 2K and WWE 2K coming for Switch. The sales have been great. We expect sales to continue to be great, we’re very optimistic around the platform, we’re very supportive of Nintendo. So the only thing that’s changed in the last six months is our initial belief, has been reinforced by the early very strong results.


    Wheelbarrow that GTA money please Reggie

  6. On 03/03/2017 at 11:43 AM, Ashley said:

    I think the fact people are leaving the SW- at the start of their friend codes when posting shows its a system that definitely has flaws ;)

    Just feels like switch users get treated differently. I understand after the wii u bombed sceptism but switch has sold well and software sales have been good. I don't know what they expect from MH on switch but that's a 3DS game so the it won't shift mega mega units. If it doesn't do crazy sales does Capcom then ditch the platform as it sounds like they are waiting to see how it performs before committing to other projects.

    They definitely didn't expect SF2 to do so well and that was clearly a bonus for them. 

    Stop treating everything as a test and either support the platform properly or not. 

  7. You have to laugh at Capcom. Another test for the Switch. 

    The same Capcom who couldn't even port Disney collection the switch. 

    Street Fighter made them $$$. 450k sales is incredible. 

    I really don't understand why they are so reluctant to support the platform. 


    Q: What were the regional unit sales for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers? (Ultra Street Fighter II, below)

    A: 100 thousand units in Japan, and a combined 350 thousand units in Europe and North America.

    Q: Following the sales results of Ultra Street Fighter II, what will Capcom's approach to the Nintendo Switch be going forward?

    A: The Nintendo Switch seems to be doing very well, and we look forward to further growth in its install base. Beginning with Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) Nintendo Switch Ver. for Japan, we are evaluating how we will support this platform in the future.


    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Rummy said:

    I think the big difference is the use of motion controls attached to your screen. In Splatoon 1 it wasn't too bad because you didn't have to actively look at the screen you're moving between your hands - whereas obvs with Switch and the JoyCons attached you would. I've not played so can't obviously comment fully, but trying to picture motion controlling attached to the screen seems to my mind like I'd get a bit put off by it.

    Motion controls in a handheld mode is a non starter for me. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    On a similar matter...


    Disappointing result for the 3DS, but a fantastic result for PS4.  S-E really did release it far too late for 3DS... Makes you wonder how much Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are going to suffer now...


    Edit: Switch sold 90K last week in Japan!!! Halleluliah! It looks like Nintendo have finally started improving supplies of Switch consoles! :D

    Wasn't this a PS4 only title then they realized that how stupid that would be and developed a 3DS version?


    3DS sold 134k which is a real good bump off the back of DQ being released. 

    Hopefully now we will see no more 25k switch weeks due to limited supply. 

    That Ratsuken site said they sold 1000 splatoon bundles in 1 min lol. The thirst is real!!! 

  10. 31 minutes ago, Serebii said:

    Sales data


    Switch is at 4.7 million

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is at 3.54 million

    Zelda BotW Switch is at 3.92 million

    ARMS is at 1.18 million

    Chugging along nicely considering the supply restraints. 

    Attach rate is really healthy. Great arms sales and again another new ip has done well. 



  11. People buy an xb1 or PS4 and they purchase GTA V. 

    Nintendo should paid whatever it took to get a GTA V port. It would of sold plenty on switch. 

    Those weeks Japanese sales will be interesting. Splatoon 2 will sell bucket loads but how much hardware have they managed to supply to to the market? 

    These supply issues don't look ending anytime soon.


  12. 51 minutes ago, dazzybee said:

    Because of course it will. Why wouldn’t it? They released it because they wanted it for splatoon. They delayed the whole service until next year because it isn’t ready. This app isn’t close to  being ready. 

    But that's not good enough. They deserve all the stick they are getting as it's not our problem if nintendo can't get a capable app out now. 

  13. 35 minutes ago, dazzybee said:

    Using wireless headphones on your phone... no wires, this isn't as horrific as people are making out. Even the multitasking thing, which is stupid, and I expect to be sorted by next year, but still, are you looking at other phone apps when playing games and chatting? It's not a big deal but people here get so stressed about things.

    I'm more annoyed at the lack of messaging on the app and bots/drop-in multiplayer in the game; but then voice chat isn't important to me at all. I pretty much never ever do it on the PS4. 

    Some of us have friends and partners who like to Holla on social media and apps like WhatsApp. 

    Why would you think the multitasking thing would be sorted? Don't you find it concerning they actually released an app which can't run in the background. Seems pretty basic stuff to me. 

    Let's not forget the phone screen constantly having to be on non stop. Not something I'll do with a super amoled screen. Higher risk of screen burn in. 

  14. There was a Eurogamer article prior to the Switch launch which made the point that Nintendo simply don't care about things like party chat, game invites and multiplayer connectivity like the others do. It's just not in their DNA and never likely to be. 

    I think the switch, the app and the way it works just proves that point. Multiplayer experiences with friends is an afterthought for Nintendo. Yes they make it possible but it's bare bones and done with as little effort as possible. 

    The idea of trying make things for the gamer as easiest and quick as possible is alien to Nintendo.

    It's nothing to do with it being there first effort as like has been said before its not as if they are going into it blind. There are other devices, other apps, other services which can all be referenced from to see what they do well. 

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Sheikah said:

    If they really wanted to move away from a 'bulky headset' then why not just allow people to use earphones on the switch (as they do) and put a mic on the switch?

    If they really wanted to protect children then why make them need a phone to chat? A lot worse can be done with a phone than a console.

    I don't see any excuse for this.

    That makes too much sense for Nintendo to do. Why do that when you can instead can come up with a convoluted solution that nobody asked for. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, DazzeL said:

    In current condition, this app is an absolute nightmare.


    If the aim is to move the chat to a phone to avoid "bulky gamer headsets" then fine. I don't ageee but I understand.


    But then why is there no party chat on the app? Why is it limited to one game and only talking to teams in game? Why is it friends only for everyone despite the fact the Switch also has an app for parental controls to protect the kids?


    I don't agree with the app in itself but I'm prepared to give it a go once they catch up to every one else's services circa 2005.


    This. I wasn't keen on the app but was prepared to give it a chance. Now if the app had messaging, could run in the background, had Bluetooth and didn't limit ones phone usage then yeah I could work with that.

    This however isn't worth it at all. I am not leaving my phone on non stop just to use voice chat. 

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, Serebii said:


    Nintendo do need to sort elements of this out. Make it so the app doesn't kill it when certain things come up and so forth.


    I do get why they've gone the app route, but they need to improve the app considerably. It's not as doomsaying or "backwards" as people make it out to be

    Of course it's backwards. Anything which is a step back on what we have already is inherently backwards. 

    The app is is clearly poorly designed considering the limitations it has. Don't you find it ridiculous that Nintendo even allow such an app to go to market.  

    I would not be surprised if nintendo look at the feedback and complaints and are saying to themselves 'what is the problem here'? 'We have given people what they want'. 



    • Like 2
  18. Reggie chats shit!! 

    Nintendo in 2017 still lagging behind the 2002 version of Xbox live. Great job. 



    The bigger vision is that we are going to provide an overall online service, subscription-based, that not only will capture the multiplayer opportunity, but also the voice chat capability that we’re going to provide through a global app. We think that that’s just as important as access to Virtual Console content.

    The reason for that is, it continues to reinforce our commitment to online, and do so in a way that will enable the consumer to enjoy their Nintendo Switch and to still be able to play those connected experiences—like Splatoon, like Kart, like fill in the blank—while they’re on the go. Instead of having some sort of bulky gamer headset, you’ll be able to do it right off your smartphone, put in your earbuds that you use for your standard mobile device. We think that’s a pretty sweet solution. That’s part of the overall opportunity that we see in a subscription service.


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