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  1. Ahhh, one of the few perks of unemployment
  2. I thought that as well until recently. I was going to a comedy night in Nottingham with Sean Lock, Stewart Lee, Daniel Kitson and Ed Byrne, but when I got to the theatre Ed Byrne was replaced with Alan Carr (much to the chagrin of me and my brother). However when he came on and done his spiel he was actually very funny, the fourth best comedian there! (only because the other three are bona fide comedy geniuses)
  3. well I can get an access point for £45, or buy the £60 360 adaptor and a £25 PCI wireless card. Needless to say the former is a much better idea.
  4. I already have a wireless router connected to my modem downstairs. However I was wondering whether it's possible to buy a wireless access point to place upstairs and connect to my PC and 360 via ethernet, since it would be much cheaper than buying the respective wireless adaptors. thanks in advance
  5. I use streambox vcr, it's good for downloading BBC radio stuff
  6. I hope they fix the main problem with all the pokemon games that stopped me from finishing Gold/Sliver, Ruby/Sapphire. That is, the tedious levelling up that is required to progress after you've beaten all the 8 gym trainers. There's never any area that has high enough level pokemon to fight and level up yours beyond 50. It should be like the Golden Sun games, I never once had to spend hours levelling up in those and completed both.
  7. Yeah I would've thought that they'd have some calibration settings when you first boot it up, and as long as you don't kick the sensor bar it should be fine.
  8. I'm right-handed too, but it's nice for the lefties to get something after god played such a mean trick on them
  9. I've just realised that the Wii would be very good for left-handed gamers because I assume the wiimote and nunchuck fit in either hand. A bit slow, I know....
  10. Urgh Starfox DS is so......urgh.....
  11. Just saw this on http://www.consolevania.com/ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v258/biglime/pspreggie.jpg (It's related to this if you don't know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap_yAdsJRJU&search=reggie%20allard )
  12. I know it'd rise by 1 if there were 2 games I would want to own on it.
  13. Excuse my ignorance, but QFT?
  14. If they listened to their customers (ie me) they would have sticked to the design of the dual shock but switched the positions of the d-pad and left analogue a la GC and Xbox, you just cannot play most analogue-required games with that pad like FPS's (although it is much better for sports games)
  15. Were the whole crowd low on blood sugar today? There seemed to be a distinct lack of whooping and hollering that accompanies every conference with americans involved. Ummm and PLAYstation 3?! More like STUPID-FACEstation 3! Zing!
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