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About Ganz

  • Birthday 01/21/1983


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    Playstation 2
  • Favourite Game?
    Radiata Stories
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Weell, since I like Squall, and he looks cool there you get 8.5/10 my friend
  2. If you are getting an American or "special" PS2, I would recommend Radiata Stories, Okage: Shadow King, Atelier Iris and Suikoden III as some nice RPG games that never made it over here. Others that you may enjoy are Dark Chronicle (a bit samey but the invention system is nice), Arc: Twilight of the Spirits, Shadow of Memories (great story, not much action) and Suikoden IV. Some of them may be a bit hard to get hold of though. If you never had a PSone and again youre looking at a machine capable of playing imports, Tales of Destiny 2, Chrono Trigger, the Lunar series, Xenosaga and the Persona series are some nice finds. PAL wise I personally love Breath of Fire III&IV, Suikoden I&II and Little Big Adventure. *these are in addition to the FF series and those that chrizkerr already mentioned*
  3. Talim for her speed and ultra attack combos, they totally thrashed my friend the other day ^^
  4. Cortana in DOA4? Now that is cool.. even though technically she isn't a woman... Ah well
  5. Gotta go with Bowser or Kirby there! Even though Bowser is soooo incredibly slow, his powerful smash attacks make up for it, I mean come on, isn't throwing Jigglypuff off the side of the screen fun or what? But Kirby as well, that flying ability has saved my ass so many times now.
  6. I got my Awesome Band Brothers expansion pack, been playing the Animal Crossing song non stop ^^
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