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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. creativity can be created on the next gen consoles to you know,just look at media molecules game for the ps3, looks more fun and just overall better than most stuff on the wii.
  2. Artistic creation is limited to the hardware, better the hardware more potential there is. Thats how I feel
  3. No sir you speak bullshit Halo's ai was good at the time. You may wish to believe this but its not the case quite simply Elder Scrolls AI was indeeed far more advanced than Halos AI. Infact thinking back to it Halo when you went up to an enemy they would just stand their do nothing and wait to be shot. So in that regard everygame has better AI than that of Halos
  4. Yes well then yes, but although it was good it had both graphics and ai altered for the xbox version though. Yeah I know what you mean - everytime someone says someone about sony/microsoft its just LOL, but when its nintendo its oh well hes crap he knows nothing. If you can make a game which shows how much of a liar he is go ahead. But he has experience in the games industry alot more than any of the guys on these forums has. Alot of titles have more advanced ai than halo's you know, most games on the 360 have better ai than Halo's ai you know. Nearly every game on 360 uses the power for cleaning up the graphics and adding decent ai and physics as well. So what your effectivly saying is while 360 and ps3 will be alive and kicking still in 10 years after they have launched, the wii will be 6ft under while Nintendo is releasing a new console? Yep that somes up how I feel as well
  5. Yeah I must agree Cox this is what I want to, really you need all the consoles this generation.
  6. Yeah they could but each time the say online is important - they keep undervalue it.
  7. Yes it did have good AI for the time. But AI has come along in leaps and bounds since then. No I'm saying the style, becuase if they did the entire thing in any other stye it wouldn't work as well as the water brush style. And your second point their makes no sense about 360. Personally I would like to see ATI and another company create a console. Then have people publish games for it such as nintendo/microsoft/sony has its studios and publish games for one singular piece of hardware. Then its less about what can this platform do over this one, but how can we make an amzing game
  8. I suppose its down to what the end user of the console wants out of it. And sometimes you need physics in games F_L simply because otherwise it looks odd. Its the way it is i'm affraid. Yeah I'm all about playing games - and maybe this dude should of said Nintendo are undervalueing graphics/audio/game opperands(ie ai, physics) over gameplay. Personally if a game as amazing gameplay it should have the good graphics, audio, and game opperands.
  9. Haha Dante thats good I mean for me and for alot of other people too. 360/ps3 has more compelling game experiences for them, than wii has and its many peoples second or third console. But Dante what will they do when demand for the wii id half of what it is and its competitors are actually creating more content.
  10. Yeah I am sure he could pull off something but wouldn't because of simply he wants decent ai, physics etc. Would you play a game where the ai of the enemy just stand and look dumb instead of being intelligent. Yeah Okami is a great game that was created on the ps2 and is excellent but they pull it off because of the style of the game. Theirs been quite a few fantastically fun games on 360, and quite a few games I would like to try on a ps3. Yes I agree it a fantastic system to get non-Gamers in and produce all the endless 3rd party crap aimed at kids, and touch generation titles for everyone, and games like scarface to appeal to the adults who are non gamers and own a wii. However developers aren't being lazy, they always has its the console manufacturers that decide its fate. Yes sony has started out badly with the ps3 but the GDC 2007 keynote got alot of applause -so they are being able to change peoples minds. However Nintendo did come out and say specifically "We dont care about graphics" - now look at the results so far. What hes a complete ass for wanting to get indie games out for general public consumption. Whats wrong with that?
  11. Its 18.30 to 19.30 GMT. He'll just talk about how as designer touch generation games has made loads of dosh.
  12. See I would disagree I would maybe say xbox 360 and ps3 are taking games seriously as an art form. As could Nintendo make a pixar like movie. PS3 and 360 would be able to. @Dante: you kinda just proved my point.
  13. Good games are created when you have the best tools. Just think of it this way you have a square mile of land that needs to be replanted. You are offered a trowl or a spade. Which one would you pick. Plus developers that don't use good tools, have a good game, or a good game idea - are hurt by the contraints of the system. Whilst crap developers who create shit like zorro they actually benefit because the can just say use the hardware limitations as an excuse for not create good looking, good playing, intelligent games.
  14. Your misinterrupting what the guy is saying. He doesn't say Nintendo doesn't take gaming seriously. He says Nintendo does not take games as an ART form seriously.
  15. There is actually a E3 Business and Media Summit - July 2007 http://www.e3insider.com/portal/ Read that if you don't believe me. Dante the thing I'm saying is that this is the true succesor to E3 Shit games still can be better online though. I probably will be flammed to death. However Halo 2 - for me crap single player game. But awesome online before all the hackers started coming in. Take for example Geist cool idea - badly implemented. But it had shit normal multiplayer that was to me and my friends nearly unplayable. And online can actually raise a games score you know.
  16. It still doesn't online play Cube. Edit: I'm not bothered about online titles on wii - seen as nintedno isn't using an account name like both 360 and ps3 I'm not even gonna touch online on this console.
  17. The "E for all thing" was cancelled. Owen its now called E3 Business and Media Summit, that takes place in july. Same here I think its taking the idea of mii and taking it to a new level with adding second life elements in. Don't know how the trophies will work out but otherthan that I'm impressed this is what should of been showed last e3 to take some of the edge off their price debarcle. Oh and although splitscreen is ok I prefer online multiplayer I like seeing the whole screen of a game, not a tiny part of a screen.
  18. Ok cos it stopped updating at all at 18:55
  19. the EG article isn't updating for me would u mind reposting the article for me owen. Thanks.
  20. well hes better than j allard - and look what happened to him rokhed
  21. I'm not being pesimistic, and although the first BW title was ok, I would of preffered them just sticking to a normal stratergy game like their previous games in the series(famicom wars, advance wars, etc). And most companies like to release their games at xmas
  22. Well I must say nintendo should of let you use any size SD card.
  23. Check this out for live text straight from phil: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=73821
  24. Yes but pokemon will be released after diamond and pearl, Bwii I suspect December. Brawl I hope to be out early december.
  25. Exactly so the game is irrelevant for us here- the first game probably for us europeans is brawl
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