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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Thats why it comes from the godfarther of Jrpgs, final fantasy. And yes design of Blue Dragon, fantastic designed characters, enviroments enemies. Of course the 360 can provide new experiences to gamers it would be very immature of you if you claimed it didn't. Plus you said state a game which couldn't be done on the 'HD machines' as you put it ,I did your wrong! You speak some crap to prove your point I'm putting you on my ignore list. Oh and I love the way you discounted LittleBigPlannet.
  2. Whats the link? Actually it hasn't been confirmed by microsoft yet its just a TBA 2007. GameFAQs has it down for november.
  3. What would you do if their were loads of jrpgs just coming to the us on wii - would you buy another console dom. Well I still why do they need audio. They can have subtiltes.
  4. Well fuck them they can have english and japanese sound, and they can fucking make do with subtitles, they release their shit films over here and all we get are subtitles.
  5. Actually over the easter hols do you want to organise a game or something I don't think I have played with you on live yet
  6. Dead Rising isn't a new genre its an action survival horro game. Same as okami isn't a new genre its just an action adventure game.
  7. What you don't like LittleBigPlannet because it doesn't have gameplay. And Dead Rising was a good game. You couldn't actually do that on the wii or other previous consoles. I would stop drinking the coke if I was you. And DCK I didn't say Blue Dragon was better I said it was on par with it. It uses a clay cell shading style of art for the game. It doesn't look anything like tales 360.
  8. LittleBigPlannet and Dead Rising. And I wouldn't class the consoles as HD consoles. They also give alot of power to throw around how many enemies can be on screen, how big the enviroments are, how the physics work on and between characters and objects in the virtual world.
  9. Ok a game that is more atistic than Okami, well I wouldn't say its necesseraily better I would still say its on a par. And the game is ... Blue Dragon
  10. No what I meant was 360 and ps3 were focusing on graphics, audio and gameplay. Whilst we is just focusing on slightly new controls and gameplay. I never actually mentioned online play.
  11. Mate during a 45 minute play session at GDC he confirmed that the their will be both english voices and japanese voices.
  12. Your never impressed until Nintendo says anything and you get on your hands and knees and bow down to them.
  13. Em pedro slow down - yes its supposedy 3 times the power of the GC - but seen as nintendo and alot of developers aren't even trying to see what the system holds. Then I remain to be convinced.
  14. A conference?? Keynote my friend. And wouldn't it be funny if Nintendo wanted to release something like sony's Home - who would be copying who. Actually a side note noe whats going on there - no new release info on anything.
  15. Talizo Blue Dragon is August for America and we still don't have a date announced for it.
  16. He'll just state that you as developers can ceate meaningful relationships between player and content - if you make games like wii sports.
  17. I think personally though its the whole package, I want decent graphics, decent audio, decent gameplay, and decent control. The way I see it is this 2 consoles are pushing three of those parts and devalueing a new way to play. While one company is trying to deliver on gameplay and control fronts, but devalueing graphics and audio.
  18. Heavenly Sword/MGS4/DMC4/Tekken 6/LittleBigPlannet the list goes on and on. Actually just watched the keynote from yesterday. Phil says that LittleBigPlannet is coming to blue ray. So I've thinking to myself Sony could get be creating a new range of games like "CreativeVision" where a company makes a good online component to sharing and you can play around with games what nots. Maybe then save them to your harddrive, upload them to your personal store where people buy these little games and you get a little bit of money and sony get a little bit. OMG this if Sony does it right and release more games like LittleBigPlannet could inspire more talent to come into the industry. And what do you mean by Home being a complete rip.
  19. There is a public beta of it in April - with a fully releashed version later this year.
  20. But if you think of the crap games ubisoft are putting on the wii, a good examle of this is far crt game looks good on everyother console. But looks totally shit. Plays totally shit. The list goes on and on. Thats the problem - Nintendo getting shit looking games and say wait you got to make that nicer. But know they leave it to come on the console. Also to everyone who doubt me on when the games console will come out. Microsofts Shane Kim and Sony's Phil Harrison have said they will keep with the console for at least 10 years. Whjile Nintendo's exectuvies have questioned whether their hardware will be viable after 5 years.
  21. Can't wait though 5 years nintendo brings out a new console. 10 years time microsoft and sony bring out a new console.
  22. Source? Its coming out in US in august though.
  23. Not really although the idea for Miis is somewhat good I guess what point do they offer - none really. Whereas the Home avatars actually are going through a virtual world so they need that particular style. Of course realism is fine for mass market potential. Typical indication of a fanboy their, they bought a console that can't do realistic graphics so knock the whole concept. This isn't bloody second life, its you living in a virtual world. And nintendo should be taking notes on original downloadable content. Microsoft less so though. Interesting note: Reggie fils-aime was in the audience for phils keynote, and apparently he loved the idea for Home. Not really a simplistic version of the internet seen as the ps3 can view the web. What the heck are you on about no AdBlock sure they are ads but at least they aren't popping up on you. I don't think Home will be seen as you can go and view other peoples trophies, see what new clothing you have unlocked for your avatar etc. It brings in the core gamer who likes to try and gain achievements on 360 but also brings in casual gamers at the same time. Its a bloody masterstroke for sony. And it hold key to sonys lifestyle brand.
  24. Well I use a 4Gb card that I imported to work with my kodak camera, works a treat shame it doesn't work with the wii though.
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