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Everything posted by Noku

  1. I think everything that had to have been said, has been said. Might be good to close this thread. Edit: wow, rhyming and everything!
  2. Wohow, hold your horses there buddy! How do you think journalism works? In order to get exclusives, everyone has inside contacts, who prove to be correct more often rather than false. It's not because his source blew a fuse on this one that Tellyn's skills are to be put in doubt. By the way, if you must call names, at least try to spell correctly. Takes away less of the credibility of what you're saying.
  3. Maybe he told you because his studio is being shut down? And he just generalized it? I'm with Dakota here.
  4. Or, is your source really your source? The plot thickens!
  5. Merging with? Into? Speculate away mister dakota-san!
  6. One can only hope that the franchises and projects that weren's headed to the Wii, will be restructured towards Wii development. I want RF on me Wii.
  7. ... we better all hope it's because they put all their money into the fine banking system of Iceland.
  8. Crap. List of THQ-affiliated devs:
  9. What what WHAT? First reaction: not to critisize your journalistic integrity Tellyn, but how reliable is that source of yours? Second reaction: Deadly Creatures is pretty much done, so that'll still come out. Studios will live on under the flag of other game companies, I suppose.
  10. http://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1221248_1407.html Looks like we get the editor back!!! Plus some managerial mode!
  11. Ah, so it's RE4, but without the horror. And level of detail. Hmmmm...
  12. Was putting off buying any GG because of the absence of arcade controllers in every Wii selling store a-near, but the news of GGXXACP (nice!) is making me reconsider my efforts (which were nonexistent, tbh). Would anyone recommend an arcade controller for the wiin? Preferably wireless, don't care much about losing nanoseconds of response time.
  13. It's like some sort of virus is affecting part of the forum crowd's judgment! First we all applaud everything for being different, and then we take it down for not being cliché. I found the giant cactus brilliant. I found the music brilliant. I found the graphics brilliant. The concept. The steampunk. The VO's. The blablablabla. The fuzziness could just be the source of the vids. Wouldn't bother me all that much if it wasn't though. How about we all run ourselves an antivirus scanner, and then come back to comment on it?
  14. Wow. Have you all been playing your 360s and PS3s lately? That looks f'in sweet. No fmv, all in-game. Right up there with Monster Hunter Tri.
  15. That about says it all Come on Retro, I know that there's some youth sentiment in all of us that's been utterly crushed with this, but did you actually see that last mmmovie? Not too bad a timewaster By the way, how come you went from this to in a matter of days? Sorry to pull your words out of emotional context there, but I felt that it had to be done :P
  16. I think it looks blooming nice. Going into evade incoming fire mode now. Come on guys, it's being made by Team Ninja staff & SSBB's codevelopers. Cut'm some slack I say!
  17. Noku


    Going strong (Okami on Wii petition I found got 43 sigs), but nothing compared to this one, which looks to be doing it without any site support whatsoever. Hurray for franchising?
  18. Noku


    Sweet! Nice! And such!
  19. Noku


    Come on gang! To 20.000 and beyond! Almost hitting 11.000 now You have all asked your peers to sign, haven't you???
  20. Noku


    You're probably right there. But the whole point of this is not to be valid or legal, just to provide publishers with a solid impression that this game has support. So I'm guessing they don't mind all that much - if they mind at all
  21. Apparently it got a full blown 3 out of ten from world renowned Swedish gaming mag Level. Riiiiiiiiight. Something's amiss I say. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=349784
  22. Noku


    Duly noted Thanks for the intel! By the way Bluey, I supplied the petition of both first and last name, couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't (unless they're under the impression that providing false aliases will further the cause...). The reason this got cancelled was because it was put forward in a time where Red Steel and Far Cry Vengeance represented "mature" titles on Wii, and brand power was deemed a prerequisite for a title to be successful (RE4Wii). Has nothing to do with quality or lack thereof. This was more of an advanced tech/ concept demo than anything. Hence the LotR placeholder music.
  23. Noku


    I for one think that Sega isn't going to handle this as well. There's only so much financial risk a company can take: with The Conduit, MadWorld and Hotd it's already got three mature titles; methinks it'll wait and see how those will do before adding more titles to their hardcore wii library. My money's on the Big N themselves. Wasn't n-Space second party btw? Doesn't say anything of that kind on the wiki though.
  24. Noku


    You deserved every bit of that sarcasm Could just be that my pending Spanish exam is killing my inner nice guy, though. Just think about it. This hasn't been touched since it was built a bit under two years ago, using tech well over two years old. The Conduit on the other hand was just announced last year, and didn't look that hot from the get go either (again, véase improvement trailer). I don't think anybody disagrees that the visuals are all over the place. But given aformentioned reasons, I don't see why we shouldn't get excited. Or perhaps you are not le survival horror fan?
  25. Noku


    Then don't Way things are looking, you probably won't even see another person doing that. But ffs, you got to get that sand out of your vagina. Just look at the improvement vids for The Conduit. Oh no, wait, everything percieved is an illusion! The concept of cognition is the latest in government brainwash projects, set forth to dissipate any sense of self in society. Right.
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