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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. What did his original post say? I agree with the RAM thing, I mean recommending 1GB isn't a huge deal in my opinion. Also XP's god awful search function couldn't really be worse. Does this actually find stuff straight away?
  2. I'm only going off screenshots so i don't really know. I used to think Vista looked really nice, and I still do, but recently it's just looked dark and a bit... meh. Anyone got a screenshot of some other settings with it looking a little nicer? Hopefully, it's utterly awful. They've all happened to me today, that's why i used them as examples. The email thing happens all the time though. So annoying. What does it have over XP? Obviously a nicer interface. But what else? *Actual question not sarcastic comment*
  3. If I still had an XP machine I would have upgraded straight away as well. It certainly looks a lot nicer than the childish XP. I have a few questions about Vista. Does the interface look dark? Every screenshot I see it looks really dark. Do windows still load in steps? By this I mean where on XP you'd have the outline of a window open, then some of the tool bars would appear, and basically it looked like the windows were being slowly filled in. Not sure if anyone will understand what I mean. And has anyone had any issues with weird things like in XP e.g Icons not changing to what you're selecting no matter how many times you try to change it, or a folder you can't rename but when someone else tries to do it it works fine, or when you click send file to mail recipient it wont let you view the main Outlook window again? Is Vista a big step up from XP?
  4. To try and get this thread back on track..... Downloaded the free trial of Aperture yesterday, and I think it's really fecking good. I do like photography, and I would like to get this and get more into it. Not sure I can really justify £200 on it though when I'm not a professional or anything. I am interested in buying something a bit different to the usual games I always buy, but meh... not sure.
  5. Pretty much my thinking (except I only use a PC at work as I'm forced to, I'd much rather use a Mac, nothing against PC, I just enjoy using a Mac)
  6. The fact is, people can't seem to discuss Mac vs Windows without having a go at the other side (I include you in this). Personally, I think it's all down to which interface you want to use, and whether you're willing to pay more money for some nice design. The thread was a bad idea from the start. People with Macs shouldn't act like they're better than PC users, and PC users shouldn't act like pissy little girls when a Mac user is about. I think you made the right decision in locking the thread, and I think another one would be ill advised. Sure, if people have questions regarding each OS then go for it, but I can only see another thread going the same way as the last. I would like an iPhone thread though.
  7. How does it compare to the demo? I think i'll most likely get it but it wont be until next week at the earliest because I'm too poor.
  8. I agree, I don't understand why they would put a Mac OS X design into Vista.
  9. God I'm awful at Pacman. Still love it though. And YAY Soul Calibur 4. Although I didn't like 3 so hopefully this ones better.
  10. Bullshit. He's talking about Safari on Mac OS X, which I'm using and is working perfectly.
  11. Yeah I agree, I'm not a fan of the brushed metal, I much prefer the plastic look of iTunes.
  12. Although you can come across a little arrogant sometimes, I generally agree with what you say. Is it ok to be a Mac fan who can see both sides of the argument PC guys? Watched the keynote earlier and it was pretty good, Leopard definitely looks like something I'll want as soon as.
  13. There are loads of peripherals that work on a Mac without any hassle. I agree with the rest though. On a PC you can get an application to do fucking anything, it's a bit more work on a Mac.
  14. I'm the same, I don't really care about Halo, even though I did have fun with the beta for the couple of hours I played of it.
  15. Well I think Leopard looks really cool, and I can't wait for it. I especially like the new dock and the fact that all windows are the same now instead of each one having a different style. The only thing about Safari that annoyed the crap out of me... finally it asks you whether you meant to close a window with multiple tabs. There is a God.
  16. Nope, I got a replacement within 3-4 days and it's worked perfectly ever since. I say go for 360 as it's got some excellent games, Gears, Forza 2, PGR3, Crackdown, Virtua Tennis, Pacman CE, Geometry Wars, Viva Pinata, Oblivion etc. etc. Then there are loads of gaes coming this year like you say Bioshock, Halo 3, PGR4, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, and a load more I can't think of. *Remembers Assasins Creed and Splinter Cell* And yes some of these games are PS3 but 360 is cheaper Plus the controllers better. And the online service is better. *Cough* Achievements *Cough* XBOX 360 is my favourite console at the moment. I say get one.
  17. Me too, I really loved playing Oblivion, if I could finish games before the next one comes out I'd actually get round to playing through the side quests. I hated the demo at first, played it over and over again as I wanted to like it, and eventually I just did. I would say the games better than the demo, but maybe I just got better at the game with practice. While I'm here, Pacman CE = FUCKING AWESOME.
  18. If I Look Left I see some drawers. If I Look Right I see a wall If I Look Down I see a bed and Macbook If I Look Straight Ahead I see My Computer Screen If I Look Behind me I see a wall. :awesome:
  19. Lol, well I'd go for Zelda, SSX, and Mario Strikers. Single player Monkey Ball isn't bad either.
  20. Internet High Five *Holds up hand*
  21. I've just had the same thing happen to me. I've had this happen a few times before, takes a couple of minutes to start working again. What causes it?
  22. I'll add you but I wont play the game online for a while yet, need to have a good few hours of single player first. Games really good. Drives perfectly. The thing I really love (and it seems very similar to Gran Turismo, which I hate) is the driving line. It makes it so much better. Going through the arcade mode so far, got gold in the first half of them so far. Love the triggers as well, don't know how people played Gran Turismo 4 with the PS2 pad.
  23. Ridiculous comment. I'm quite annoyed I came back into this thread. People need to stop telling other people how to think. It annoys me that if you're a Mac owner you're suddenly seen as some arrogant ponce who thinks he's better than everyone else because of his computer. That's definitely not what I think, and yes, maybe I spent more money on something I happen to like. Does that somehow make a difference to your life? Probably not. I own a Macbook because I enjoy using it, not because I want to be part of some exclusive club.
  24. I can't wait for this game. Gonna be so awesome.
  25. So who got Forza 2? And how does it compare to the demo?
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