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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. I hope you don't mind me putting the games I bought in the last two weeks here :P


    1. The Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time (already finished)

    2. The Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

    3. The Prince of Persia: the Two Thrones

    4. Resident Evil Zero

    5. Timesplitters 2

    6. Second Sight

    7. Spartan: Total Warrior

    8. GUN


    yeah I've been spending too much money lately, oh well...


    EDIT: 1080 is awesome, shame the punk soundtrack is so short and all the rest is crap... and the fact that you make all the track downhill and end before the end of the music, I prefer games like mario kart were you do 3 tracks or so :(


    they should at least have made bigger tracks (enough to finish the musics)


    What did you think of Spartan Total Warrior? It's the last game I bought, and I haven't really got into it yet. Might give it a go soon. Really want to buy Chibi Robo aswell which as soon as I get a bit of cash I will be getting it.

  2. if you want a nightmare looking for work try this:


    18 months ago i left a job at the passport office. from there i was looking for work for 4 months and found one for RGIS inventory services after a month my boss sent me a letter saying i cant work for them anymore as i have done 2 no shows for jobs...which is bogus..i did 3 days a week and she wrote me down for 5. they wouldnt listen to reason so was unemployed again.


    next job was in july to sept at brewery temp through agency..then took me SIX! months to find work then at last got work at magor services but after 3 weeks they laid me off :( and ever since ive been looking (left services in april)

    bad year and half for work for me


    Wow that is bad. How old are you? It isn't too bad for me right now, cus I don't have to pay bills etc. But it doesn't make you feel too good when you sit at home day after day doing nothing, and having to get other people give you money.


    Hope to God I get this technician job. :hmm:


    Kerrang jsut rate popualr bands with high marks wether they like hem or not.

    Kerrang is shite.




    Also, people who say the AWP is a n00b weapon, jsut because someone is pwning with it. It's there to be used, a n00b couldn't operate the thing, get over it


    I think Kerrang rated Angels and Airwaves first show 5 K's saying it was flawless, then gave a recent one 3 K's saying the weird speeches Tom Delonge keeps giving ruin it a little bit, which is weird considering he's given them at all of the shows.

  3. Thing that angers me most, is my inability to find a job. I wouldn't class myself as one of those pricks who wouldn't work. I never put a foot wrong in school got 10 Grades B-C (RS stupid D), I've worked hard for my A Levels. And now it would appear I can't get a job anywhere. I got rejected from a newsagents, Asda ignored me, B&Q said I had the wrong personality for a car park job, I've recently applied to Wilkinson, which was a week ago with no call yet.


    Yeah, I'm the same, all of my GCSE's are above D level (6 B-C), I've got an ICT A Level at D, and a Fork Lift Truck License. I just get endless replies of 'Sorry you don't have the experience'. Well I've just applied for a job at a school as an ICT Technician, which is a job I could definitely do, and there is training involved aswell. So if I don't get it I will be extremely pissed off, and close to giving up on being any kind of success.


    As mentioned before, Christiano Ronaldo. If I saw him in the street, I will kill him. He is such a pussy.....I just fuckin hate him right now.


    Yeah, I'd like to wipe the smile off the smug bastards face. Mostly be throwing acid at him. :mad:

  4. Hmmm everyones pissed off :-)


    Well snoring makes me angry. I could punch through a wall when I hear it. Apart from that I don't really have a whole lot to moan at.


    Apart from those adverts for jobs that say experience essential, when I need the job to gain experience. They make me angry. And the hold button on my iPod, since it's decided to stop working.


    And people that tell me the music I listen to is 'basic'. So lots of things really :-|

  5. Its times like these I lose faith in humanity. Hopefully they'll get what they deserve. Luckily I've never had an experience like this but if I did I just know I wouldn't be able to control my (very bad) temper, and would end up standing up for myself, no matter how many. :(


    That concerns me a little aswell, if someone does attack me I might just start hitting the shit out of them, sicne I have LOADS of built up aggression, and would probably end up getting killed.


    This kind of thing is what makes me hate humans.

  6. I honestly can't believe Walcott went instead of Defoe. And Walcott wont play. Sven will try anything but play him. Cole up front, Gerrard up front. 4-5-1.


    I'm sorry but if we are going to play 4-5-1 we need Lennon in the side. You can't play 5 central midfielders. And Carrick should play instead of Hargreaves IMO. Not because Hargreaves is a bad player, just that Carrick is someone who can really get England playing.

  7. WMP11 is out fully isnt it?


    Im using IE7 BETA for stuff Opera doesnt run, it's a bit suck..


    Nope it's still beta. I don't know why everyone has a problem with IE. One thing that is annoying me though, why is it you click a link only for it to open in a new window instead of these new tabs? Surely the point of them is so you don't have to have a million windows open at once?

  8. Lying down, closing my eyes and listening to some ambient music.


    Also I love it when a new console is released and you bring it home set it up the first time and sit and listen to the start up jingle the first time. Dunno what it is about that.

  9. I love Scrubs. I actually thought it was ridiculous until I actually sat abd watched a few episodes, now I'm addicted. When I next get some money I'm going to buy the first 2 seasons. Sad to hear Season 6 might be the last.


    I love Zach Braff though, going to watch the film Garden State tonight which he stars in, wrote and directed.


    Scrubs is one of my favourite shows.:yay:

  10. So if you're Cube is plugged in, even if it's turned off, it is fine (and will charge the battery)? Because mine is usually unplugged. It shares a electricity outlet (ehh thing? English term?) with my other consoles and devices, so it depends on what I used last.


    I wouldn't worry about it, my old Dreamcast was in the loft for months unplugged and it didn't make a difference.

  11. Link me up to a you tube vid and ill tell you. But i thought he sounded awesome, voice has really changed since the old dude ranch days.


    No need mate. I went and it was absolutely awesome. Everything about the show was perfect. Tom's singing was the best I've ever heard it live, it was near perfect, even my overly picky friend said he was great. He does over do the whole lets save the whole world thing a bit lol but it was such a great show.


    If you're judging AVA on crappy bootlegs then sod off and go to a show. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I know many of you will think i'm daft but I loved it.


    I've never enjoyed being crushed by loads of people as much as when Valkyrie Missile started. :p

  12. Where are the cool icons from?


    You install this program, it installs a few wallpapers, changes all your icons, start menu, task bar, and everything. It also installs this glass thing, so all your windows go transparent but it looks awful, but you can disable that. It doesn't slow your computer down either.


    I'll post a link a bit later.




    There you go, check out this thread. If you install it and find you hate the glass thing, just go into the settings and make sure you uncheck the start up with windows box. Another point, if your icons change back to the old style ones, go inot the 'add/remove programs' screen from control panel, go down the the Vista program, click change/remove' and then theres an option to refresh the icons (It's obvious which one).

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