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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. That Guy, I feel your pain!


    I bought the WW with the 2nd disc with OoT and MM on it, and duly enjoyed WW very much (not a very tough game but enjoyable).


    OoT though...I can;t make myself play it. I've only got a few more Temples to do but the game just feels so unresponsive (perhaps because I'm not playing it on the N64 pad it was designed for?) and slow in pace. It's also much more difficult that WW. I have a load of friends who swear by OoT as the best game ever, but I just don't see the appeal. I guess when it originally came out it broke a lot of new ground but now it seems dated and unappealling.


    However, I have sworn to finish it before I get my Wii with Twilight Princess!


    Unresponsive, yeah, thats the best way to describe it. I really wish I'd had an N64 instead of Playstation. Missed out on so much... :cry:

  2. Well I started playing zelda gamnes after I played Link to the past on snes when i was young. I really love OOT and I think WW is great too but OOT is the best zelda game (and possibly the best game ever!) IMO!


    Anyway I really can't understand why you don't like OOT but you should dammit!


    Lol, I know! I get annoyed while playing it, that I'm not loving it. I really loved Wind Waker, it's one of my favourite games of all time. Maybe it's the control, it just feels a bit weird to me, like not as tight as Wind Waker. I dunno.


    Why don't I freakin like it?:blank:

  3. And Playstation is a brand the public in general know and trust. Most people don't know about Sony's rootkit fiasco, and don't stop and think about how few games they'll be able to buy when they are £50+.


    Your friends liking/having something is one of the best ways for something to become popular, it's certainly one of the reasons I investigated the DS further and decided to buy one myself.


    Do not underestimate the PS3 being "cool". I'll be telling all my friends and family about the Wii as I do with my DS, and especially telling them how cheap the console and games are compared to the PS3.


    I think everything you've said in this thread makes a lot of sense. Wii will be big I think, but I still think a massive amount of people will buy PS3's simply because it's Playstation.

  4. I know that absolutely everyone loves Zelda: OOT and The Wind Waker got criticism from fans, but I was just wondering what the views of people who played WW first before they got into OOT.


    I recently started playing OOT and I have to say, I'm not impressed in the slightest. I'm not a graphics whore so the graphics aren't bothering me too much, I just can't put my finger on why I don't like it.


    I'm a bit worried that since Twighlight Princess is a realistic Zelda instead of cel shaded I might not like that after all of this waiting.


    Did anyone else like Wind Waker but not OOT?

  5. Got to play the game a little. Seems awesome and very fun, but the voices and the slow text is annoying.

    I love the sound departments, except for the voices. It's a shame most people will never play this.


    Totally agree with the voices and text. Annoying as hell. Graphics are rubbish aswell except for a few moments, but that didn't bother me too much.


    Finished it last night. Took me 13-14 hours. Didn't do all of the side quests though. I really liked it. Shame that it was the last game I'll get on GC.

  6. I agree and im afraid many people may miss out on this gem.


    Yep, as with so many Nintendo/ other original games, dismissed for looking childish/not enough guns etc.


    What you do in it is clean up, do various tasks like collecting frog rings for the girl etc. It's more something you have to play, because it sounds crap i know.

  7. Personally, I think certain things that use standby should have it removed. TVs should not have standby modes. How hard is it to get up and switch it on?


    However, some things would be stupid to get rid of. Computers, for example, can go into standby mode if left for ages, which is definitely a good thing for people who leave their computer for a long period of time.


    But the Wii would have a proper reason for being on standby, so I can't see it not having this feature, even if the law was passed before the Wii was out.

  8. Regarding the past Nintendo consoles, I'm preety sure it won't have those issues. Nintendo don't launch buggie systems. That's a fact. period


    When the Gamecube launched there was a load of them that would crash. I had one, there was a letter in NGC where someone had one, and NGC said they'd been getting a fair few letters with similar problems, and when I took my console back to Game he said they'd had a few people returning them. So not every Nintendo console is perfect.


    If anything were to go wrong though with the Wii I'd expect it to be with the controller, but I think Nintendo will have planned it and tested it through enough to avoid these kinds of problems.

  9. Finally got this, and I have to say, Its really good. The only downside so far after about an hour is the annoying voices. But I love the little tunes every time you do something lol. Can't work out why I like it but it's really good.

  10. dont worry its your opinion and there's nothing wrong with it. i like that album myself


    btw in future of arguing: there's no such thing as a bad song, as there's always someone out there who will like it


    That's exactly what I was thinking the other day.


    As for favourite album, I'd say We Don't Need to Whisper by Angels and Airwaves.

  11. Me thinks we should do it via genre, so it's open to everyone for is a fan of different genres. This way it can help people who say are fans of RPGs and not FPSs. So you could do essentials genre wise as that way you get different games, not just endless Metroid Primes. Anywho just my thoughts, take it or leave it.



    Tales Of Symphonia



    Resident Evil 4


    Beat Em Up

    Soul Calibur 2


    Yeah, good idea. Maybe we could have a thread stickied, then we could have a vote for your favourite in each genre, then list the top one of each genre with a runner up. Probably too much hassle, but only throwing ideas around.

  12. Surely this thread would have been better if everyone lists their top 3 games then you could see which came up more often, then you would really see the must haves. I'm struggling to name 3 right now because they've all been mentioned.




    Zelda: TWW

    Super Monkey Ball



    Trying to mention some that haven't been said already:


    Monkey Ball 2

    Billy Hatcher

  13. I still didn't get into it aswell, but played some levels, the number of enemies is impressive and the gameplay is fairly good... a good game overall...


    but... chibi robo, now that's a awesome game, I'd really advise you to buy it ASAP, I wasn't expecting much and ecountered one of the 3 most entertaining games i've played this generation.


    Yeah, it is impressive how many enemies are on screen, but I found at first I was just hammering a button and killing enemies, although I believe there is more to the combat than that. Will have to look into it eventually.


    Chibi Robo does look fun, although my hopes aren't too high, cus I always get a game everyone raves about e.g. Killer 7, and then find it isn't for me. But I'm going to give it a go anyway.

  14. Chibi Robo will be the last game I ever buy, once that's got my Cube collection will be done, as is my Dreamcast collection. Since the GC is technically my sisters anyway once I get a Wii I have to give it back to her, but most of the games will still get played on Wii.

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