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Everything posted by Haakon

  1. I don't find the next chapter, I want to see if he can get his Wii, he.
  2. PLEASE Aonuma, don't lie!!! Tell me that's true that the Wii version is also made with the Cube engine, and the game look exactly as beautiful :'( Thanks Twilight.
  3. Please people, by god's sake, tell me that GCN TP looks as good as the TP one, I don't care about widescreen or Wii controls (I love actual Zelda gameplay) BUT TELL ME IF THE GCN TP LOOKS EXACTLY AS BEAUTIFUL AS THE WII VERSION!!!??? I cannot buy a Wii soon, so this is a vital thing to me
  4. Distributing a playable demo wouldn't damage...
  5. Hyrule.net was promising this TP video a while ago, I tought they were BSing but I just watched it http://www.hyrule.net/?content=z15video_special102&base=language/en/games/z15/video&lan=en Enjoy.
  6. 1.- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time Best game ever, I never enjoyed too much ALttP or LoZ, Link was like a Peter Pan clone to me, but the first time I touched OoT, I found that it wasn't another game, it was an entire experience, OoT was a gate to another entire world filled with magic, I was a kid starting my journey in order to grow into a brave and legendary hero, in a beautiful land of dream called Hyrule, it wasn't just another "pass level one and then two" game, it was a world, I just love OoT, I play it now and I feel it just as a low frame-rate game, but I will never forget the hapiness that OoT bringed to my life, Nintendo don't make jewels like this anymore, TWW was heartbreaking dissapointment (for my expectatives for a "next-gen Zelda game") so I have my fingers so crossed for TP, I'm happy that it's delayed. 2.- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3.- Resident Evil 4 4.- Terranigma 5.- Perfect Dark
  7. "Those are classic arcade games and not console games." Yes, the currently announced, but those companies are offering support and easily can port their old console games, if we're going to see games like the NES and SNES Castlevania's, Megaman, NEO GEO games, even Perfect Dark, it could beat the Nintendo service (I've played Mario Bros. Classics since the NES, then in Super Mario all stars, then in the GBA classics, I had enough of them) Microsoft has been announcing this kind of service long before Nintendo, right now there is the Live arcade service (you can download freely an update of Alien Hominid) so they'll have a lot of time of advantage, and if MS introduces just the Sega library, it would be serious competition. But who knows what will happen, if Nintendo decides to improve graphically the games and make them online enabled (and make them free, hehe...) they can keep up that advantage.
  8. It would be a great idea, and since the majority of the DS games uses the second screen as a map, who cares?
  9. http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=9214 Well, Xbox 360 in its Live service will launch downloadable classics of retro-gaming like Smash TV and Gauntled, plus many companies like Sega, Konami, SNK, Ubisoft and Capcom will support the service and possibly will launch their classics to download from Live (imagine Street Fighter II, Metal Slug, Castlevania or Nights, even a complete library of Sega games from Sonic to Altered Beast) do you think it's a direct attack to Nintendo old games download service?
  10. I've heard from several people who played it that it's too similar to Zelda, the gameplay is great, the graphics are gorgeous, the musical score is epic, you ride a horse and transform into other beings, but I will judge it myself next friday on the EGS, oh... and a Nintendo nerd yelling "Kiddy Game" should be the funniest! Better go and play Wind Waker for a while :p
  11. I think it's a modified GCN Dev Kit, and since the Revo programing is said to be so similar to the GCN, I think that was an Alpha Dev Kit for Revolution, or just was a cutscene, like in RE4 or FFX the graphics improved on cutscenes, because of the close-ups and few elements on-screen, but I isn't any impressive in my opinion, that should be the reason of the little showing of it.
  12. Maybe is just that the developers population is growing, I also wish to be one someday :P
  13. I understand Matt's dilemma, he is a cube editor, he loves Nintendo, but how can someone be excited about a console with not a lone screen of a lone game showed. Especially when you've played a next-gen Zelda killer and other great games of the 360.
  14. I heard the PS3 development was easy but now I see that's false... I think this will be an advantage for the Xbox 360, wich is even supporting small developers with it's Arcade Service, now with just $100,000 you can make a game for the 360, and sell it via marketplace or just let it be played free and the sponsors pay, is something like that and there are 21 games announced, now Microsoft just needs to have an old Sega classics library to download, also if the Revolution is cheapier and easier to program, more developers will make games on it, but since it's so different in terms of gameplay and horsepower, I don't see developers moving their projects to Revo.
  15. Whoa, I'm very interested in 3D modeling, Blender tutorials looks great, but the pics made in Max7 are awesome, wich is better?
  16. Lost, the TV series?
  17. Nintendo already accepted that the Revo will be weaker, just look at the size of that thing, it can be more powerful at that size without getting hot as hell (the cube looks gigantic compared to the revo) and about Iwata not surprised about PS3 graphics I don't care, MGS4 in real time looked awesome. And about a Miyamoto comment, if he thinks that Kameo or Gears of War don't look superior to Twilight Princess, we have a bunch of blind Nintendo executives, so again: I don't care.
  18. Oh man... I am regreting to have cutted my hair
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