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Everything posted by are1981

  1. I'm available this evening, dazzy. Want to play now? DuD, Pestneb, others: Just shout out if you want to play, even brief sessions.
  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Well, how about now? I'm in SMM now, but would like some Splatoon action!
  3. I'm up for some splatting! Any specific time frame on your mind? If you use Skype, it will make arranging games easier. Me, DuD, Pestneb, Rummy, and a few others have been using Skype to text, or sometimes, to voice chat. Maybe you should post this in the online thread as well, I assume more people will see your post.
  4. The 'small' faults of this game is incredibly frustrating! It is an almost perfect game, but some things are just really getting on my nerves: 3v4 ranked, and no balancing to even out the odds. No automatic balancing or balancing options in uneven teams in private battles. Imagine being able to switch off super jumps, increase/decrease respawn time and super jump speed, increase/decrease movement speed in inkling/squid form, increase/decrease weapon damage, for either team! Not being able to skip stage rotation news, or autoplay rotation news by the press of a button. Autoplay could of course be prohibited when there is new game content incoming. Waiting to be kicked out of ranked lobby for stage rotation news 0-2 minutes past the hour, because enough players cannot be found, and not being able to exit manually to force rotation news. The lobby countdown timer! These are about half my issues with the game, I think. I don't remember other issues right now. Thanks for the games last night, DuD and Rummy! I would also love a 2-hour rotation!
  5. Please, please, please do! The world need to play your courses. Surely the game will have its share of bad courses, yours will help tip the scale the other way.
  6. I have been eagerly awaiting Super Mario Maker for a year now, but the last two-three months I have begun to think this game will very likely turn out to become one of my top ten all-time favourite games! You, sir, are an excellent course designer! I have been following your posts in this thread, and I can't wait to play your courses when the game comes out. Can the courses made in the review copy of the game be uploaded and shared from the retail game, or will the review copy courses have to be made from scratch?
  7. I can't believe this game does not have a local 4-player mode! It really should have had an online multiplayer mode as well.
  8. My love for Splatoon and my love for Excel made a baby: That 14-round winning streak was great fun!
  9. Do you use Skype? That would make this so much easier.

  10. Hey, check the Splatoon online thread. Another want to join us.

  11. I love that ad!!! Too bad it will probably never be shown on TV here in Norway.
  12. With one of the two new maps stealthily shown in the Rainmaker launch announcement seven days ago, releasing in a little over ten hours, I assume the suspension bridge map is not far away as well!
  13. Thanks squadmate! It was great fun! But I have to go to sleep now. We played over three hours!!!

  14. I see some of you are playing Splatoon now. I'm ready for squad battles!
  15. That's not all! Look! In the same announcement post, there are images of two new maps! Apartment buildings and commercial buildings: Suspension bridge:
  16. I'm in for squads or private tonight!
  17. Since this thread is more active than the Splatoon online thread, I'll just quote myself: You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse And now that I have reached maximum level this Splatfest, I'm ready for some private battles! Is anyone free right now for battles? I am available the next five hours!
  18. I am furious at Nintendo! My Mario Kart 8 race points has reset to 1000! Twenty-one hours ago I had 3003 points, but now the game acts as if I have never played the game before. More details and screenshots: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAACNUKEomQSaaQ I just do not know what to do now. I think I might just quit MK8.
  19. It took me eight hours to complete, so don't lose hope yet.
  20. I'm so looking forward to this!
  21. Yes. Evidence #1: Pullblox/Fallblox ownership on 3DS automatically triggers limited-time 30% discount on Pullblox World on Wii U. I should definitely be able to download and play Metroid Fusion for free on my Wii U...
  22. Great post! I love the 'pink hair' debate/issue.
  23. Buy! Toki Tori 2 is one of my all time favourite games!
  24. In my experience, the eShop updates at 15:00 CEST/14:00 BST sharp! I've never seen an update late, even by minutes, and I'm usually online on my Wii U this time every week if my schedule allows it.
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