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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Mr Eguchi and Ms Kyogoku visit London Town https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.180405158792330.1073741835.151778811654965&type=1 Siliconera Review: http://www.siliconera.com/2013/06/07/animal-crossing-new-leaf-the-3ds-gets-the-best-animal-crossing-ever/
  2. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37349
  3. Well I'm still a few chapters behind but where I was last up to, there was no indication/foreshadowing that was going to happen. Now I'm starting to question how Naruto will conclude?
  4. Colour me impressed. It looks solid and I'm liking this new approach in Sonic's gameplay, having more control makes it more fun!
  5. Well I'm getting the game via the 'Many Great Games' promotion but even if that hadn't come along I would have bought it digitally via the eShop. I watched a video not too long ago and I think the town name has an 8 character limit. Maybe @Mike could confirm that for us?
  6. Sorry, forgot to mention it. Was just a bit unhappy
  7. I'm tempted to join you guys but Fire Emblem is still sitting in my 3DS and taking every bit of my free time. However I think I might return to it tonight and maybe do some practice with my sister so that I'm in decent shape before joining you two. In other words expect to see me either Saturday &/or Sunday night.
  8. Of all the places to get spoiled...
  9. That will be the case in the short-term, but I'm positive that 3rd Party support will arrive after the Wii U picks up and the only way that will happen is when Nintendo finally reveal & release some of their big hitters.
  10. Mine is going to be called Fushia Town.
  11. Posted this in the Bargains thread so just to make sure others see it too I'm posting it here. Nintendo 3DS XL for £119, but that's not all. Use this code to get a further £15 off: TDXR-7TGW That brings it down to £104. http://www.tesco.com/direct/nintendo-3ds-xl-black-silver/275-2139.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=275-2139&sc_cmp=aff_1018132
  12. I think I read that Bugs vs Tanks from Guild 02 will be released next week in the North American eShop but I haven't seen this confirmed yet.
  13. You could save that for future 3DS eShop games or when there's a great sale.
  14. Well I didn't think about matching with that in mind. I might do that on my 3rd playthrough as I'm trying to explore more funny/natural pairings on my 2nd playthrough. I think you will notice the increase in difficulty but I think that would be early on. It's always going to be harder at the start of the game especially on the higher difficulties, but once you get past the opening few chapters I think you'll do fine throughout the rest of the game. Of course grinding will always make things easier regardless of difficulty. As daft as this may sound, I don't really understand your last line. What do you mean you can't afford to grind? This Weeks Download Content Bonus Team: Genealogy/Holy War G1 (JP) Bonus Item: Astra Bonus Challengers: Gregor's Swell Swords & Say'ri's Ascension Outrealm Gate The Future Past 1/Future Past Pack Rogues & Redeemers 1/Rogues Pack
  15. Agree with you on Dr. Mario. Thought it was silly to have him as a separate character in Melee. Do you think we'll see Young Link? I think it could be the Link from ALTTP 2. If Paper Mario is included do you think he'll play/act in a similar style to Mr. Game & Watch?
  16. At the very least it could be an alternate costume but otherwise having another 'Mario' would be cheap and waste what few slots remain.
  17. Picross E3 Details: http://www.siliconera.com/2013/06/05/picross-e3-coming-out-next-week-has-nothing-to-do-with-e3/
  18. Some new details: The item charging/sharing via Miiverse definitely intrigues me. http://nintendoeverything.com/124028/new-sonic-lost-world-details/
  19. At least the Disc-art looks nice.
  20. Happenstance posted the IGN review recently and I think that Audrey answers that question quite nicely. Be sure to read the full review if you hadn't done so already. Besides, I'm an AC noob and just dived into Wild World head-first. Never regretted it. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/06/04/animal-crossing-new-leaf-review
  21. Fan-art Don't understand all this mother loving, but when the VC title hits I'm sure to give it a go and see what the fuss is all about.
  22. Eiji Aonuma: Not all 3D games have been 30 fps. I know MK7 runs at a silky smooth 60. Full article:http://www.videogamer.com/3ds/legend_of_zelda_link_to_the_past_2/news/legend_of_zelda_link_to_the_past_2_runs_at_60fps_in_3d.html
  23. Yes it is. Just make sure to backup your files beforehand just as a precaution.
  24. Club Nintendo Picross?
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