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Everything posted by Sparko

  1. It's about time, the Democrats have been seriously screwing themselves by being so undivided. After the last 8 years, the Democrats are in a position where the election should have been in the bag for them, but all this fighting among themselves while the Republicans have been united behind McCain for months has hurt them IMO.
  2. The Lisbon Treaty

    I change my mind every day about how I'm going to vote. On the one hand I like the idea of a more unified Europe, but then I have to consider the difficulty that arises from implementing Europe-wide measures when every country is different and not everyone can benefit, the dilution of control etc. To be honest, I don't understand the treaty well enough to use my vote properly, so that has me leaning towards a no vote because I can't really vote yes for something I don't understand. I wish there was an unbiased summary of the whole thing written in proper English, the treaty itself is way too complex. Every piece of information we've gotten from the Government is completely biased. Another issue is that Sinn Féin, a socialist nationalist party in Ireland, are the only party who are pushing for a no vote, and out of principle I tend to try and do the exact opposite of what they propose. So yea, this message shows how I don't have a clue what way I'm going to vote on the day.
  3. Sleeping In Socks

    No socks for me in bed. If it's a cold night, I just keep my feet well covered, and if it's a warm night I stick my feet out at the bottom of the bed to cool off
  4. Source: Neowin.net Just noticed this update on my neowin RSS feed. Like it says, it might just mean the retailer they got the news from might just be introducing some new bundles, but it could also mean we'll start seeing some more colours. It's a bit late for me, I'm happy with the white one but thought it was worth mentioning.
  5. How was your day?

    I hate falling asleep in the middle of the day. I was just minding my own business watching that new retelling of the Wizard of Oz, Tin Man, and then a nap snuck up on me. Now I have that horrible groggy feeling. Plus while I was asleep I had a dream that I was still awake watching the show, so it took me ages to work out what really happened and what was part of the dream. Bloody confusion! Eenuh, that drawing is amazing. I wish I could draw like you.
  6. Nuked the Fridge(Indy 4 spoilers maybe)

    Don't worry Coolness, the Irish government recently spend millions researching possible emergency situations and then distributed a 'helpful' booklet to everyone in the country. Nuclear incidents are included, and the suggested approach is to stay indoors and hide under a table. It's that simple It also includes helpful tips like if you spot a building on fire, stay away from it and call for assistance. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without this sort of insight!
  7. Post Your Purchases

    Got myself some sunglasses for my holiday this summer. Was a bit of a hassle because I had to get prescription glasses, so I had to get an eyetest done which I hate, but got there in the end! I wouldn't usually go for an Armani frame but my friend works in the optician I went to and she was able to give me a massive discount so it's all good
  8. How was your day?

    So sorry to hear that, Dante. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  9. How do I take chill pill?

    Cube is right, a glass of water is a great tool during an interview, to keep you relaxed and you can use it if you need a few seconds to think about your answer. Best advice I can give is to prepare some answers with relevant examples of: -times when you had a leadership role. -teamwork. -personal strengths and weaknesses. -where you see yourself in 5 years. Also it's good to have an understanding of the company, chances are they'll ask you what you know about them. Just relax and go with the flow, the interviewer isn't going to try and catch you out, they've got a list of questions that they have to ask, as long as you answer them somewhat coherently you'll be fine. Once you've answered the question, leave it at that, there's nothing worse than waffling and ending up going off on a complete tangent. I know interviews can be the most nerve-wracking thing ever, but they get easier with experience. Good luck!
  10. Eurovision

    As much as I hate this whole competition, I'm up for Latvia, gotta love the pirates!
  11. I've missed a whole day..ugh..

    Yesterday was a bit of a write-off for me too, I was out all day and night on Friday and Saturday, so needed to catch up on sleep yesterday. Woke up just in time for the new gladiators, pefect hangover show.
  12. Gladiators

    Exactly what I thought. He was completely out of his league for the majority of the show, can't believe he won in the end.
  13. The Television News Thread

    I hope the squeaky voiced intern introduced in season 7 is still around in season 8. I know she has the potential to be overused as a joke and if they want the season to be more dramatic like it says in the article she might not be the best choice, but still I find myself in fits of laughter everytime she's on screen.
  14. Gladiators

    Well he is nearly 56..
  15. How was your day?

    Sounds better than my dream, I was pregnant but this was completely normal in the dream. The only thing I was worried about was that I'd had a lot to drink and had forgotten that it was bad for the baby. Then I realised how strange the whole situation was and got freaked out. My subconscious throws the weirdest things at me some nights. Today's plan: Get travel insurance, setup my bank card for use abroad and buy some cheap summer clothes.
  16. I've got a good few left to finish. Off the top of my head: Tales of Symphonia (last battle) Baten Katios (I'm near the end) Pikmin (never started it really) Viewtiful Joe (Same as above) Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Star Fox Adventures There's probably more that I'm forgetting about.
  17. Gladiators

    I thought it was decent tonight, I particularly like that powerball game and the pyramid game looks impossible, the contenders were getting killed out there. Plus that knock the Scottish contender took on the bridge run was hilarious! Things I didn't enjoy were that guy trying to be hard to be like Wolf from the original version and Ian Wright, he just annoys me. The Eliminator isn't as good as the original either.
  18. How was your day?

    Exams are over, and I'm officially finished college, as long as exams go well I'll be graduating and starting work in October. Real life is scary. I was out last night celebrating and had a great night, but had to get my vaccinations for Thailand earlier today which was not the greatest thing in the world. I didn't mind the injections, it was more the fact that I had to get out of bed and go outside in my hungover state!
  19. Conzer man, from what you've posted about your trip so far it sounds amazing. That video you posted of the canyon bungee jump scares me just looking at it!
  20. Iwata Talks Wii Memory Issue

    It's about time they got their heads out of their asses about this issue. Hopefully we get some good news soon.
  21. Wii Fit

    The male trainer looks so much like Frank Lampard.
  22. Motivation(al) thread

    My finals start in about 4 hours.. So i need motivation to do a bit of last minute study. After that I need motivation to survive in this "real world" I've heard about, because after the 8th of May I'm officially not a student anymore
  23. Wii Fit

    God some of those muscle and yoga exercises are tough, I can't stop laughing when I see my results afterwards, my balance shifts all over the place! Only one day in, so I'm hoping I improve.
  24. Okami

    So it'll probably be 40euro for us, they don't usually convert directly.
  25. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    After all this wait I won't even be in the country when it comes out. No Smash Bros. for me until late July. It's probably a good thing though, doing my finals over the next few weeks so Smash Bros. would probably take up so much of my time that I'd end up failing