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Everything posted by Drift

  1. hmm, so not the best thing since sliced bread then :P I have a 360 controller hooked up to my PC. So control shouldn't be an issue if it supports it well... Honestly, every PC gamer should buy one of these controllers, bought it a few weeks ago when I wanted to play DMC4 for PC, best_purchase_ever, brilliant on nearly every game that supports it, and sudddenly PC ports of console games are better then the console counterpart. So, enough advertising for that :P my main issue is... whats the dif between the Wii and the PC version? Does the Wii version have any specific controls that make it worth playing on that instead? I wasn't originally going to buy this game anyway, as 500 points is like 8 bucks which didn seem worth it... but yeah on PC for 5? maybe I should just cut my losses and give it a shot in hopes that the developer will produce something better next time :P
  2. Fo PC at least, can get it off steam for $4.95, plus 10% off (making it 50c cheaper). Anyway, i'm thinking of buying it, I mean it's cheap as hell, but don't wanna rebuy on Wii later then, anybody got any opinion on this? The game never acctually seemed any good, kinda like a really REALLY standard and mediocre platformer. However... it's less then 5 bucks...
  3. I still don't get it. I've heard people complain about the graphics, but even now, aside from a couple first party titles like Mario Galaxy, it remains one of the best looking games on the Wii. The lighting effects especially were brilliant. Also, I never had a problem with the gameplay. People complain that the FPS controls weren't the same as what they wanted (ie metroid prime, medal of honour etc). However... I found that was more a part of the gameplay then a detriment, it played differently, so what? Many games play differently, shouldn't you be happy for the variety? Personally I found it an interesting challenge, kinda like a lightgun based shooter. The idea was not to let the enemies get behind you, hence not needing to worry about turning around. Also, some of the controls were just brilliant, it felt great to push your hand forward in that sudden jerk to freeze time and shoot everyones guns away, trying to keep that up to balance that meter and be able to use it consistantly added depth beyond most shooters. Also, the swordfighting worked pretty damn well for a first effort. I enjoyed it, and generally found that as you figured the moves out and got better at doing them properly, you'd well, succeed more. Which is what I'd expect, so what was up with all the complaints? Blocking caused me some problems at first, untill I realised I wasn't doing it right, after that I could block consistantly and it wasn't a problem at all. So yah I don't understand the complaints about that either. So in conclusion, in future, I hope they don't go changing this series! Personally, I think the series should keep it's unique gameplay, without that, it's just like every other shooter on the market. And lets be honest, in that market, Conduit is gonna beat the crap outa it :P
  4. Well, Nintendo likes releasing games in pairs. Aside from Mario games, nearly every other first party franchise has had 2 games last gen, Zelda also had two games the gen before. I assume it's a patern thats most likely going to continue, for Zelda especially, so that was definetly no suprise, we haven't even had the first pikmin game on Wii yet, so we already knew that was comming. The only first party title I'd really want an announcment for is F-Zero as it's future is kinda still in doubt, though honestly it would be stupid if Nintendo didn't release a sequal. Although... they better not screw it up with the Wiimote. In the end, Nintendo is a buisness like any other, new IP's require risk, but these already established ones, thier cash cows worth milking, and my bet is Nintendo is going to milk them, and two a generation seems to be the going rate for Nintendo. So yeah, I'd say it's a pretty well educated guess :P
  5. I don't really get it, people are wanting announcments for these games, and sem genuinely suprised and happy when Nintendo says they're being developed... Here's the thing, anyone who knows anything about Nintendo (which is everyone here) already knows these games are comming out. Why was it, for example, so special when Nintendo just confirmed pikmin? I mean, it's a successful series that has seen two previous iterations on the Gamecube, of course they're going to make another for the Wii, we practically knew that from launch. Same with Zelda, since the N64, there's always been two per generation, I could have told you, two Zelda games, and only two, would be released for the Wii before I even knew what the Wii was. It's the same with most of Nintendo's main franchises, Metroid and Zelda mainly, pikmin will no doubt join the ranks if the first Wii outing is a success. We will also most probably see a single waverace and f-zero game this generation, I mean they sell, and the ground work is in place, why would Nintendo not develop them? Now, if Nintendo announced a new Mario Galaxy game, that would be something to be excited about, we all know Mario is comming every generation (just like 2 Zelda games and 2 Metroid games), a second though would be so far unheard of since the Snes days. So yeah, I don't see why people act suprised when this stuff is announced, give us a release date, or footage or details, then we can be excited, but telling us they're comming... Thats like announcing the fact the sun is going to rise in the morning. We (all of you infact) already knew this, what we want are details, and we don't seem to be getting them
  6. why is everyone so happy about this :? You do know your current Wii's are already capable of 1:1 motion right? Your putting all your hopes in this thing, but in reality, the reason why we don't have 1:1 has nothing to do with technology, devs simply don't want to do it. It's a matter of, if I swing a blade using 1:1, and blade hits wall, and my hand goes through wall, sync go bye-bye, how do you solve that problem? There isn't any proper solution to it, and this won't make one, hence still no 1:1 motion. What this will do... is beyond me, extra sensetivity probably won't be much use, especially for what it'll probably cost, but we'll see come the confrence
  7. lol been out for a few month now, make sure to patch it up if you buy it, we're waiting upon the wide screen patch and mac version at the moment Glad to have reminded you!
  8. This game is amazing, guys, and I'm sure some of you have already heard of it, it's won many many awards. It's an indie game developed by two people over two years, but I'll be damned if it doesn't stand up to Nintendo's very best. If you just want a link, scroll to the bottom. It's kind of an underwater mix of Metroid and Zelda. It's firmly in the adventure genre, more so then any of Nintendo's series are really, which threw alot of people of. The game gives you very little guidance at the start, you know as much as the character you play, which is nothing, so you head out to explore, thats as much guidance as you get, think metroid prime but without the hints and with an even larger and more open world. However, once you get the hang of it, it's brilliant, one discovery will lead to others, and just like metroid and Zelda, there are MANY secrets and upgrades to discover, boss fights rival the best from either Nintendo series, and the final fight is seriously epic. The ending of the game IS better then anything Nintendo has ever produced, and is infact better then any game I can remember, partly due to the plot which is amazing. You don't really get it at first, it seems to be about a number of destoryed civilisations, and a jelouse god. Every civilisation (read:Temple) you visit in the adventure is destoryed, and you slowly work out why untill you come to the end of the temple, by the end, you understand most of what happened, but there's still blanks. However, at the very end of the game, everything is tied up so perfectly, and linked together, it's an amazing plot that I'd say rivals most films, I can't speak highly enough of it. Lastly, the voice acting, and graphics. The main character (Naija) has a brilliant voice actor, however, the voice acting for the other characters only gets better. Although your generally alone, there are some flash backs, and of course the Gods also speak, the writing and voice talent is amazing. Oh and the graphics, well, just have a look at the screens, nuff said, one of the best looking 2D titles ever. Make sure to enable frame buffer effects! Oh right, and the music, absolutly amazing, haunting even. If you want an example of that with some gameplay footage I highly recomend everyone to download the demo and give it a shot http://www.bit-blot.com/aquaria/ $30 for the full version, demo lasts about 1 and a half, to two hours, go for it guys, it's better then any recent Zelda game, and your paying 2 to 3 times more for them :P EDIT: I should probably also add, for 30 bucks, your getting a game that lasts people from about 15-25 hours to complete (I was around the 16 hour mark) though again it's alot like Zelda and Metroid in that the more you discover, the longer it's going to take you and the more your going to find. I predict even now it's going to take me upto at least the 30 hour mark to acctually discover everything.
  9. http://www.cheapgames.com.au/super-smash-bros-brawl-p-1993.html They seem pretty sure of themselves, 18th of June, and with a number of other retailers stating june... it seems likely. This of course is for Australia, so europe will probably get it a week or 2 before us. Why i don't know, we don't require any translations or anything, yet they insist on sending our version out after europe gets there's, even though it's technically done at same time as the US, go figure : /
  10. It's going to be casual. Very casual, they're not even going to use the nunchuck due to casual gamers not liking it. Check the ign podcast, I don't have a link to it atm, but it's the latest. Around the 20min mark they start talking about it. Time to lower them hopes
  11. guys I don't think this can be ingame. Generally when pics like this are revealed this early, they're all from the same build/run. This isn't always the case, but generally if one pic is FMV it's all FMV, and vice versa. The pic outside, is definetly not ingame. Ignoring the environmental effects, the leaves and blades of grass, plus the depth of field, is well beyond what the Wii is capable of. It looks far better then anything Oblivion ever flung at the screen, and we all know Oblivion isn't gonna be running on Wii. Hell, the quality of the building leaves and grass look better then Crysis running at very high, I'm certain that pic there is FMV. Hence, chances are the rest are too. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm really not going to get my hopes up on this. Either way though, with Nintendo backing them I'm sure it's going to be a very ncie looking game.
  12. I'm in Australia studying games technology and comp science at uni. The whole process of getting into uni and all in America is rather more complicated then aus :P
  13. "has me gushing with Wii." Great article, I however am just going to pretend that line never happend XD
  14. It's amazing what a totally misguided title can do :P I mean they called it "Wii prove our promise" and promised big secrets at the beginning. Yet the whole confrence was just a more boring version of the E3 confrence. Here's a better name: "E3 confrence Re-hash!" Seriously, it would have been more entertaining if they just played the E3 confrence on a big screen, at least then we would get reggie and Miyamoto.
  15. I'm suprised I havn't seen any threads mentioning this. Whats up with that on the front page? It's been there for days. Anyone got any idea what it could be?
  16. lol FEAR is a prety bad game, it's more repetitive then Doom3 and thats saying something :P Still, can't go wrong with free multiplayer
  17. yah indeed, what the hell? *also bashes fist on table* owy
  18. wait... we have a mascot?
  19. yah but it's set to get MUCH bigger this year. With E3 gone, PAX is now the only place for companies to demo thier upcomming games to the general media. You can expect next gen consoles to feature prominently.
  20. Well, it would seem we now have two shows to look forward to every year. Let me explain E3 has always been made up of two elements, the confrences where the developers devulge all the hot news, and the show floor, where everyone previews the up and comming (or already come) games. Now, as we know, E3 still exists in the "confrence" form, developers will still be devulging all the gossip as par usual, what we are missing is the show floor. It seems however, a previously existing, smaller event has taken up the slack. That event is PAX, due to the fact that E3 is kinda smaller, developers are now all jumping over to PAX, making it much larger then it previously was, the big three are already signed up for it. Best news is it hasn't even occured yet this year, so look forward to it end of august, and just like E3, it lasts for 3 days. Well acctually I lied, thats not the best news, the best news is PAX is open for the public as well as the media. So although your going to have to miss out on sitting around for hours listening to company reps drone on about sales figures (ahem, Sony), you will be able to partake in all the gaming that previously occured at E3. Also unlike E3, you won't be set back $600, the 3 day PAX outing comes at the very affordable cost of 35 bucks. So guys, see you at PAX I guess! http://www.pennyarcadeexpo.com/index.php
  21. Acctually they're like nearly a year old, most from last years E3, just that nobody ever saw them
  22. lol your right, oops Can a mod move it elsewhere?
  23. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 If some of em don't play you may need to do download em or use lower quality here
  24. As the rev will be less powerful, it'll probably look worse then the 360 in non-HD, the 360's power aint all going toward the HD capabilities. However, I agree, the controller shouldn't be an issue, but the company I quoted would have to know something before discussing this, they have obviously been thinking about some RE game on rev.
  25. A quote from an interview from IGN makes it seem we may be getting resi5 on the rev. "IGN: Well, we all hope to be swinging that chainsaw some time down the road come Resident Evil Revolution or whenever... we look forward to it. Chen: Well Resident Evil 5 (Editor's Note: PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusive thus far): We are looking forward to it, but we're going to be looking at a unique device for that one. More specific to Resident Evil 5… so we'll see. " http://revolution.ign.com/articles/682/682470p1.html Not really a confirmation or anything, but it kind of leads me to believe something is happening
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