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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. My stepsister is getting married today : peace:
  2. Are you the special agent?
  3. Very wary about voting for anyone without solid evidence. None of the mafia are dead, they only need a lynch and a kill for assured victory (if they have 5).
  4. As far as I know, nothing is up. I think I'm in the first paragraph of the write-up, if that helps you. Looks like the killer may have been GLaDOS?
  5. lol those videos are amazing, I hope there's more!
  6. Not if they text each other
  7. Classic mafia write up.
  8. I didn't even think you were mafia until afterwards lol
  9. Don't be discouraged Dyson, I'm sure we all still want to see it end properly!
  10. Last Summer: This Summer:
  11. Sounds like someone wants to replace ReZ at dying first in every game
  12. I concur. I loved the old animated series
  13. I was piecing the mafia together quite well... then I died. Bastards. Rummy pretty much told me he was mafia when he exploded at me over nothing :p but I died that night!
  14. The person who dies pretty much always gets to use their power as the kill is the last thing to happen. I think it's safe to assume Ellmeister targeted Dazz on the first night.
  15. Classic mafia tactic
  16. I watched it from that link about 30 minutes ago
  18. Thinking of changing my name to 1The Peeps.
  19. Yeeeesss! Vote: No lynch
  20. Yeah you did have that DC mafia in the list a while ago so you're due a game. I don't know if you want to wait until after the Pokémafia finishes though because with MadDog's game that'd be 3 running and people seem to not like lots of games... losers!
  21. And we all have massive cocks
  22. So really it just means black? Everyone has just been calling them black people all this time? They need to learn to stop being so sensitive In seriousness, I agree with Supergrunch. If we could treat skin colour as we do eye colour then it wouldn't be an issue at all. No one even thinks to presume something about someone simply due to the colour of their eyes.
  23. I think EEVIL was joking. "You've only got yourself to blame for targeting me" is clearly cheeky teasing. I think you should stop making up how people feel (I think people should use icons more to convey emotions.... some kind of emote icons perrhaps )
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