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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Oh this is just like that Aerosmith song ;D
  2. That is a dedicated joke there. You have too much time on your hands Magnus Good luck with the blog Flameboy
  3. Weather Mafia Sign Ups If you want to play, post here :p Players: Aqui1a Cube Diageo DuD EddieColeslaw EEVILMURRAY Jimbob MadDog mr-paul Nintendohnut ReZourceman Rummy Sméagol Yvonne heroicjanitor Frag Grimes GAME IS FULL
  4. Was going to give it to Magnus but @ReZourceman wins with that last one :p
  5. Weather mafia is good to go. Is anyone else ready to start a game?
  6. So you'll sign up for the Weather Mafia? ;P
  7. That wouldn't happen. There'd be Super Mario 64 Holographic HD 3D edition and Ocarina of Time Virtual Reality Remake. They'll still play all the classics :p
  8. I could go back and add you to all the player lists :p and invent a role where you weren't allowed to post or vote. But I won't
  9. Or you could've lynched either of them. Jonnas has a fairly evil-sounding role as he possessed people and EEVIL had every power in the game which cast some suspicion his way. He came close to a lynch one of the days and a stronger mafia would've taken him out. At the start they were going to try and work with the mafia but they soon changed their mind :p Mafia were quite obviously underpowered. Marcamillian initially wasn't able to communicate with them because I thought they'd be too powerful but they had some bad luck and the town were a lot more powerful than I originally thought.
  10. They kind of deserve it :p Jonnas killed 2 of the mafia just by redirecting Yvonne
  11. The remaining members of the town surrounded the helpless stapler and pulled it apart. Yvonne has been lynched. She was the last remaining member of the mafia. The town rejoiced at their victory... but something felt off. Two characters were laughing. They started off with a low chuckle but that soon developed into a full-blown maniacal laugh. With the mafia dealt with, there was no one left to stand in their way. Cell quickly dispatched Jesse and Chester before moving on to Dr. House. He tried to defend himself with his cane but it snapped in half on Cell's body. The doctor was blasted backwards and landed awkwardly on an iPad which was smashed to pieces. Dr House lay still, his neck had been broken. While that was happening, Baby had already killed Samwise Gamgee but was having trouble with Joseph Kony and his slime sidekick. Baby possessed the slime and absorbed Kony. Now only the Crow and the Comic book nerd remained. ReZourceman used Fly! ReZourceman and the Crow both escaped. @Magnus was also there. He made a witty remark and then left. Cell and Baby have won. They were a neutral team and both had to survive to the end of the game to steal the victory for themselves. Winners: Cell: EEVILMURRAY Baby: Jonnas Characters: Mafia: Yvonne: Stapler mr-paul: tangled headphone wires Tales: black hole Rummy: gay bar of soap Marcamillian: Discord Neutral: EEVILMURRAY: Cell (Dragonball Z) Jonnas: Baby (Dragonball GT) Town: ReZourceman: Joseph Kony on even nights and a luminous pink slime on odd nights. DuD: Akuma (Street Fighter) Jimbob: Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) Dannyboy-the-Dane: Arthur (Inception) Aqui1a: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings) Diageo: Dr. House MadDog: Jesse & Chester (Dude, Where's My Car?) Cube: ReZourceman (N-Europe) Heroicjanitor: A crow with sparkly eyes Nintendohnut: iPad Full roles will come later :p
  12. I'm at work but I'll update as soon as I'm home. Well played Yvonne
  13. Remove vote Aaaand back to Heroicjanitor. What is it you have on Tales?
  14. @Tales because this^
  15. Unexpected computer troubles. If it's not sorted tonight I'll try and do it on my laptop. Some things may be wrong as I have no role information here. Night Six A plump character defended himself tonight. A pink slime oozed nearby, mimicking his form and actions - thwarting the plans of several characters tonight. A tangle of wires was enticing its latest victim when it was suddenly struck by sharp metal pins. It was literally pinned down, unable to wriggle free while the flurry of needles continued to pierce its cables. mr-paul is dead. He was a tangle of wires and could distract his targets all night long, roleblocking them. He was a member of the mafia. 10 Players: @mr\-paul Day Seven Begins Majority is 6
  16. Heroic, if you had something on tales why not come straight out with it? Doesn't add up but I feel inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt as you've contributed more than Tales so far, and willingly. Changevote: Tales
  17. So you're the purple jizz and you highlight players in the write-up, that's all?
  18. I think you'll be taking the title this season. I'll have to fight DuD for 2nd :p
  19. Well now Yvonne is acting more like I suspect her to in these games :p DuD is hard to read but I trust him for now. I think we're reaching the point where some kind of action needs to be taken and I think the mafia would've pushed majority on heroicjanitor had he been town, seeing as he got to 1 away from majority... Changevote: heroicjanitor So Yvonne, seeing as my role is known (officially outed by YOU :p) how about giving us yours?
  20. What the actual fuck happened there. My defender went mental! Scored an own goal with a dangerous back header (why the fuck...) in the 9th minute, then gets himself yellow carded before Bubbles kindly took him off the pitch for me with an injury. Annoyingly he's probably my best defender so if he wasn't having a spaz attack the game would've been better for me. 3 goals from Bubbles in the last 20 minutes of the game ugh. Well played you bastard I'll beat you away though!
  21. Can you at least paraphrase you pm from last night? It'd help me out with something.
  22. I really thought that was a bot
  23. Day will be at some point tomorrow as I went out tonight :p Working 12-6 so will be in the evening some time.
  24. I'll follow that vote because Yvonne has been acting strange all game imo Vote: Yvonne sup? Also DuD did you get some information about Rummy then? I don't see any fruits bashing into each other in the write-up.
  25. Have a splendiferous birthday!
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