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Posts posted by WackerJr

  1. If you have an xbox 360 you can get both original games on the arcade with fully implemented stop n swop. It unlocks gamerpics and a couple of things in the game (new moves/items). If you also get nuts n bolts there are further unlockables through the stop n swop thing.


    That's true that Rare were good enough to include some Stop N Swop rewards with the XBox versions. It would've been really interesting to know just what the original rewards would've been (as Gamerpics clearly weren't the original intention).


    Banjo-Kazooie served as a wonderful insight into the ideas that go into games and the type of features that were developed but never fully implemented.

  2. I'd just like to add my admiration to the glowing memories of Banjo-Kazooie. The tightly designed levels were great in that there was always so much to do & not far from a collectible, enemy, or challenge. Special mention must go to the wonderfully designed Click Clock Wood, and the consistently excellent and memorable soundtrack.


    It's a shame that they were never able to fully implement Stop N Swop, one of the great mysteries of the N64 generation. Wozza and Ice Mario were persistent in their search for the truth and uncovered so many additional unused features and ideas (Bottles Revenge anyone?) that they even added to the legacy of the series.


    Grunty's Revenge was a good effort at bringing the Banjo gameplay to the GameBoy Advance. Banjo-Tooie was probably too large, which detracted from the ideas it had and some of the clever integration between levels. Oh, and the walking innuendo that was Jolly Roger and his whole level! Rare's sense of humour at it's finest!


    How it'd be great to see another proper Banjo platformer. Rare's priorities don't seem to be on that type of game at the moment, but I suppose you never know what the future holds!

  3. It would be nice for there to be further surprises to unveil this E3, although right now I'm not feeling that optimistic, since the potential for big surprises seems to have fizzled out this convention.


    Still, wouldn't it be nice to get a trailer or images of a new Zelda, maybe the Smash Bros 3DS game, Metroid Dread, and a new Final Fantasy title..... A man can dream!

  4. It was just so very underwhelming. Professional and technically very good, with the displays, lighting, and music. Sadly, from a gaming point of view, and the reason a lot of people are interested in the Conference there just wasn't a huge amount to get excited about. It spoke volumes just how funny the audience found the jokes by Matt and Trey about Smart Glass!


    I'm expecting so much more from both Sony and Nintendo later!

  5. I feel it's my obligation to post this 25th Anniversary remix from OCR:


    Broadcast Yourself


    I loved the soundtrack (so much so that I paid for an import CD of it). This is a cracking remix that actually makes me want to load it back up again and experience the joy that was Wind Waker (yes even despite the copious amounts of sailing and Triforce quest!)

  6. 3222-5566-1724


    Can't believe it's taken me so long to add my code!


    Please feel free to add me, although my artistic skills are limited at Letterbox but I promise at least you won't receive constant pictures of the human anatomy!

  7. Dude, I wasn't expecting any spoilers for Other M :rolleyes:.


    I love Fusion. It was the first Metroid I owned, and my second experience with it. Metoid always looked like cool games to me, that's why I borrowed Metroid 2 from a friend, which was my first Metroid experience. But as my first own Metroid game, Fusion will always be special to me ;). Since Metroid 2 was the only other Metroid I had played at that point, I really didn't care about the linearity, and I still don't. The atmosphere was great, the exploration was great, the bosses were great.. The game was great.


    I had exactly the same experience, having previously only played Metroid 2 from a friend and never really getting into it. Metroid Fusion got me excited about the Metroid series and was the reason I went on to purchase and enjoy the other games in the series.

  8. Good article, I enjoyed the read and it was impressive what developers were able to accomplish with such limitations.


    Here are the games from the list that I own:


    • Warlocked
    • Cannon Fodder
    • Donkey Kong Country (GBC)
    • Mario Tennis
    • Perfect Dark
    • Legend of Zelda: Oracle games


    For all of these games you could really tell they were pushing the capabilities of the machine, and I can remember all of them for making me incredibly impressed with what I was playing. Whether it be the FMV (Cannon Fodder, the use of speech and rumble (Perfect Dark) or the sheer scope, scale and detail (Zelda).


    I'm not sure that any of the games were massive sellers (Zelda notwithstanding), so I would love to see the games brought to an even larger audience with a re-release on the 3DS' Virtual Console.
