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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. E3 2018

    I liked EA more, tbh.... But on a serious note, bloody well done, Microsoft! And so many of those games are coming out to PC too! Just cause 4 has me excited!! DID YOU SEE THAT CYBERPUNK REVEAL?!?!?! The E3 hype has officially begun!!!
  2. Battlefield V — 20th November 2018

    That looks bonkers! I'll probably end up getting this for my PC. But the game might require me to do a full revamp of my system (mainly, CPU, RAM and Motherboard...), so it'll be an expensive game in the long run... I really love the look of Narvik in the game though. Haven't been that far north myself yet, but it's awesome to have the norwegian fjords as a backdrop for the firefights. I was a bit sceptical at first, but god damn this game looks solid
  3. Battlefield V — 20th November 2018

    EA just released a new trailer more on par with what people probably was expecting from a Battlefield title. This trailer looks solid, and the Norwegian voice acting is pretty okay. Wouldn't expect anything else, seeing as Dice is from Sweden
  4. E3 2018

    Is.... is EA seriously showing off a mobile game ON STAGE at E3?! What the hell is this s**t...
  5. E3 2018

    Yeah, SoS looks awesome! Here's hoping we'll get a Switch release. Now, to suffer some more cringe.... Really looking forward to more Anthem footage, and hopefully a launch date.
  6. Virtual Reality

    Bah, too bad it's a PS VR exclusive. That looked really cool :D. I wanna play it on my Oculus, so I hope they announce it for PC later on.
  7. Smash Bros Switch Roster Prediction Competition

    I'm unsure if this needs an NSFW tag or not...
  8. Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

    My bet/whish is Cranky Kong
  9. General Switch Discussion

    Ew, I didn't know you were into human trafficing, @Dcubed
  10. Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

    @Dcubed That sounds pretty neat for local gatherings. Kinda like the Splatoon Tournament in the first Switch reveal trailer. But my question is, will it have cross platform play? Because it would be cool to be able to play to the already huge player base. @Beverage Too bad that the recent Nintendo games don't suit your style. But I'm afraid you'll be more dissapointed, seeing as Nintendo has had such huge success with these new games. Expect more to follow the new formula. Personally I have no issue with the Switch being a weaker system that the Xbone and PS4. I get all my 3rd party AAA-games on my PC, and the Switch is more for comfortable play in the living room and while out/traveling. The combination is solid, and tbh, I get way more playtime on the Switch than on the PC, mainly because I can play wherever I want. I highly doubt there will be a new version in the E3-direct. If anything it'll be like someone else said earlier in the thread, they'll switch out the bad chip with a new one and stop at that. I also bet that when we'll get a new version it'll only be minor tweaks, like a bigger screen (not bigger resolution), better battery, better placement of the USB-C port, and more RAM for faster preformance. But that'll probably be in a few years.
  11. Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

    ....what did I just read? If you think Nintendo has bribed pretty much all the reviewers out there for all those games, then I think you've seen a bit too many conspiracy clips on youtube. My cent is that Nintendo has delivered a tonne of new games with exceptional quality, but hey, what would I know. I'm not a genius
  12. Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

    Arlo just posted this gem, which is a great reminder of how far Nintendo has come in 10 years :D.
  13. Virtual Reality

    Regarding PC, i think a lot of headsets are sold second hand. This will keep the total number of units sold down. This is probably a result of the high price point and the required system specs.
  14. Battlefield V — 20th November 2018

    To be honest, that is a historically accurate arm prothesis from that time . But if you would be sent back to the front without and arm is a different matter. The internet rage of this game is beyond ridiculous. Some people need to be reminded that this is a game for fun times. If they want a WW2 sim they can probably find a bland and brown tinted game out there instead of ranting about this one. I actually like the fresh looks of the game. And another positive thing to come out of the hate is that the women who fought in the war get the recognition they deserve :P. As for my opinion on the reveal, I must say that I really dig the sound of all the features the mentioned, like no loot boxes or passes, war stories, fortifications, Norway (finally in a game!!) and customisable options. But man, that trailer. They messed it up. They tried to be Fortnite and Overwatch, and the pacing and explosions was on a Michael Bay level. I need to see how the actual gameplay is, and I hope the game is more slow-paced in action.
  15. General Switch Discussion

    I don't enjoy the building aspect of the game, tbh. And I don't really fancy the graphic style. That's why I play PUBG instead. Battle Royale can be heaps of fun, especially when the map gets pretty small and there are 20-30 people left. It really get your heart beating fast.
  16. Kimishima Steps Down As President Of Nintendo

    Well now, this makes me pumped for the future! The Switch marketing has been fantastic so far, so this is really positive news to hear. No more marketing fails like the Wii U :P.
  17. Wolfenstein II: The New Collosus

    Would get it, if I didn't hate FPS with thumbsticks. I'll probably end up playing it on PC when my backlog gets shorter (in other words, never...)
  18. Illustration thread

  19. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

    @Shorty, I've clocked in over 100 hours into this already, and I'm just finished with chapter 7 out of 10. I can see me spending another 100 hours on this, to be honest. I wouldn't mind doing a new game + even. It's well worth full price! Or you have to wait or get it used from ebay/secondhand sites.
  20. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

    Just finished Chapter 7. Jesus Christ, this game is just too good! But.....
  21. PUBG- PlayerUnknown's Battleground

    I've clocked in about 100 hours on this game now, but unfortunately on PC. I've won a couple of times, and I usually do it pretty well in Solo, but on squad I suck big time :P. Too bad that is where the fun is :D. But that feeling when you get to top 10..... It's so intense, and SO rewarding once you get your dinner!
  22. PC Gaming Discussion

    FINALLY played through Doki Doki Litterature Club, and Now, after all this time, I got to read your spoilers . Great and shocking game. I think they missed some good opertunities though.
  23. General Switch Discussion

    No wonder the Switch eShop is hard to navigate. Thankfully there will be an update soon that will focus on this issue.
  24. No More Heroes: Travis Touchdown Strikes Again

    Doesn't look like I was hoping it would. This is more like an indie version in the No More Heroes universe. I will probably buy it and support Suda51 since that might get him to release No More Heroes 3 (and remasters of the other two?) on the system in the future. I just don't hope it will be a full priced game, because it kinda looks like a low effort-game. Still digging the sounds and look of this though, but I really miss the gore, the fighting system and the crazy stories and voice acting in the original games.
  25. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    This would be so amazing <3 <3 <3