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Everything posted by clearacell

  1. Mario 3 and Duck Tales...if they have it available :] edit: why does it say new member...i've been here since like, the first day
  2. http://nextgenparty.ytmnd.com/ http://xboxpowersupplyisdamnhuge.ytmnd.com/ http://revversusps3part2.ytmnd.com/ these were all by me
  3. It's parodying the TGS revolution video lol
  4. Imageready...although it might be easier to use Flash, I don't know how to use it lol here's the ytmnd version...much more fun
  5. Matt, save us!
  6. yeah I saw this earlier. It's funny how this guy laughs at the Revolution controller yet he's never used it before.
  7. MGS....Revolution!
  8. new hosting for that picture...I didn't realize how much it was going to be viewed
  9. oh yeah the one with FPS doug is mine too =P (check out the web hosting lol) I also post in mozlapunk...those guys are awesome.
  10. I made that And I didn't make the Link throwing the PS3 controller. I cropped it from an ytmnd. I made this though
  11. I made this :wink: Azumanga Daioh is pretty much the only anime I've ever tolerated. It's just too funny
  12. since MP3 is going to be a TRUE FPS (instead of the FPA in mp 1 and 2), then I might actually enjoy it. I didn't like the first two primes. I just couldn't get into them.
  13. didn't fit the rev. pic thread, so here are a few more
  14. here are a bunch of mine ^-^ (inside joke, but still sufficiently funny)
  15. it wasn't me? I made it (look at the properties on the pic, it's hosted on my webspace), someone might've just taken it. I don't mind. I make the effort to make sigs, and it's nice to have some compliments ^^ Here are a few of ones I've had before (if your a member of gamespot you might get the jokes) Hopefully this doesn't get me moderated :awesome: On Topic: Could I use that Irevo mario picture? Do you want credit for it if I get to use it?
  16. japanese ad j/k. I just have too much time on my hands
  17. damn, I forgot you Europe guys get the games later. I've spent well over 40 hours on Meteos and I haven't been able to put down Advance Wars for a while. The DS is quickly eclipsing my PC in time of play.
  18. Well, they both bring innovation to their respective areas...touchscreen on a portable and 3-d control on a home console. Idea-wise, I think they're equal. But the Revolution brings the potential of much more awesomeness
  19. Most people doing the mock ups seemed to keep making them more complex. We all knew Nintendo wanted a "simpler" design because they kept stating and restating that. I remember a quote from Miyamoto saying he wasn't even sure an analog stick would be necessary. After that statement I thought any mock up would be fair game. ...but no way was I prepared for a remote looking thing.
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