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Posts posted by Sarka

  1. i used to make poor quality movies nothing good enough to post though


    Pfft, you don't need high quality productions at all! No one is expected to really make a good film unless you are VERY talented. Here is more of the crap I've made:




  2. When did anyone say they dont like Supermassive or Exo-politics they're both great. Also how the fuck can you hate Citizen Erased?


    Well, whenever I talk to people about Black-holes they always seem to say it's excellent apart from a few poor songs, which most seem to say are Exo-Politics, Supermassive Blac-hole and Soldiers Poem. That's what I always hear anyway, maybe just my weird friend group.


    And Citizen Erased is incredibly dull. It's just so much guitar and so much soloing - both of which I despise. One of the reasons Franz Ferdinand are my favorite band, they have very little soloing and long guitar breaks. Ewww.

  3. I love KOC - though on BHAR I prefer Supermassive Blackhole and Exo-Politics, both of which no one seems to particularly like. My alltime favorite Muse song is Time is Running Out - dear God I love it so. Now I want to listen to Origin of Symmetry, Absolution and Black-Holes.


    Oooh, top 3 song lists seem to be the rage:


    1. Time is Running Out

    2. Hysteria

    3. Bliss/Supermassive Black-hole


    (I hate Invinsible and Citizen Erased, both the worst song on their album)

  4. I love Spirited Away! My favourite (of the 3 I've seen) Ghilbi films. I loved everything about it, even the n-face staying with Granny thing, I thought that made sense.


    Also, where was it confusing? Maybe I just never look into plots very much (I rarely do) but wasn't it pretty much that the girl went to the spirit world to try and save her parents. She worked for a while, she saved them. Everyone was happy. I liked it!

  5. I wouldn''t want to move - Shetland's great! (no matter what Jordan and Letty say) There are no problems with Shetland besides the large amounts of money you have to pay to go no holidays anywhere, and the lack of shops - though that isn't really a problem at all thanks to the internet. At least I can go around the town on my own with an MP3 player in my hands and have no fear of it being stolen. Hell! I was walking around with a £200 wad of cash the other day! Fun fun fun.

  6. I'm fed up with all the Anti-Sony going on. I own all consoles and plan on getting one. I don't think it will be a waste at all. I'm interested in atleast 4 launch titles, plus some cool releases over the Sony "live arcade" service. Oh and of course the awesome Nippon Ichi---


    The only reason I want a PS3 tbh... if Disgaea 3 is announced, cad-damn I'll need a job!

  7. I do 2 hours of manly dancing a week - which is in fact incredibly tiring and always has me aching/sweating. I used to trampet every night or second night but I've not done that in the last 3 weeks. I'll get back to it soon. I also have Core PE every week at school where me and Letty play football, basketball and exciting sports like that...


    I go into town every Saturday which is pretty much 6 hours of walking - I count that as exercise, that must count! As you may tell, all of my exercise is stamina with very little muscle work - so I'm a weedy nerd.

  8. I like thinking to myself about everything. It can keep me amused for ages, and I love thinking, over analysing, imagining, planning and fantasising. All fun things to do! Sure, I prefer to be with some people rather than myself but they are starting to become a smaller and smaller number.


    So generally I prefer the company of myself than people I don't get on with an awful lot and can keep me interested and amused for an extended period of time.

  9. 1.) When you were little what job did you want when you grew up?

    A broadway singer/dancer


    2.) What job did you want to do when you left school (or currently persueing)

    Some form of financial mathmetician


    3.) What course did you do/are planning to do after school?

    Highers (English, Maths, Physics, Computing, Economics)

    Advanced Highers (Maths, Physics, Computing (possibly)

    Uni (Some form of Maths Masters degree)


    4. ) What job you got now?

    Executive Producer (of sorts)


    5. ) Future Plans regarding work/studies

    See number 3


    Also, everyone, don't listen to Letty and Jordan. Shetland is a lovely place to live. :)

  10. That terrible, and excellent. I hope your brother is ok and won't be scarred by the experience - though chances are when something like this which is so scary and traumatic he'll need some time to recover.


    Hope you're all (your family that is) ok and my Mother and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

  11. I treat people nice, I fucking rock when it comes to treating other people nice. And last year I was (mostly) unfairly arrested, fucked over by my 'brother', had my heart stomped on, and then just the general bitchy mctrampness of customers and stuff. People do not treat you nice if you're nice, they may treat you nicer but the whole "put good out get good back" idea doesn't work. I keep putting it out there.


    Hmm, maybe Shetland is just a nice place. ::shrug:


    Also, I treat my brother nicely but he's an ass. In fact the biggest asses I know are all my own family. There do seem to be some people who are mean (like a lady who angry told me to 'fucking move' after I apologized to her and tried to push out of her way) but I think generally people are kind. Maybe not when their shopping or doing their jobs though. Or in big groups (though if you get to know them individually they're usually nice).

  12. I am an optimist! I love life. I was pretty sad until I realised that there was no God - that once I died I would be dead and that when I die, I'll be fine with it.


    Basically, with that in mind I know that I need to live life to every fullness I possibly can. Also, in the past few years I've met some wonderful people (mainly Ruth, Letty and Mhairi though no one knows who two of them are...) which has helped with my cheeriness. And I've also realised that if you treat people nicely they'll be nice to you. I've confided my problems with quite a few people I know I can trust which is also a boost.


    In conclusion: Life is great!

  13. My girlfriend says that, too!


    Our family to say that.


    I want to give all of my advert love to the M&S one with the snow palace thing, it is fantastic! It's often better than the program I'm watching - nice and classy. Another great ad is the one with all the women in formal wear doing household tasks - fun fun fun!

  14. Indeed, I have not really liked any Pixar films (expect Toy Story and Monster Inc was ok). I loved the old Disney especially during the '90s which had Aladdin (my favorite!) Pocahontas and The Lion King. I had heard that they closed their 2D animation studio but they've reopened it and are making a new 'traditional' film called the Frog Princess.


    They'll probably be pretty bad like most newer 2D Disney films, I think they've just gone downhill - it's not all CGI's fault.

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