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Posts posted by Sarka

  1. My Wii has just had a * slapped next to it with a message at the bottom saying,


    "* This date is based on the release date of the product and is not a guaranteed dispatch date. It will depend on stock levels at launch. Due to high demand this may not be a guaranteed dispatch date"


    Oh my.


    Oh crapola - me too. I'm sure it'll be fine though... hopefully.

  2. Ran out of development time probably or just simply forgot about it. There was supposed to be a device that utilised the findings of these things to unlock additional content or something like that. It'd be documented somewhere on the internet.


    They had planned that once you got the item on BK, you used it (or something) then took out the cartridge while the '64 was still on, it was able to keep some of the data and when you put in Tooie it would realise that you had the item on BK. Nintendo said no - as it was dangerous to yank out a game while the hardware was still on, so they scraped it.


    Also, imo - Banjo > Mario.

  3. I haven't gotten an e-mail from Gameplay yet. And my order status is still just preorder. And parcel force generally take another at least 2 days for me. So I'm trying to make exciting plans for the weekend incase my Wii doesn't arrive - it's not the end of the world - some peeps here are far to stressed out.

  4. I quite like the boxart, looks like Wario Ware to me!


    This is my most anticipated game but I am trying not to think about it to much since it'll be so long before I can get it! Even after it's out I need to wait untill I finish my prelims before I'll be allowed to get it.


    Can't wait though!

  5. I dreamt last night that I had gotten my Wii and Letty and Jordan had come to play with it. But then they made fun of me as I only had Wii Play, Goldeneye (for some reason) and Zelda while they had all 3 and Rayman - though they had no console to play any of it on.


    They did, however, get to play Wario Ware though I could only watch. :(

  6. Hullo all,


    I'm getting a MacMini and our family just got a Samsung LE32N73BDX


    Well, come Christmas Day I want to hook them up together and was wondering what the best kind of cable is to do it with. I would like the sound and video to all go in with one cable, so do I need a DVI -> HDMI cable? Like this or not? And how reliable are cheap eBay ones - as the Apple recommended cable is £90 and I don't want to spend that much money on it. Also, does it matter which is male and which is female (the DVI and HDMI), I have no idea what that means...


    Thanks for any help!

  7. I finally saw an advert - the Wario Ware and Wii Sports one straight after Rock School. I spent all of Friday watching abc1 and there were no Wii adverts at all. Maybe I shouldn't be watching abc1..

  8. My best friend and I have very little in common - no musical taste is shared, little gaming taste, TV taste, school subjects taste etc.


    However, we have similar morales and opinions about people and how they should act - I think this is really all you need to be in a good friendship and probably relationship. As long as you have one or two things in common (In my case it's Donkey Konga and Pokemon!)

  9. Ours start on the 16th of January as our school does them as late as possible. We don't get study leave, even for our actualy Standard Grade exams, but oh well - I'll get more done in school than at home anyway.


    Most of my subjects should be fine - apart form German, damn German!

  10. Well, I've redone my IP address, no better. BT are my ISP so I don't think that's the problem and no - I'm not on 56k! It does the same on other browsers, though most htings seem to work fine for a few minutes - then it gradually gets worse. Then I can close and open the browser and it's ok again.



  11. After completing it today I'm selling Kingdom Hearts 2. £17, postage included. It's going for £20+ on eBay.


    Excellent condition, everything included - only touched the box once, to get the game out. I have good feedback here and will take payment through Paypal or cash through the post. Would trade for EBA, but that's all.


    Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

  12. To pass the time, alongside the fair amount of homework I seem to have - I've been trying to complete Kingdom Hearts 2. After around 15 minutes boredom starts kicking in and it soon hurts to play. But I must complete it!


    I'm also planning to finish my Ocarina game (where I'm at the Spirit Temple) and my Majoras game (Where I'm at the Stone Temple, though I only have 7 hearts...). That'll keep me going.

  13. I flicked open my new ONM to a page with a TP world map on it! Thank God I didn't see anything. I'm trying to hard not to see any and I've not seen any beyond the first dungeon. I have heard about some other dungeons thanks to some topic titles at GameFAQs and the new ad was so cool - though it was teetering on the bridge of spoilerness.


    I can't wait another 13 days without any Zelda-ness!


    Also, does Gametrailers Zelda perspective #6 have any TP spoilers?

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