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Posts posted by S.C.G

  1. I'll buy it, though I'd prefer it if you could set it up as a private eBay auction or something as thats usually the only way I use PayPal plus that way we'd both get 1 extra feedback rating on eBay. :wink:


    Alternatively I can offer you a brand new copy of The Sims 2 Pets for Wii + £5 cash, that way all you would have to do is find a place to trade that in for about £15 and you can't really lose, especially as you got Blue Dragon for effectively free anyway :heh: (I paid £299.99 for my Elite WITHOUT any extra games) ><


    Anyway let me know what you think, if it's a yes and you can set up a private eBay auction or something today if you choose that option then I can pay today, I leave it up to you. :smile:

  2. Ah cool ty I will try that when i next play it, I didn't see the previous page but I've read up on it now and it seems that must be the problem, assuming that the update included changes to the textures or something then that may well have changed some of the data thats stored on the HDD I guess.


    And assuming that the Elite has maybe a slightly different DVD drive to the Core and Premium variants then it might be reading the game at a slightly different speed, so I guess resetting the texture cache will most likely sort it out, anyway I will give it a try and let you know what happens.

  3. Hmm I went to play Bioshock last night and it DC'd me from Xbox Live as there was an update available, played it today and noticed that it now seems to freez for a few seconds moderate - frequently, has anyone else has this issue?


    I figured it must be due to the update but I will try some other games later to make sure, it has better not be my Elite thats gone wrong or something because that would just be too annoying >< as I don't expect any problems being that it should be improved and not suffer from the problems that some of the first gen 360's did.

  4. I just ask because some TVs use the same audio inputs for multiple video sources. Hence why he may not have the audio connections right next to the 3 video ones.


    True, I was just stating what I know from my experience from TV's, generally yellow is used for video while red and white are used for sound but yes TV sets do vary a lot when it comes to connections and what they can be used for. :hmm:


    EDIT: sorry just checked the Wii thread and saw that the RGB cable is the best cable available to me. But could someone clear up a fact for me. If I use the RGB cable am I only able to get mono sound? Plus I've heard the RGB cable doesn't support widescreen, is this true?


    Afaik you can get Stereo through the RGB scart cable, through your TV at least but beware, the official RGB scart cable does NOT come with seperate red and white audio connectors so it's no good if you want to use it with a surround sound setup, there probably is a way to work around it but not without buying aditional cables and splitters, there may also be a thrid party cable that has the additional audio leads but I've yet to see an unofficial RGB scart lead for the Wii that does.

  5. Probably Red, White and Yellow :indeed: if so then that won't work as Yellow = Video while Red & White = sound, you need Red, Green, and Blue inputs on the back of your TV for component (the red input is different from the one thats used for sound as the R,G,B inputs are exclusively for video afaik) hope this helps.

  6. From what I've seen from playing Bioshock so far the HDMI is an improvement visually, I quite like the black colour of the unit (something a bit different from the default white colour) and the 120GB HDD will come in useful.


    *shrugs* ::shrug: I'm happy with it and as long as it doesn't break down for some pointless reason I will continue to be. :smile:


    So I'll be selling my Premium once data is transferred, also I'm considering selling my Bioshock faceplate which I'll list at the same time if I do, not sure on prices though, I'll probably take offers nearer the time if people are interested.


    Also I'm quite enjoying Bioshock atm ^^ I'm not sure if I'd describe it as "Shooter 2.0" even though it does offer something new to the genre, anyways it's fun to play atm and thats what counts.

  7. Ok so I got my Elite on Friday, works fine, using my 20GB HDD until I get the transfer kit, Bioshock looks amazing in HDMI btw, a reasonable improvement over component from what I can see atm IMO.


    Assuming all goes well with the transfer I will most likely be putting my Premium system up for sale on the trade boards soon so look out for that if you are after one. ^^

  8. Ok so, I've had an Xbox 360 Premium almost since it was released and I have opted to upgrade to the Elite which *should* hopefully be arriving any time now in the post via courier (I assume) from Play.com, also I've just recieved Bioshock moments ago and I'm thinking I might as well wait until I get the Elite to play it assuming I get it today.


    I'm going to send off the form to get a transfer kit from M$ or I might just phone them if theres an option to do that, basically a few questions...


    Has anyone actually transferred their data yet? from what I understand you connect the old HDD via the cable to the Elite with the new HDD on top of the black behemoth, then you wait an hour or something and it's done? It supposedly transfers everything but I have a memory card so is it better to keep my gamertag on the memory card for the purposes of the transfer?


    When I get the Elite I was gonna use the old HDD from the moment I switch it on untill I get the transfer kit as any data put onto the 120GB HDD would get overwritten anyway so I'm guessing this is the best way, finally, you get a months free Live gold access with it, now thats great but I will be using my old Gamertag with it so does that mean I don't get the free month or is it just a redeemable code?


    Hmm I think thats everything, quite a few questions I guess but if anyone can answer any of them it would be greatly appreciated. ^^






    Bought pokemon diamond, only £8.50! first pokemon game since blue, dont know what to expect really!


    It's good, if you have the time to play it :heh: lots of things to do but I bought mine when it came out in the U.S (imported it) and I've still yet to rack up 50 hours :S it's a decent game though I just have lots of other games to play atm too.

  10. yes, I think it was the main Coaxial cable used to connect the sub to the PC, I mseed about with it and tested it for a good 3 hours and it seems fine now, most odd... :blank:


    Oh well, feel free to use this thread as a general speaker setup / problem thread until it expires. :smile:




    hmm as with most intermittent glitches, I turned my PC on this morning and my sound system and within the first few minutes it buzzed again :/ but I turned it off and switched the ends of the coaxial cable around and it seems fine again... :blank:


    it's been on for over an hour no and no problems, we shall see how long it lasts... :heh:

  11. I'm a cook working in the staff restaurant at The Evil Supermarket Chain Overlords (TESCO) :heh: it's not so bad, mostly afternoon / early evening shifts so I get the morning and a bit on most days to do what I want, plus it's away from the customers, a very welcome bonus. :smile: though I still have to deal with the staff who are variable at times... >>

  12. Recently I've been getting odd buzzing sounds from my two rear speakers when used with my PC, it's only happened recently (within the last few days) my speaker system is connected to the pc via a Coaxial cable, I have the Spherex 5.1 system and I use some software called Realtek HD Audio Manager (never really liked it, came with the PC)


    I guess it could be anything as it's an Intermittent thing but it's getting more frequent now :S I had thought that it might be just some program causing background interferance but it's only the two back speakers, or it could be a really annoying virus except my last full system scan (last night) shows nothing of the sort.


    So anyways I just wondered if anyone has had similar problems or has any software suggestions or anything that might help before I start replacing the speaker cables or something (probably pointlessly). Thanks.

  13. Truly Awesome news but they really need to have an explorable map because for a sequel to TOS, click to get from point A to B = part of the experience killed.


    And what about...


    [spoiler=]"flying about on the Rheiards, that won't be possible anymore"



    The explorable map was quite a big part of the game, especially considering the amount of land you got to travel across. I hope this changes cos I don't want to wait nearly two years for this to come out only to find part of the game is "missing" due to Namco taking shortcuts, they took none with the original TOS so why should they now?


    Put in the extra effort Namco if this really is a true sequel.

  14. I have one or two spare pads lying around, they are worn (but not worn out) and I haven't used them in a while so I'll gladly clean them of dust, test it (should still be fine) and I'll sell it to you for £8 including first class postage. :smile: let me know if you are interested, thanks.

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