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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Human Centipede 2 "banned"

    Sexual violence is one of the only things which can get banned in the UK when it comes depiction within film, along with child pornography. I think faux beastiality is allowed, though not actual beastiality; I'm not entirely sure. I'm against almost all censorship: the right to free speech should be that which is held most dear. There is a line: I don't think violent non-rape crosses it, but it's certainly a (dark) grey area when it goes as far as this film.
  2. Russell Howard (thrip)

    I dunno; Jimmy Carr has excellent and original one liners.
  3. Have you been injured?

    Dj Ironic has If he had a knife to defend himself with....
  4. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    While me n my mates probably wont get this at release (maybe I will though), I'm not expecting anything great. I also, like others, wish that people would stop giving Treyarch a hard time. COD3 was great I thought (bikes, jeeps, tanks, maniac physics) and WaW wasn't MW, it's DIFFERENT to give a bit of variety. Either way, COD is the in thing now and full of n00bs, cheaters, morons, quitters.... I'm sure MW had a far less PERCENTAGE of all those things. I just hope Treyarch make sure that quickscoping is abolished and actually give updates and support for glitches and spamming instead of leaving gamers in the lurch. Also, squad members should be able to choose a colour or something a full or mostly team of blue arrows isn't helpful.
  5. Afrika (US)

    The graphics look a bit early 2000s PC... - non-high-end PC...
  6. Battlefield 1943

    The game seems alright. Less frustrating in many ways compared to Bad Company.
  7. Sexuality Thread

    You've obviously know not much about America - unfortunately for the "innocent" all I seem to notice is the hatred and racism that comes from "Black" Americans a lot of the time.
  8. I am penguinophobic

    It's really funny that Nick Griffin keeps saying that Britain's "the most overcrowded country in Europe"; that award goes to Malta, unless of course he doesn't count that just because it's in the Med... -_-
  9. Disney's animated features! your favourites?

    Top: Lion King Other top nine/ten (in random order): Sword in the Stone Jungle Book Robin Hood Fox & the Hound Rescuers Original & Down Under Alice In Wonderland Peter Pan Little Mermaid Beauty & the Beast After the Lion King I never really watched many Disney films, though I watched Mulan the other week and have seen The Emperors New Groove (cos it was on TV). I've never seen Fantasia, Basil and others, and we never had Sleeping Beauty of video, despite it being a classic, so I don't remember it really. Due to what I've read of some sites recently, I just wanted to say: [rant] Most* of the Classic Disney films that are accused of it are NOT "RACIST"; people really need to learn what that word means, and learn why racism is wrong. ...Instead of claiming any stereotype (non-white seemingly - unless hispanic ) as being racist; there's a difference between derogatory/malice and a bit of fun. I never grew up thinking the Orient were all the same (or buck toothed always wearing triangle hats) or that "Black" Africans were all a load of uneducated/stupid cotton pickers, or club/jazz entertainers; surprisingly enough, even a child can separate reality from "fantasy" and past from present. People that are offended by the majority* of such things obviously simply have no confidence in who they are. I certainly wouldn't be offended if a Japanese, or any other Oriental cartoon/film depicted "white" man/men as hairy, big eyed & big nosed etc, I actually love knowing different views and such like that. And I don't care that the Americans always have "British" (English) and German bad guys; it's just fun (and cool). All this offendedness seems to be a pretty Western "invention" in most cases, I bet a "born & bred etc" Japanese/Chinese person wouldn't be affected by all but the most extreme WWII style stereotypes. Obviously there ARE definate NONOs, and I'm not trying to suggest there aren't, especially when it comes to "Black" history; but people need to stop dwelling on past issues (and suggesting that "white" is the only norm***). As long as people aren't simply just suggesting that Arabs are simply a load of violent theives or the Japanese are all just a load of violent crazies etc etc etc then there's no need to worry. I notice unintentional sexual euphemisms all the time, but I don't go around complaining that it's going to brainwash people or give them subconcious messages, just because I automatically hear/read things in that way. Edit: Bugger the King Louie "racism" theory, which is rather far fetched - The Jungle Book should be banned for these reasons: Suggesting male elephants lead the herds, maybe they're just a load of sexists at Disney. And are they trying to suggest the English are just a load of Vultures and Indian "murduring" psycopaths......See, I can do it too. I'm a hairy, big eyed, big nosed, cracker "baddie" and proud. [/rant] Sorry; I really had to get that off of my chest due to things I keep coming across/reading. *A line in the song at the start of Aladdin - which is now changed - was pretty dodgy though. ***That especially seems to be the case today when depicting "Black" people as "Cole Train" style "in da hood" stereotypes; yet having things like the MOBO awards and refering to things such as "Black Culture" (both of which also seem to generalise, as they don't include Tribal things and such whatsoever)
  10. Common European names.

    There are really people called Thor? I guess it's the same as being Jesus or Muhammed....Kinda.... I assume no-one's called Odin?:P
  11. Common European names.

    Yeah, but we don't like to admit that!!!...We're seperate damn it!! :P
  12. I am penguinophobic

    Before I start, I DON'T support the BNP in any way blah blah etc.....Anyway: Nick Griffin was interviewed on The Daily Politics yesterday and he claimed the BNP policy is to do with ETHNICITY not Citezenship and such. He/They have no problem with "anyone" being British, just not claiming to be ethnically British. I can understand where they're coming from, even if it does have holes in it. Anyway.... the EU has made it FAR too easy for anyone to go anywhere (and my girlfriends from Malta). Effectively, any EU state can give citezenship/asylum to any bugger, and it's out of our hands. I don't trust Britain's system when it comes to such things, so to trust any other random country... I have to say, if such things are at the top of your list, you should vote for UKIP. (I'm not a member of UKIP, nor a supporter.....yet anyway; they have very compelling arguments, and I'm not the voting type)
  13. Six Days in Fallujah

    The ironic thing is...... Is that the hole point of the game is to do with how, where, and when it is set, in order to point out the horrors of war, something which most other games miss out on entirely. Surely it's more wrong to show war more like Advance Wars, than it is to show it like Six Days in Fallujah is supposedly going to??? It's about getting the BALANCE. If the controversial napalmy-type-bombs are depicted truthfully (if they were used etc etc); then you'd think people would like a negative portrayal of such things being in the media, especially in the UK, who have banned most/all such innaccurate painful weapons. I wish these wannabe-"crusaders" would stop looking at everything so narrow mindedly, unfortunately it seems to be increasing, and I'm actually rather worried about this "Satanic Verses syndrome"...
  14. Six Days in Fallujah

    Six Days in Fallujah controvercy as reported by the Telescaremongeroffendedbyeverything; I mean Telegraph: Anyway....How retarded: 1. It's a Survival HORROR...It's not supposed to glorify anything, like people seem to be suggesting 2. Developed with help from pleanty of veterans who obviously aren't offended. 3. It's probably better to make it now, than later, so people feel like it's not something that happened AGES ago and therefor irrelivent; thats how people feel about everything from the past, which is why you can glorify the Romans and such but not more modern empires things strongly tied to negativity, despite popular belief. 4. Videogames are annuls of history; just like EVERY OTHER form of media. 5. They do realise there are Muslims who fight in the "Western" Forces right? If a Muslim family was going to be "offended" by the game, surley they'd realise what it was about before buying and playing it. I also don't get why they would, and it seems a little retarded to say they would. What does being a Muslim have to do with it anyway? Appart from the crazies that believe an attack on one is an attack on them all... 5.5 If a fanatical young Muslim was somehow converted to "terrorism" by a videogame then he can "bring it" so we can kill him before he breeds any more idiots. 6. The game sounds pretty balanced in the viewpoints it will show I really hate it when people jump to the guns on things, especially with talks on bans, they should go and fight for a strict Muslim country if they want to live and fight for disgusting things like that. None of the soldiers quoted even had anything to do with the fighting in Fallujah, and it seems from things said by Konami etc that the game with be balanced in its views.
  15. Call of Duty: World at War

    Haha....Yep...Ended up with no picture a few hours later so I've got to send it in; though XBox Support is AWFUL!!!! I'd just got GOW2 & COD too... Anyway, I think people are exaggerating the badness of this game. It's not as good as COD4, but it's good enough, especially after playing COD4 to death for a year. I think you just have to get used to things and treat it as a mix of 2, 3 & 4.
  16. Call of Duty: World at War

    I'm having problems with the picture going funny on Single Player, goes all blotchy, and also affects the XBox slidey menu thing. Anyone know anythin?
  17. Pizza Hut is now... Pasta Hut?!?

    Pizza Hut has always been shit.....And then they got rid of Pizza Mutt:cry: Anyway....You have to be there at lunch for your pizza to be ready for dinner... Shit as shit. Just get yourself a Dr. ?Oetker? pizza which is done in 10 mins (after heating the oven) and just chuck some more stuff from the fridge on it if you want. And overpriced as hell. Which also makes it less fattening
  18. Christmas

    Most people don't:heh: I have though; as soon as my birthday's past I pick up things I think my family might like when I see them, or start to get ideas, otherwise they end up rushed and thoughtless. It's also because no-one has a Birthday or anything between Sept n Christmas that I buy for appart from my Dad. Got my Bro something so far, and some ideas for my Mum, but that's all. Fuck knows what I'm going to get my girlfriendl and she's spending it with her family, but me with mine >_<
  19. Assaulted at work...

    If people keep letting others get away with things like this then what will the world come to. I'm confused as to what people actually learned from the start of World War II... Or are they too busy thinking about how all Nazi's must have been "evil", and the Jews n stuff?
  20. Smacking Ban

    Maybe the Govt. should be dealing with young offenders and all other criminals properly before they start telling the decent people how to bring up their children. They're letting crime get "out of control" due to an individual's rights being seen as more important than those of society. Lock the bastards up and make them pay for policing, courts and the victims, not the innocent.
  21. DS/DSi General Discussion

    What a huge load of rip off bullshit. Everything you don't want/need: Camera Smaller Web Browser SD Slot New Charger Everything you do want/need has been taken out: Region Locked GBA Slot: Needed for some games Backwards Compatability Old GBA Charger (taken out for Lite, but still) It's a bigger rip off than an iPod.
  22. Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

    I prefer OOT to TP, and I never played it back in the day. Of course you have to slightly ignore the stiffness of OOT, the only thing TP has over it really (appart from the graphics, duh). TP lacks the character OOT, MM & WW all had, and didn't really know what kind of Zelda game it wanted to be.
  23. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Well seeing as though the Wii ver.'s supposed to be as glitchy as hell it's probably for the best. A lot of them didn't. It was just a matter of killing them all before moving on, killing a load then safely moving forwards a bit, or avoiding certain areas completely. The last level (not the Plane one) is really easy I had to do 2 levels on Hard rather than Veteran cos I just couldn't manage. No Fighting in the Warroom is especially frustrating because you've already done 2 of the levels to get the achievement, one of which is quite long. I do:smile: XBL still isn't up
  24. Games for a bar?

    Because it's shit compared to the GC one.
  25. Captain Rainbow!!

    Hopefully it will come to Europe; we seem to get the Japanese stuff more than the Americans now (Tingle, Doshin, Jp No More Heroes) PLEASE Nintendo PLEASE I also love that the characters talk. Just keep the game the same but make the writing English/"European" Nintendo!!! The thing is, they could release it as a 15 and still sell enough to warrent a release I reckon. But it'll never come. Petition anyone? It wauld make them want our money...