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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Yeah, some of the machines put unnecessary stress on the joints. I think the shoulder press machine (it probably has a name, whatever it's called) is quite bad for this, and you're also limited by the range of motion. Not sure if machine pec flys are too clever either.


    I ended up skipping earlier and did some bicep training a few hours afterwards. Squash tomorrow, possibly leg day, but we'll see how that goes. My body is dead.


    Dem biceps! :P


    Mine are still ever so slowlllllyyyy growing. : peace:

  2. I actually can't remember the last time I used a weight machine..


    Some of the machines force your joints in ways they may not want to go.. if perhaps you have an underlying weakness or joint problem. I can't use the leg extension machine purely because it doesn't let my knees track naturally and feels horrible. Long term usage with a lot of weight is asking for trouble.. Good form with freeweights can be taught.

  3. Callouses ain't that bad if you look after em. I personally find that gloves detract from the grip... makes the bar ever so slightly wider with the extra padding. If anything straps would help more, but you're definitely better training your grip with farmers walks, and deadlift holds. And chalk is excellent. :)


    On another note - post leg day sucks for females! I wanna stand up n pee :(

  4. Personal training today...


    Started off with strict ohp (arms only)... 20x5, 25x5, 30x5. 35x5 was push a press. So I've got a target to work at.


    Did clean and jerks for the first time ever and it was awesome. It was amazing how totally natural it came to me, but I have been working a lot on stuff that will help me with it, for months on end. Did quite a few of those and I think the bar was loaded up to 35kg. (my power clean pb is 52.5). Blimey they are exhausting. Fuck cardio, I was sweating like a pig.


    I was having a chat with my pt at the start about how my upper body strength is quite weak, and my pt was like ok we'll have a look at bench press, see if we can improve form - so after the cleans I sat down, and he was explaining how you sit with your heels back and keep your whole body tense and tight, with an arched back. So I got on the bench and pulled my heels back... my hamstrings locked into cramp and I burst out laughing lol. Good end to an awesome session.



    tl;dr fuck weight machines, go do some olympic lifting for dem gainz





  5. Yeah sames. I'm getting £9.25 an hour, and an nhs pension where I work! As opposed to min wage anywhere else!


    It's a pipe dream, telling them to stuff it up their asses. Would only happen if I won the lottery XD

  6. I can see both sides of the argument, part of you wants to stay and ride it out 'til they fix the problem, and part of you doesn't want to have to endure the soul destroying ride.


    Been there so many times.... Public sector are especially corrupt and some of the behaviour is an utter disgrace.

  7. oh yeah I forgot why I came here


    My car was manufactured in 2001, so its a fair age. Get a letter in the door today saying that my car needs to be recalled because "there might be a possibility that, in the event of a crash, the front passenger airbag may deploy abnormally" so uh took you nearly 12 years to work that out??? on a car they stopped manufacturing in like 2006!!



    Oh well, at least its the passenger seat :heh:


    Even without my parents, I could have gone without any food, and my belonging could have gotten lost.


    The reservations I have with complaining, is that there were four nurses who were nice and kind, and I don't them to end up getting into trouble (I can only remember one of their names as well).


    There's another thing I forgot to mention. I had some dressing on my nose to catch the bleeding. It would get full with blood, and blood would start trickling down onto my mouth and down my face. Every time I had to ask for it to be changed.


    Aye but they don't punish staff who haven't done anything wrong, they investigate it. Stuff like that is usually because they haven't enough staff on. If people don't complain NOTHING ever gets done.

  8. First time I've been in the squat rack area all by myselfs! :D I'm kinda a bit socially anxious so I've never gone there myself, I usually go with my personal trainer. Big achievement for me.


    Went for a first thing session and it was kinda quiet. Managed to get me a wee space in the squat rack (my gym has two) and then jumped onto the bench afterwards. Love that my gym is so close to my work. 7/half 7 was still quite busy but come 7.45 everyone was shuffling on to work. I'm like 2 minutes from work so I could take it easy, didn't have to leave til half 8. Started Stronglifts 5x5 so it was a good excuse to get in there and not be scared =P


    So stronglifts is an alternation between two exercises, 3x a week.




    Squat 5x5

    Chest Press 5x5

    Row 5x5




    Squat 5x5

    OHP 5x5

    Deadlift 1x5



    Today I did workout A - with 40kg / 30kg / 30kg. Squats and bench were quite comfortable, but rows were too easy. Each time you do an exercise you're supposed to add on 2.5kg (if you fail you go back down 2.5kg, and just keep going til you get the next one) but I think I'm gonna be a little slower than that.

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