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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. Every time I go to the dermatologist for a review, she always stresses how important it is that I check for lumps. The drug I'm on seems to have a risk of lymphatic cancers.


    This morning I found a lump in my neck.. :( Its probably nothing but the constant RED ALERT WARNING i keep getting has scared me :(

  2. 62.5kg squats today, my legs are falling out with me. I made it better with some ice cream. :)


    I've got quad dimples above my knee! My butt is growing. I've got SLIGHT definition in my hams




    all of the above WITHOUT any boring isolation exercises.


    I do have minimal definition in my arms but I think thats cause I'm shit weak upper body and i'm overweight lol

  3. Sooo, anybody here jogging regularly?


    I want to start, but I'm not exactly sure how long the first few runs should be.

    Haven't done any running since I stopped playing football 7 (!) years ago. There has been the occasional weekend when I did some sports involving a lot of running.


    Need help :p


    I'm thinking about trying to run for 30 minutes at a slow pace for a few weeks and then increasing the speed.


    I recommend C25K



  4. Worked on my power cleans, push press, jerks, and deadlifts today. So close to a new PB with my cleans. Currently 52.5kg which is getting easy, 55kg feels like its so close.


    Deadlifts went 57.5x6, 87.5x3 97.5kgx2,102.5kg. At 107.5kg people started watching me o_O so I dug deep to get 112.5.


    PT told me he was gonna put on 2.5kg, my PB (115) but sneakily added 5kg. 117.5kg PB get :D


    I think I coulda took 120kg, but after 15 deadlifts and a shitload of cleans/presses/jerks my body was complaining.. I feel bloody brilliant though!

  5. Those sounds are what gives the gym its atmosphere and makes it fun going back. It's almost music in itself. Industrial, like.


    The hip stuff will be fine. I put it down to having a hefty few days and my legs just weren't in the mood for it. I may skip the squats altogether this week and focus on lunges and other exercises. I'm playing squash tonight, so will see how I feel. Walking and stuff is fine, but just the movement of the squat didn't work for me today.


    Sounds like a sensible plan :)

  6. Hmm, I can do either. I usually put some music on when working out, but it's not essential. I actually prefer the sounds of weights clanging on the ground, or metal on metal or something. I find that quite satisfying. Racking the bar after squatting, taking the bar off for a bench press, the sound of the barbell and weights hitting the ground after a deadlift.


    I've been driving a lot over the last few days. About 10 hours or so in total. Tried doing some squats earlier and felt a tightness in my upper leg area. After reading up on it, looks like it's the hip flexor/iliopsoas. I've ordered a foam roller as I've been planning to get one, so will see if that helps at all. I stretched quite a bit beforehand/warmed up, too. So yes, disappointed. I'm thinking it's a combination of the muscles being weak/tight and driving for so long in a short period of time.


    I like the sound of people around around me, the weights clanging as they put em on the bar, lifting noises and grunts. Guess I'm just used to my gym and its built into me that them noises are natural. Glad I'm not the only one, was starting to feel like a weirdo til I read your post flinkeh lol


    Hopefully the hip thing passes. If I can get by a dislocation you can get by this! Just don't strain yourself too hard in the next few days/weeks! :)



    60kg squats 5x5 hell yeaaaah :D I got dem big 20kg plates naow :D


    I went over to the power rack as this really musclemuscle man was finishing and he set the rack up for me. Felt a bit awkward but it was very nice of him lol


    Then I was talking to one of the new trainers, who was uber impressed with my 60kg squat :D My gym seems to have taken on at least 3 new trainers and they all have long blonde hair, a la Kurt Cobain combined with a surfer dudes body. So not complaining.

  8. I remember it being just the same. Its funny, I still have two metal bars behind each row or teeth.


    They were supposed to fall out a couple of years after I had my braces removed (I was 15.) eh...


    Perhaps take some tablets for inflammation? Might give them some rest and some cold items - ice cubes? :)


    I have the two bar things behind my teeth as well. Apparently they are only used when you've needed a lot of movement (big gaps or very twisted teeth). If I recall you had quite an overbite too?


    I don't love the idea of having the bars in forever but they're definitely better than the braces themselves, or the teeth reverting back! One of my colleagues was non compliant with her retainers for a week, then they wouldn't fit. Of course then she wasn't wearing them at all for a good while. Has to go back and have a full braces treatment again. Yaaaaaaaay :/


    Sooooo weird getting used to everything. Eating is weird, and half the time I'm just keeping my mouth open cause I'm used to needing moar space... haha XD


    I have brufen and i'll give the ice a shot ty :)


    Talk about pain? Pulled hamstring coupled with a torn groin muscle. I warmed up adequately but suddenly BAM! agony.




    I had hamstring cramp and it was hell. Hope you get better soon @Iun!!


    I don't actually remember how painful getting my braces off was. I recall the most painful thing about them was every time they had to be tightened; it was fine to begin with, but when the aching set in later in the day ... my god.


    Yeah that was awful for me too, but definitely worse getting them off. All the pullin then the drilling just made my gums angry. Felt like I had every tooth filled, and i'm totally not in love with the dentists drill :blank:

  9. Got my braces off. Ow. No one told me how traumatic that would be. Pulling the ceramic nodules off was bad enough, but then she spent ages drilling away the cement/glue that holds them on. My gums are so angry and inflammed (apparently normal) and its not helping that i'm poking them every time im taking out and putting in my retainer.... (which I have to remove to eat or drink hot stuff)

  10. Ouch. Did you have something to catch the bar or did it just fall to the floor behind you?



    I didn't fail on the squats thankfully. I do use a squat rack at the gym just for that very cause lol


    I didn't notice it until I was walking out of the gym. I've had this problem before now, its just a weak socket (arthritis). It never dislocates to the point of hospitalisation, it just pops out slightly and causes masses of pain, then pops back in whenever it feels like it. :woops:

  11. I make chilli with:


    beef mince + mushrooms (not many) + onion + garlic


    + chilli powder, pepper, half a glass of coca cola


    + red kidney beans


    + tinned toms, tomato puree.



    I kinda like mine a bit plainer, with less combinations of spices (also I am cheap lol :heh:)

  12. Aww, thanks for worrying. Will do. =)


    Also already got a docs appointment for next Monday (22nd, curse ye doctors holidays) to discuss the possibility of anti-depressants under advisement from said therapist so hopefully some positive movement might happen soon. In a way I wish this had all happened sooner, when I wasn't near the end of my course and had more time to access to help knowing I needed it.


    One perseveres.



    If you get the right drug its amazing what it can do for your whole outlook on life. You can only deal with your problems with a steady mood. Just don't be an ass like me and take em, feel better, then become non compliant cause everything is all good, and the drugs made your blood pressure hit the floor anyway... *rolls eyes*


    Kind of relevant I guess, but I'm dragging myself back to the doc to get back on my meds.



    Had a complete mental meltdown about a week ago, stemming from an outbreak of psoriasis. I was travelling in mid June and taking meds would've been a real inconvenience, so with permission from doc, I missed a dose (its weekly). And I had a flare up, a bad one. The worst day in this episode, I literally scratched myself raw and bleeding because I was so frustrated. I was mentally transported back to being 19 again, when my life was nothing but endless blood tests and drug trials.


    Just hoping that this drug keeps working, and my body tolerates it for as long as possible.


    If it fails, I'm kinda fucked. The next stage of treatment is an IV therapy which I fancy like a fist to the face :(

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