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King Hippo

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About King Hippo

  • Birthday 07/17/1994


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  1. If they're remixed, wouldn't that count as a bona-fide 120 new stars? :P For both sheer laziness on my part, and to make this the ultimate package, I vote for stars 121 - 240 to be the courses from Galaxy 1 in their entirety. Only half-joking.
  2. Don't think it'll be a mirror mode. Mirror modes rely on throwing you for a loop in levels/courses you know off by heart, and Galaxy isn't that kind of game...
  3. From IGN's twitter: "I can officially confirm that no characters unlock after 120 stars in SMG2. But it's after 120 stars the game unlocks...[TWITTER OVER LIMIT]" Intriguing...
  4. Vampire: Bloodlines - The Masquerade is the worst offender IMO. Games need three titles now?? And Sin And Punishment. What's that all about? Neither feature in the games as far as I recall... It's original name, Glass Solider, was far cooler. That's a proper shmup name, like Radiant Silvergun and the like.
  5. I'd just about given up on a PAL release, so I caved (oho) and played the PC version through to the end. Pleased to see it back on the schedules and will still get it, if just to aim for the alternate ending.
  6. I know I'll still end up buying this like I did with the DS version, but I yearn for a mode in which you play traditional 3-lap RACES and not just the short burst time trials. I know it's not what TrackMania is about neccessarily, but it would be nice - in a game where virtually everything else is customisable - to be able to choose how you play now and again.
  7. NINJA DIFFICULTY all the way! It's simply no challenge otherwise. Seriously, that's not some dumb stealth brag (!) your game will last longer and you'll get a deeper sense of mastering all the moves. Funny one, this. Enjoyed it very much whilst playing but can't imagine ever going back to it. The linear progression and lack of a new game+ don't help. It's a solid 7/10, but people looking for a last great hope for third party sales on Wii should temper their expectations...
  8. I kind of agree. We've really seen so little, especially in terms of environments. We should expect more come E3 though. Very intrigued by this one, as a fan of both traditional Metroid and the Prime trilogy.
  9. Loving this game. Played it through to completion on Normal and man, it's hard. Can't imagine what the actual Hard difficulty will be like. Died countless times on the end bosses of levels 5 and 7. Replaying on Easy now, to pick up on some of the nuances of the scoring system. Also, to those not sure about the graphics, you really need to play it to see just how much stuff is flying around at any one point in time. Actually quite impressive.
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