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Everything posted by flamekid

  1. @Beverage Well I never said I would 'rape' the League for a start, considering I've only played MK7 for a total of 20 minutes since it's release date. Also, my reputation was gained through my solidarity in the League since I joined mid-2010 and I haven't really had many (if at all) bad nights in the League since that join date. On the note of hacking you mentioned, I DO NOT HACK to win. Sure, I've modded my wii to be able to play more tracks than the ones Nintendo provided for us (about 100 more, if I remember correctly) but I've never once used any of those tedious hacks that people use in MKWii to win races. It's just sad. I'll send you a PM regarding your challenge, and it looks like I'm gonna have to show you personally how I gained my reputation in MKWii. You can ask the likes of the League regulars of the previous League (I.E. @Fused King) as to how I gained my reputation if you don't believe me.
  2. I'm pretty sure dodging blue shells in MK7 is the same concept as MKWii, however I'm to believe that the timing has to be more precise in MK7. (A.K.A. using a mushroom at the perfect time to blast your way in front of it!) On a side-note, I went to some SSBB tournament in London last weekend and (god knows how) I managed to play a bit of MK7 for the first time whilst I was there (using someone else's 3DS of course.. I don't have one ). Only played two tracks in the time I had: Melody Motorway and Rainbow Road. Melody Motorway.. is a weird track to play when you don't know any of the controls! I was drifting all over the place and continuously falling off the track. Those piano keys kept throwing me off! Rainbow Road, on the other hand.. I LOVE IT! Only had the opportunity to play Rainbow Road once, but.. just wow. By the time I got to this track I was actually getting used to the controls (surprisingly it only took me 20 minutes to get used to the controls ) and I was managing to do pretty decently if I say so myself! (I've watched MK7 records of this track on YT and decided to try my best at beating one of them.. that's not gonna happen in 1 attempt ) Man, I wish I was able to afford a 3DS right now.. MK7 is such an awesome game. More so now that I've actually had the time to play a bit of it! Considering I got used to the controls so quickly.. I feel like I could be amazing at this game if I had actually owned a copy of it myself. Be prepared for me when the time comes. I WANT TO WIN THIS YEAR'S LEAGUE TOO! (For anyone confused, I won the 2011 League )
  3. I have a similar problem when using wifi on the Wii when multiple devices are connected at once. Sometimes my Wii can't even get online on any game because of it! Also, the "Thanks" you mentioned is only available after posting a certain amount. (I forgot how many posts you need to make, though.)
  4. It's easy to transfer saves using an SD card as long as the game doesn't have a wifi function. Dunno 'bout wiimote transferring, though. If it's possible, that would be awesome. Anyhow, I ordered the game last night via Amazon UK and they've already dispatched it. Free Super Saver delivery means that I might not get it until Wednesday at the latest but I honestly don't care. As long as I GET the game, I'm happy! £47.90 for the limited edition seems like a good price to me!
  5. Flameboy.. I'm guessing you're referring to my old Mii's name? If not, he's just some guy on the N-E forums who I've never spoken to before!


    Sure, name a time & day and I'll be there.


    ^ Posted that on my own profile page by accident.. fail.

  6. FFFFFFFFF- I am SO sorry! I got carried away with other things and totally forgot.. I guess you were right about us N-E'ers being forgetful.. Lol.


    Same time tomorrow? I'll actually write it somewhere so I remember this time!

  7. Just tested the chatbox, and I'm having the same isue. Guess the server is down, after all.

    Looking forward to beating the crap out of you tomorrow. xD

  8. Okay then, so erm.. how 'bout Wednesday at like 7pm? And maybe we could chat in the N-E chatroom at the same time. ^^

  9. Well I feel like I should join in the fun of N-E for a change; I've done everything from scratch without any help thus far, I'm only at the 65 hour mark and I have all my characters at lv 72 now (admittedly, I've only really used the first three throughout the majority of the game..). @Mokong, about the whole Agniratha thing, you may/may not want to load your last save before you kill Egil. I did just because I wasn't sure. Anyways, my current progress:
  10. Because after being here for 2 months, we've realised how much we took for granted in England.. NZ wasn't what we thought it was gonna be, at all.

  11. Well, I'm not sure if you read a post of mine some time ago, but I'm in New Zealand currently. However, heading back on Monday morning (for you) and will be back on Wednesday. So yeah.. back to a normal time-zone!

  12. I believe you said it was your birthday today, so uh.. Happy Birthday! ^^


    Have a good one!

  13. Your old clan sounds like an awesome one! ;)


    We mainly feature as a Brawl clan, but me & Shadow are actually trying to start up a Mario Kart Wii League of our own within our clan. :laughing:


    Kinda coincidental when you think about it.


    Well if ya wanna join, feel free to visit the link in my sig. ;)

  14. Oh, and a quick word - I'll be using my weird clan Mii name from now on. ;)


    [sS]Flame* or something along those lines will be me. ^^


    One of those weird pro-edited names, if ya know what I mean.

  15. Righty-o, here's my FC: 4813-0899-4681


    Should probably update it in my profile but I've never been that great with navigation on N-E. :laughing:


    Added you, I'll leave my MKWii online from like 8:15pm so it should register before the League night starts. ;)

  16. Yeah, I also ended up using around 40 lives, mainly getting stuck on the 4th & 6th stages. The ONE time I managed to keep clouds with me for the 6th stage and then I completed it. lol.
  17. After spending a full TWO hours being stuck on the last level for the 242nd star, I finally managed it! (After managing to hold onto 2 clouds for the hammer/boomerang bros part) 100% completion!
  18. Currently on 207 stars after powering through the Green ones after 120 star completion. They can be an extreme pain in the ass to reach! I should be able to fully complete the game tomorrow, hopefully!
  19. Well, your problem seems similar to mine. If you've had your Wii since release day in Europe (Christmas 2006) then it's most likely that your DVD drive is slowly dying. Your 'stopping and restarting' issue is what I had a lot with my Brawl disc before my Wii finally decided to give up on me last Sunday. So what I'm trying to say is.. MAKE THE MOST OUT OF YOUR WII BEFORE IT DIES ON YOU!
  20. I come out of Yoshi's ass? WTF? Anyway, hoping to get this super-sweet awesomeness when I receive my shiny new Black Wii (due to my current wii screwing me over - DVD malfunction) and I honestly can't wait to play it! NO SPOILERS PLEASE!
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