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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Rollcage was one incredible game. A Wii update with online play would be fricking awesome.
  2. Bard, you are teh worst puzzlemaker evar.
  3. You gotta find the picture. Not just the game name.
  4. I dont suppose its this:
  5. I think it is a bit too hard for people to find that picture. Also if any moderators could change the title of this thread to "Picture Hunt" I would be the happiest man on earth.
  6. I dont know. They just are.
  7. It depends how much you love each other I guess. Also weighed against the other options that lives much closer. What if a option comes along making the long distance seem like a drag? Maybe you could be happier with someone closer? ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE?
  8. Happy birthday dude.
  9. So are these fake or what?
  10. Moogle found the picture so he gets the go.
  11. Yes it is.
  12. THere is already a room called "n-e".
  13. Youre suppsed to find the picture, not the name of the game.
  14. Ok, Ill be there.
  15. That picture is too hard for people to recognize. Also, the name of the game is not enough. You have to find the picture. Here is a new picture:
  16. Im up for a game. Name the room please.
  17. A winnar is you.
  18. Hmm, that could be right.
  19. Thats not it.
  20. Try finding the original picture this picture is taken from. The winner may post a new picture. Please dont make it too hard, the new picture has to be well known.
  21. I dont think so.
  22. I cant believe Super Mario Galaxy isnt winning.
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