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Everything posted by ShavenWolf

  1. Post Your Purchases

    That PC-DVD is pretty much essential! I'd have never passed my theory test without it! So, yes, good purchase. Good luck!!
  2. How was your day?

    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Now to actually get a car to drive... hmm....
  3. How was your day?

    Erm, I've already posted this twice on here today, but I've had a great day because I passed my driving test with but 3 minor faults! I am a happy bunny, yes.
  4. The dreaded Driving Test

    But where's the satisfaction in that, eh? Also, it means that the Egyptian equivalent of the DSA must be pretty corrupt if they allow that to happen, tbh...
  5. ROAD RAGE!!!

    I'm expecting to be joining the discussion in this thread pretty soon, what with passing my test this morning!!
  6. The dreaded Driving Test

    Honestly, as conzer said, it's such a good feeling! I'm really glad I checked out the test routes online first, they make you realise how easy they actually are! As soon as he said "Ok, I'm happy to tell you.." my hands were clasped to my face in relief. So damn relieved.
  7. The dreaded Driving Test

    OMFG!!!! I passed with 3 minors!!! SO DAMN HAPPY!!!!! YAAAY!!! :D
  8. The dreaded Driving Test

    I've been up since 7 and I've spent all morning 'revising' the test routes using the DSA website and Google Maps..... 11:41 can't some soon enough.
  9. The dreaded Driving Test

    I've got an hour driving lesson before my test to get into the swing of things. I know I can pass it, but I feel like I'll make a stupid mistake and fail the whole thing. Arghh! Just want to get it done and dusted!!
  10. The dreaded Driving Test

    Congrats! I've got mine tomorrow morning. I'm absolutely bricking it.
  11. The Music Thread.

    Ahhh, yes! I saw that video a few months ago, but didn't seek out the artist at the time. Shame on me!
  12. The Music Thread.

    Sorry to be a Bird And The Bee whore again, but this song is definitely my song of the day! I really love the bass in this song, called 'Man'. It came on in work before. I was grooving. I love it. In fact a customer came up to me asking what the song was called, which I've not had before! According to my last.fm profile, I've listened to them 164 times in just 1 week. And counting! Yikes!
  13. Wipeout HD

    This is one of my absolute favourite PS3 games. I managed to get the Flatland Flyer trophy today! And I'm not even a trophy whore!
  14. The Music Thread.

    Not a problem! In fact, I'm going to post another video of them for Again and Again. I really can't stop listening to this band. So, so, so damn good!
  15. The Music Thread.

    Thanks to hearing a good chunk of their songs on the speakers at work, I'm now REALLY digging The Bird And The Bee's album right now. Especially this song, F*cking Boyfriend! You might like it if you enjoy electro/indie/pop stuff. La La La is excellent, summery, shimmery music. Perfect for shaking away the autumn blues.
  16. Pizza Hut is now... Pasta Hut?!?

    I'd buy one, but I wouldn't know whether to eat it, or make love to it. It looks that damn good.
  17. Pizza Hut is now... Pasta Hut?!?

    Went past-a the Pasta Hut near the Arndale in Manchester before. It was... odd.
  18. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    I swear this download is slooowwwwwerrrrr than usual! Maybe it's because I'm so fricking excited about playing LBP! Only played it for half an hour in Manchester so far, impressions were GOOD! I see it won't let you get another code using another email address... Was trying to get one in case anybody here missed this opportunity!
  19. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    LBP BETA KEYS ARE BACK ON IGN!! http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/littlebigplanet Just got mine! Go go go!!!
  20. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    QUICK!! THE KEYS ARE GOING AGAIN!!! http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/littlebigplanet Just got mine!! HOORAY!!!
  21. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    Ok, I can't keep it in any longer! I'm DYING for a key for this, so if anybody does get a spare, please, please, PLEASE could you be so kind to PM me with it? I'll be trying tonight at IGN, but if I don't get one I'll be seriously peeved.
  22. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    I had a good half hour on this yesterday in Manchester. It's bloody brilliant! I played on a level called 'Skate To The Finish' (or something like that) and loved every damn second!! Wish I had a beta key, like.
  23. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Thoughts on MotorStorm: Pacific Rift demo - It's more of the same. In a tropical environment. I'm buying it.
  24. PSN and Home Thread

    Yeah, I've not gone as mad the past few months as I've finally got to the point in my life where I am saving up for moving out/holidays/a car. And then I really won't have any money for games! *am cry* PSN games aren't bad though, £5 for even a night's worth of entertainment every couple of weeks isn't bad these days!
  25. PSN and Home Thread

    As you asked, here are the Blu-Rays I have: Assassin's Creed Burnout Paradise CoD4 Colin McRae Dirt Devil May Cry 4 Everybody's Golf EyeCreate (came with PlayStation Eye) F1 Championship Edition GT5 Prologue GTA4 Haze Heavenly Sword Lair (was free ) Lego Star Wars MGS4 Motorstorm Ninja Gaiden Sigma Oblivion The Orange Box Ratchet & Clank Resistance Ridge Racer 7 Sega Rally The Simpsons Game Skate Soulcalibur 4 Unreal Tournament 3 Uncharted Virtua Tennis 3 And I really wish I had more time to complete most of these games, dammit!