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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. i'm getting this launch day Friday night online racing anybody?
  2. The Goonies on Commodore 64 was classic.
  3. Kav - off subject do you still play TW10 online. Me and a friend play all the time and are looking to add 2 more regulars for 4 ball action.
  4. Even though I already have the game, I bought this today as it's such a good deal. Will trade in my original copy. Looking forward to trying out these controls. Have had various results with the different sensitivity settings using the Wiimote & Nunchuk. Since we put up out Christmas tree I keep getting the dreaded red circle, not sure if the Christmas tree lights are interfering with the infa red, but it's bloody annoying when you are online and get stuck in a shootout.
  5. Wii 2 will no doubt be HD with the Wiimote perfected, and to be honest that's all we could ask for. Can you imagine playing a tennis game or Tiger Woods now with an analogue stick! That's the funniest thing with all the Wii bashing that goes on, you know that the next Sony & Microsoft consoles will just rip off the Wiimote and build a more powerfull machine and suddenly all the fanboys will declare it a revolution in gaming.
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