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  • Birthday 02/17/1980


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  1. If you could teleport 3 times in your life, where would you go? I would probably use it for a crime (like stealing something) and then teleporting myself out of the shop or something. That would be a great way to use teleportation in my life. Question: If you could move at the speed of light, what would the first thing you would use that movement for?
  2. Agreed 100% Might buy this, seems pretty cool, and what the Wii was made for.
  3. Bought this game some months ago, only now tried it. Its pretty average overall, but maybe the sequel with the 1:1 controls will change that. It will be pretty awesome have a 1:1 gruesome killings, like cutting someone in half and then cutting the head and then cutting everything in a vertical motion. Anyways, altough the game is average, the bosses are pretty cool, once again, fighting them with 1:1 would be awesome
  4. I don't know if its from my Wii Motion +, but this think is dumb. I tried the Puppy game first (Yeah, just for the lulz), and then I prepared and threw my hand at a high speed... and my hand... just standed there... And then it finally did go, but the damn thing fell instead of going to the dog. Then I played sword, and the whole thing was stupid, I couldn't hurt someone with a inverted diagonal strike, nor a thrust, nor a neck shot, even if I played with two players and only played as one. What the hell? Is my Wii Motion Plus shitty or is it really the game that offers false 1:1 controls? (Again)
  5. I have a hard time taking you seriously since you have such a clever name. I doubt I´m the first to notice.
  6. Well, I agree with this, I'l be also buying Left 4 Dead 2, and I enjoy it. Fact is that I was still paying for a beta-test that could be worked upon, specially with the match-making system, the bugs and the content for the fans that TF2 had (and still has). I found it even more obvious when it was said that in Left 4 Dead 2 we can play the same campaigns we did in Left 4 Dead and giving us, Left 4 Dead players, a new campaign.. That's a genius way of making content for the actual game (Left 4 Dead 2) while pretending the first one is still getting support. Well, as weird as you sound, you just enjoyed many hours of gaming altough it was simply a demo. I did indeed, but Left 4 Dead has a bad lobby and match-making system, a bad number of campaigns, took them too many time to release something you could already do using the console (Seriously?), besides the fact I mentioned before, with the whole "You can play all the Left 4 Dead campaigns in Left 4 Dead 2, so we can pretend that we're supporting Left 4 Dead, when we are actually supporting the second one". Face it, unless they give us free or give us a discount (by us I mean the guys who bought the first game), we were playing a beta-test, a fun one, but a beta-test. You are not the first one to notice, someone already sent me a PM with the proud discovery of the obvious anagram in my name. And yes, its a very funny, clever and witty name, which automatically means I'm a troll. You know another clever, witty and funny name in this forum? Nintendonut. I guess that automatically means we have a living, breathing Donut with arms and hands. Seriously, though, my name is an anagram to Troll because I'm known as the troll in another forum, and I just thought this name would be funny allied with my honest personality that annoys everyone.
  7. I'm not butthurt, I also have a Nintendo Wii, otherwise I wouldn't be in this forum. But the fact is that I would much rather spent 60 bucks for this if it was on PS3, which is better suited to do a game with this concept in mind. I grew up with Nintendo since I was 10 years old (I'm 23 now), I love Nintendo, I've been playing Nintendo games since like forever, even though I thought that the Gamecube didn't seem as promising as the PS2 and Dreamcast, I bought it first anyways, even though I thought the Wii had bad graphics when compared to the beauty that was PS3 and XBOX360, I waited for it and bought it first, instead of buying a XBOX360 too. I have more games for my Wii than for the PS3 and the XBOX360, only my PC and my N64 has more games than my Nintendo Wii.. I love Nintendo, and in fact, I'm not even like the idiots around the net saying "HURRRRRRRRR, Nintendo only cares about the casuals", because its clear to me that due to their releases, they are going for both sides. I think that makes me a fanboy, even if I think logically about this game. I didn't see 5 screenshots of the game, I've seen 5 concept art pictures, all of them aproach a brown, metal look, something that seems dark and twisted when compared to the classic look of Disney Cartoons (Apart from some exceptions), this concept is way too good for the Nintendo Wii, or rather, not to hurt your feelings, way too different. It would indeed look good, or rather, extremely good. But if the PS3 had that painted background style along with a 2,5D style and its limits put to an extreme, it would be three times better, which is my point that seems to be getting a lot of butthurt comments from the other Nintendo Fanboys. Of course, but if that same game was done in the PC of today with modern graphics and the same gameplay, it would be better, no matter how much you try to twist it. Same thing with Wii and PS3/XBOX360. But of course, I agree that the game would look good anyways. And about your "so what?", so what? Well, I can act like that to: So what about me wanting the game better looking, thus being not an exclusive for the Nintendo Wii? Its not just HD, 2D is not a different style from 3D, almost every single PS3 capability that the Wii doesn't have is able to be put in 2D games too. And I laughed at your "Meh" at HD. Yeah, no big deal, right? Gameplaywise its like the PS3 and the XBOX360, unless its a shooter or something that requires pointing and motions. Visualwise, this game would be a lot better in PS3 or the XBOX360. Agreed ... I don't care if the PS2 can do great things, the only thing I care about is the games I buy. If the game was done in the Gamecube/XBOX instead of the PS2 and made with better graphics, that ALSO pushed the console's limit, then it would be looking better than the PS2 game, thus it would be better overall, because there wouldn't be gameplay changes. Why the hell should I care if it proved that it made the PS2 able to push his limits? The fact is that the Gamecube could get there easily, and if pushing the limits, it would be a lot better. It can, but don't be an extreme fanboy and say that it can surpass what the PS3 can do, please. Its much harder to make a game pretty like Monster Hunter 3 in the Wii than in the XBOX360, for example, which is why we don't see as many developers doing it or doing it on another consoles. Once again, I'm saying that this is wasted potential. ... What? Look, let's not twist what I'm saying, ok? What I said was that the PS3 or the XBox360 would make this game much prettier than it is, specially because it uses the Falloutesque style, which looks much better in the PS3 and the XBOX360 (No discussion there, I assume?). And of course, if you do it that way it might be better consoles out there already, I agree, but that, but the fact is that when this was made, the PS3 and the XBOX360 were also in consideration, for sure. No, the game wasn't conceived as a Wii game, I don't believe the creator of Deus Ex is stupid, its probably a way not to waste much cash.
  8. I bought the damn game. It is a beta-test, we payed for a beta-testing. Now that Left 4 Dead 2 is out, every single thing from Left 4 Dead is there, including the campaigns, add-on campaigns, and it has new things, all for the same price as Left 4 Dead. Unless Valve does a campaign where those with Left 4 Dead pay about 20 Dollars for the new one, we were screwed around. This campaign will also be in Left 4 Dead 2, in the end, they're just pretending they still care about the previous game to shut us up good.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy. Its just that this console is not adapted for such good concepts as these that are involved with this type of art. PS3/PC do a better job at that. No need to be butthurt.
  10. 1) Make Left 4 Dead a beta-test. 2) Announce Left 4 Dead 2. 3) See fanboys understanding the way they tricked them. 4) Say they will make new campaigns. 5) Make a random 30 minute campaign that's unline any other. 6) ??? 7) Try to shut up the fanboys. 8) Fail because it was obviously made to shut them up and the campaign sucks ass. 9) Release Left 4 Dead 2 10) ??? 11) Profit
  11. Probably everyone which the Wii targets too already has a Wii and those who will buy it don't care about the price falling and aren't probably even thinking on that. Nintendo is smart, falling the price won't help them in any way. The only guys who could buy it if the price falls are the "hardcore gamers" that saw some good games for the Wii now and want to buy it, but understand the business well and are waiting for a price drop. However, in the long run, Nintendo would just lose money.
  12. The art looks very good. But if its an exclusive for the Wii, the graphics will be awful. This is a way too good concept for the Wii, should've been in the PS3 or the PC
  13. Why would the Wii need a pricecut? Its not like its expensive...
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