Its great to note that the WiiU has tripled in sales in France. I believe it overtook the Wii that week as well, honestly, something definitely worth applauding.
And don't forget that in the UK the WiiU sales have grown 125% since last week. Maybe HMVs £140 price cut may have had something to do with that. Who knows!
Nintendo being kind to indie devs, on their thriving eshop. News to set the world alight I'm sure.
And what three high scoring games are these? The only ones I see advertised these days are bioshock and tomb raider.
Finally the next gen games engine refers to the fact that it's showing off features that can only be possible on next gen hardware and thus is the reason you'd use it. If you took the cry engine 3 and turned off the dynamic lighting, all the various maps, tesselation, rewrite the framework, you could get it to run on the DS.
No one is going to pay the license for unreal 4 to make WiiU games whe Unreal 3 will suffice. Its not good business.
Look, I know you love Nintendo, but just remember, they're a business, and they haven't been making good decisions lately.