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Everything posted by Naomi

  1. wow? really. I didn't know grammatical errors really mattered in a online world filled with Lol's and Tttyl's
  2. Haven't heard of some of these books...I need to catch up. Well we just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee in class. Even though its mandatory reading I probably would of read it on my own. Loved it to death. Southern Gothic is now one of my favorite genres.
  3. --------Poem I wrote this weekend--------- You sold me for a $50 drink up babe, Enjoy! I know you'll sure as hell try. Then we hide like albinos so we can stare at our parents with red eyes. At least that's what I wanted to do but now you wont reply. Texts from Nohely today : None 80% chance of yearning 0% chance of inspiration (cause I smoked it all away) So we'll make a drum circle to try and give some love. Desperate feat if you ask me, but you didn't... So go ahead and die. Then I can wait for reincarnation, maybe you'll come back as something useful like someone with a mind, or maybe a life.
  4. lol thanks for all the good luck for the date today guys,maybe I'll take pics or something. i'll totally try to get her to join -okay i'll admit i overreacted Murray..sorry about that haha- i understand why people would be skeptical of a lesbian relationship at 14...but honestly it was all innocence and with good intentions x) and um to the 2 that said they wish they were bi....it really isn't all that great. its kinda of like being half black and half white some people in the gay community don't totally accept you because they think your just going through a "phase" and will turn lez or gay eventually and then people outside of the gay community (some ) think your just doing it for a fad or using it to try to get guys Sucks honestly
  5. o.o murray um yeah don't talk of what you dont understand perhaps?
  6. I did not know of this thread! lol guess i should go check it out then... ty
  7. oh thanks for the tip dyson ^_^ and thanks dante lol. good to know i wont have hate here
  8. -I usually don't post personal stuff randomly online but i feel like writing it down and idk it looks like a good idea on here lol- Well I use to date this girl named Elizabeth like 2 years ago -I'm bi yes, no gay hate please- and I was just so stupid and didn't have the strength the keep up with a relationship anymore so I had to break it off for both of our sakes . But recently we've gotten contact again and we both really miss each other so we're going to do on a date together, reconnect , see how it goes you know I have a really masterful plan actually. Like me , she loves opera and all forms of classical music SOOOO I looked online and found out my local theater is playing La Cenerentola (in texas! wtf right?) anyway I'm uber happy! for once woooooo
  9. it means something epic obviously ^_^ paj
  10. lol fo sho.

    since you have such good taste in movies -obviously-

    whats another favorite underground indie you like?

  11. I like snip its of certain songs(most of them being by bright eyes of course) instead of the whole song so I'll post a few i guess. -Bright Eyes- "There's kids playing guns in the street, and ones pointing his tree branch at me. So I put my hands up i said "enough is enough" if you walk away I'll walk away...So he shot me dead. Yeah I've found a liquid cure, to my landlocked blues. Then they'll pass away, like a slow parade. I know I'm leaving but I don't know how soon." "I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a girl who's to sad to give a fuck. Wheres the kids with the chemicals? I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need a meaning I can memorize , the kind I have always seems to slip my mind." "You write such pretty words, but life's no story book. Love is an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt. Do you like to hurt? I do. Then hurt me..." "I want to be the surgeon that cuts you open, fixes all your life mistakes. I want to be that house that you were raised in, the only place that you feel safe. Yeah I want to be the shower in the morning that wakes you up and makes you clean. But I know I'm just the weather against the window as you sleep through a winters dream."
  12. omigosh, your avatar is from A Requiem For A Dream


  13. well if i go by what I've learned in zombie movies i need to find one guy who is the biggest asshole you've ever met. I know it all with glasses. and a man/woman of any minority race(preferably Asian) then dye my hair blonde and i should be fine (as long as i act as the positive one)
  14. the grid thing makes sense. i took these over the summer and wasn't really considering that. i was in the rampage actually to get as much info in one picture as possible, idk why... but it does look better in the corner thanks retro-- er idk 4 sure what it is, well i live in texas and i was just kinda walking down the path to the park and saw it. I made it fuzzy because usually the beautiful and bright colored flower is the clearest and main focus of a picture instead of the greenery, decided to go against the norm
  15. lol nice Hotel California reference. thanks for the welcome, i might not leave for a while o.o still checking out all de forums
  16. good idea. maybe it means i think highly of myself? :/ Lol sorry that was bad but yeah i'll try that
  17. lol i started realizing I haven't done so yet, thanks ^_^ so i posted a few pictures I've taken under the creative section but i know what you mean so its all good
  18. These deff. dont match up to the ones i've seen on here so far but i try
  19. lol takes more then that to scare me off but thanks for the warning Rain and Bluey
  20. mkay then 0.o i think i should be scared
  21. just couldn't stop the tears from coming capatain, your welcome was just so powerful
  22. well geom. is easy for the most part Except the 30:60:90 triangle nonsense. I think it should die...painfully. anyway Who's Nami?
  23. does anyone want to take my geometry test for me today 0.0
  24. er depends which star wars your talking about... the 70's-80's ones or the prelude ones made in the 2000's about what happened before the ones in the 70's personally , I think the idea of the newer ones is pretty clever...besides that its just kinda a boring action flick(s). Okay so the old ones are amazing -of course- they didn't need special effects to make a totally bad ass film um yeah anyway i guess i'm a star wars nerd , whatev lol
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