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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Because it'd kill the person before regeneration can occur. She prevented the Doctor doing it because it'd kill him
  2. Makes her death in S4 even more sad
  3. Totally called it at the start of the season, but hell yeah
  4. Notice the cards are slightly different...
  5. Pokémon Grey? No
  6. Think the PokéBall bit is added by the game based on location of the card Scratch that; Impressions of Pokédex 3D from various news outlets such as GameXplain have started to come out and have elaborated a bit more into the Augmented Reality part of the game. In this bit, you use a special card, apparently different to the standard Augmented Reality cards shipped with the system, to bring the Pokémon into the real life setting. The Pokémon tend to stay stationary but activate attacks if you press the A button to throw an apple at them. You can also overlay various in-built backgrounds for the photographs. We'll bring more as it comes http://www.gamexplain.com/article-443-1307034439-pokedex-3d-hands-on.html
  7. Don't forget the AR stuff, that's what I'm looking forward to most
  8. Actually, it is. For the forseeable future anyway. The developers have said that the prefer to use sprites as they can be more artistic with them and they intend to keep using them
  9. Hope not, that'd be awful
  10. Let me make this clear, you don't trade Pokémon here. As far as I have been made aware, this holds no relation to the main games other than as a resource. You do, however, appear to access new Pokémon through Street Pass.
  11. I can't say how I learned about it or where but It's been a while The Pokémon do move in real time and the Augmented Reality aspects of it are apparently awesome.
  12. This is the thing I've been hinting at for a while. I was surprised it's to be free though
  13. Hard to say, think we'll find out next week but my thought is that it's so they can get what they want without Amy resisting
  14. Don't forget that the harness stuff here is the early version technology, as said by The Doctor. Amy was clearly using a later form of the technology
  15. Did check around some more personal reviews and it seems the consensus is the same, but they say the battery isn't up to scratch. As I need the battery to be up to par and I need a significant amount of data, I've gone with an iPhone deal on 3 with unlimited data, whereas the similar deal for the Galaxy S II cost more. Thankfully, they have a 14 day policy just in case that messes up, in which I'll get the Galaxy S II The S II sure is sexy though
  16. I just checked that and wow. It's making me reconsider getting a Samsung Galaxy S II
  17. Been thinking of getting a new phone, since mine is a piece of shit. I was going to get an iPhone, but the price just makes me sick. So, I'm looking into the Galaxy S II. Is it as good as the reviews are claiming it to be?
  18. Probably during the 3 months between Episode 1 & 2 as she saw the eyepatch lady before she got "kidnapped" by The Silence in the second episode
  19. Not sure I agree with you there. I don't think the arc has lost its way at all, nor is it 2D
  20. We have our new rokhed00 :P
  21. Steven Moffat has indicated that in his head, there are loads of River Song adventures that didn't get screened, including a few with the tenth Doctor, so it's probable that a lot will occur off-screen
  22. I don't see the reason for the hate for River Song. She's a good and intriguing character
  23. That plot though, it doesn't quite fit a decent movie plot...it sounds like a generic episode
  24. Dialing from a very small distance (universally speaking) such as Milky way to Pegasus uses a lot of power. However, Destiny is many galaxies over and there's no way they would have enough power
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